“Composite formations” as a Stylistic Device (Based on the Material of D. I. Rubina’s Novel “Maniac Gurevich”)

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This article is devoted to the analysis of “composite formations” in the text of D. I. Rubina’s novel “Maniac Gurevich”. “Composite formations” are units that are formally similar to compound names or compound words. However, their structure, semantics and functions are different. They cannot be considered compound words due to their difference from the latter in the internal form of the word, as well as a wide range of linguistic units that become components of such “composites”. In addition to nouns, their components can be adjectives, participles, verbs, adverbs, etc. “Composite formations” are characterized by multicomponence, this is characteristic of those units, the lexical and grammatical content of which are nouns and verbs.

The main function of such formations is a stylistic device. In the text of the novel, they help to create a non-linear narrative, to make it the very sequence of pictures from the life of the hero, which the author of the work considers to be the main feature of the composition of the novel. Such constructions are able to convey a situation or event through the prism of the hero’s perception of the actions of objects, their signs, all this merges into a synthesis of sensations and memories in the mind of the character and creates a special perceptual effect for the reader.

It is difficult to determine their linguistic status, when analyzing such formations. The problem arises whether the concept of a word is applicable to them, what are the semantic and grammatical characteristics of this linguistic unit.

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About the authors

Darya M. Dedkovskaya

Irkutsk National Research Technical University

Author for correspondence.
Email: darya_dedkovskay@mail.ru
Russian Federation, Irkutsk


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