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No 2 (2023)

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“Regional Linguobotanical Dictionary with Ethnocultural Data” as a Source for Creating a Galery of Phytoportraits and Fitosketches

Borisova О.G., Litvinenko D.A.


The article demonstrates the possibility to create multidimensional studies: phytosketches and phytoportraits, dedicated to the analysis of plant images on the basis of dictionary entries of “Regional Linguobotanical Dictionary with Ethnocultural Data”, which the author is currently working on. The article introduces a term and elaborates on its distinction from the term phytoportrait, as well as formulates their main parameters. We suggest a phytoportrait model, including the following headings: introduction, dialect names of a plant/tree/shrub in the Kuban dialects, hyper-hyponymic paradigm, dialect phytomorphonyms, etymology (including folk), word-formation nest, figurative potential of a phytonym, use in everyday life, application in medicine, rites and religious festivals, folklore and folk omens, connected to plants. The maximum and minimum number of headings for each genre is indicated. The article shows the expediency of including illustrative material into the phytoportraits and phytosketches, which are either recordings of dialect speakers' live speech, presented by means of low-literate writing, or illustrative examples from ethnographic materials, the orthography of the source being preserved. The article presents one phytosketch “Zinnia” and phytoportrait “Pumpkin”, which describe the realia of the Kuban flora and their dialectal names.
Russkaâ rečʹ. 2023;(2):7-20
pages 7-20 views

Is There a Phenomenon of Colloquial Stress?

Kalenchuk M.L.


The appearance of the facts of spoken phonetics is due to the situation of speech, first of all, the inclination to the informal, non-public, relaxed, routine nature of communication. Is it possible to talk about conversational accents? It is plausible to recognize the presence of the phenomenon of conversational stress only when the same person's speech changes the place of stress in the same words and word forms in case the communication situation changes. There are situations in which the speaker ceases to control their speech fully, and, to a certain extent, relaxes. For instance, any educated person knows that the dictionaries require the pronunciation of balovát’, vkliuchít, zhaliuzí, kúchonnyi, sv’ókla, and the person pronounces it when the quality of their speech is important to them and others. But at other times a person can afford to say bálovat’, vkliúchit, zháliuzi, kuchónnyi, sveklá. A native speaker feels that these options do not contradict the laws of the system and are about to become normative, and allows them in the speech. It appears that many new accentological phenomena are tested in colloquial speech before acquiring the status of a full-fledged norm. It seems that the distribution of such variants is the implementation of the opposition codified - colloquial.
Russkaâ rečʹ. 2023;(2):21-28
pages 21-28 views

Phraseological Units From Orthoepic Point of View: Stress Variation and Norm Change

Korobeynikova T.N.


It is believed that words in phraseological units preserve old variant of stress, which is supported by orthoepic dictionaries. For example, in the phraseological unit voleyu sudeb, the obsolete variant sudéb is recommended instead of the modern. However, the results of the experiment with speakers of standard pronunciation show that many recommendations given by the dictionaries should be changed since some phraseological units contain words with stress variation. The experiment includes 28 phraseological units which were divided into 5 groups: 1) word stress in phraseological units and in free phrases is different in the dictionaries, but the same in the speech; 2) word stress in phraseological units and in free phrases is different in the dictionaries, but the stress in phraseological units varies; 3) dictionaries show word stress variability in free phrases and only one variant in phraseological units, but in speech variability is present in both cases; 4) word stress in phraseological units and in free phrases is different in the dictionaries as is in speech; 5) word forms are typically used in phraseological units, the stress could be influenced by meaning associations. The article contains the analyses of each group.
Russkaâ rečʹ. 2023;(2):29-42
pages 29-42 views

Ya Oru s Tebya (“I Yell of You”): A New Guise of a Well-known Verb

Leontyeva T.V., Shchetinina A.V.


The article is devoted to the emergence of neologisms in the Russian language through semantic derivation. The paper presents the case study of the verb orat’ (to yell), which illustrates the appearance of slang lexical-semantic variants of the word. The verb denoting screaming, crying and swearing in Russian literary language now functions in new meanings: ‘laugh’ and ‘experience indignation’. Constructions with this predicate mark the psychological state of a person (fun, joy, admiration, surprise or indignation), which has features of laughter Ya oru (I yell). The prominent specialty of this case is that the combinability of the verb does not correspond to the literary language norm. It has been established that in phrases formed according to a new control model, the new verb orat’ modifies nouns in the genitive case with the prepositions “s” “of” and “from”, while the genitive has the meaning of reason. A dependent word can be a designation of a person Ya oru s tebya / s druga / s Lekhi (I yell of you / of a friend / of Lyokha). It is noted that the slang verb orat’ began to be widely used around 2016, primarily in written formats of Internet communication, mainly among young people, although it can also be used in oral communication. The study reveals that the verb orat’ is mostly used in 1st person, singular (oru), however, the verb implements a complete inflectional paradigm in speech. The article gives assessment of derivational potential of the jargonism orat’ in the span of 5–6 years of functioning, the slang verb orat' acquired derivatives and became part of fixed expressions: proorat', ornut', orevo, orat' v golosinu.
Russkaâ rečʹ. 2023;(2):43-55
pages 43-55 views

What Has Changed Za Eti Paru Desyatkov Let (‘Over These Two Couples of Decades’) in the Agreement

Marinova E.V.


The research conducted on Russian written texts studies the phenomenon of the mass use of the plural form of attributes in the case of their agreement with the word form para as part of a quantitative-nominal turn with the meaning of an indefinite quantity. This meaning of the word para is realized when combined with dependent words denoting time periods. The author notes the most frequent constructions with various prepositional-nominals forms of the noun para, in which there are fluctuations in the choice of the grammatical number of the attribute. The research material is media and literary texts in Russian. The sources of the research are the National Corpus of the Russian Language and the electronic media bank Integrum (Media Archive service). The reasons for the speaker's preferential choice of the plural form (za eti paru let) instead of the normative singular are primarily linguistic. The effect of the tendency to semantic agreement and the analogy with the type of agreement implemented in the case of semantically similar turns neskol’ko dney, dva-tri dnya that require an attribute in a plural form belong to them. Extralinguistic factors are also important, and one of them is the reproduction of an error in a text repeatedly reprinted in various media. The study also examines the choice of the numerical form of the predicate with the subject para dney (let, etc.), which, as in the case of the attributes, varies. The author interprets the detected anomalies in the form of unexpressed grammatical markers of gender and case, which are clearly not of a singular nature, as a process of lexicalization of a turn with the word para ‘a few’.
Russkaâ rečʹ. 2023;(2):56-69
pages 56-69 views

Blogery Takie Blogery (Bloggers Are Such Bloggers), Or about a New Phraseoscheme in Russian

Maryanchik V.A.


The article is devoted to a comparatively new structure in the language ‘N1 takie N1’ (N1 such N1), actively used in Internet communication. The study is based on the material from the General Internet Corpus of the Russian language. The structure is used mainly in blogs, in hashtags, in community names, that is, in Internet communication, which has a tendency to be excessively expressive and to save language resources. The article discusses structural properties of the phrase, the meaning of its permanent component ‘such’, the synonymy with other tautological constructions, semantics and frequency of nouns in position N1 and semantic and pragmatic features of the construction. The structure is defined as a new psvedvotautological phraseoscheme characterized by reproducibility, idiomaticity and evaluativeness. The phraseoscheme attributes typical, expected features to the subject. The connotative potential of the lexeme (of the noun) is the basis of the evaluative meaning of the structure. It is the connotative meaning of the noun, and not its lexical and grammatical category, that affects the possibility of its using in this phraseoscheme. The specificity of the pragmatic meaning of the phraseoscheme is associated with the subject of evaluation, which forms the tone of the expression (affectionateness, jokiness, irony and mixed shades, for example, tenderness) and the communicative structure of the expression, appropriating the ‘right’ to be evaluated and taking a position of a more significant communicant.
Russkaâ rečʹ. 2023;(2):70-82
pages 70-82 views

“Shchyogol” and “Shchap” in Russian Folklore

Bobunova M.A.


The article describes denominations denoting dandies in Russian folklore. The research is based on texts of Onega epics, historical songs and non-ritual lyrics recorded in different regions of Russia in the 19th century. We complied and analyzed lists of words denominating dandies and fashionistas in different folklore genres based on the lexicographic materials. The article demonstrates that the corpus of the lyrical songs in comparison with the other sources contains the greatest variety of lexemes under analysis, in which the noun shchyogol takes the central place. This word is the head of the expanded word-formation socket, comprising dialectal and specific folklore words. It is illustrated that in the Onega epics a fashionably dressed person is often called Shchap, and dandyism is characteristic of two epic heroes – Churila and Dyuk, who compete with each other. A similar plot connection is typical of historical songs, where lexemes denominating a fashionable person are found exclusively in the 17th century texts about Stenka Razin’s son. The article notes the usage features of the analyzed type of words and identifies the most frequent constructions. The author concludes about the existence of the general genre, intergenre and specific genre features in the usage of vocabulary that names and characterizes dandies in oral folklore art, and outlines prospects for further research.
Russkaâ rečʹ. 2023;(2):83-93
pages 83-93 views

The Image of an Ideal Russian Official Reflected in the Legislative Language and National Culture

Popova L.V.


The article presents how the image of a state and municipal employee, reflected in the Russian legislation of the 18th and 21st centuries has changed over the course of years. The article distinguishes main groups of characteristics in historical and modern images: professional and moral and ethical ones. The image of an official of the 21st century includes the semes ‘educated’, ‘experienced’, ‘diligent’, ‘objective’, ‘law-abiding’, ‘fair’, ‘decent’, ‘honest’, ‘benevolent’, ‘polite’ and ‘caring’. The image of an official in the legislation of Peter the Great and Catherine the Great contains the semes 'experienced', 'intelligent', 'reasonable', 'obedient', 'loyal', 'diligent', 'hard-working', 'law-abiding', 'fair', 'honest' , 'conscientious', 'decent', 'modest', 'philanthropic', 'benevolent', 'compassionate', 'polite' and 'selfless'. In the 21st century a number of professional characteristics of an employee has decreased by four times, whereas the number of moral and ethical characteristics has hardly changed. However, most of the historical nominations have been lost. There is a replacement of the former synonymic rows, hyponymic groups with modern generalizing words, including those of foreign origin, so the old semantic accents have practically not been preserved. The historical image of an employee is more expressive, personally oriented, close to the image of an ordinary respectable person. A modern image of an employee is more abstract and stereotypical. While maintaining a moral and ethical orientation of the reference image of an employee in the 21st century ethno-cultural constants “conscience”, “truth”, “justice”, “goodness” and “obedience” have lost their dominant positions. The purposefulness of speech modeling of the “official portrait” of an employee brings together the 18th and the 21st centuries. The Soviet era can be considered a break in the tradition of building and maintaining the reputation of state and municipal employees.
Russkaâ rečʹ. 2023;(2):94-105
pages 94-105 views

‘Blagorastvoreniye’: Ancient Natural Philosophy in the Church Slavonic Hymnography

Sakharova A.V.


The article analyzes the use of obscure Slavic terms (calcified from the ancient Greek compound words εὐκρασία ‘good mixture’ and εὔκρατος ‘well mixed’, respectively) in Church Slavonic texts. The considered fragments of Church Slavonic texts (primarily taken from modern Church Slavonic worship) with the lexemes under study are compared with their Greek originals (if any are available) and with the Greek dictionaries information. Examples of these ancient Greek lexemes having the same meanings in classical texts are given with the accepted literary translation into Russian or English for comparison. It is clarified how the church texts reflect the meanings of these terms (‘right mixture of the elements in the human body’, ‘moderate, favorable force for a human’, ‘good mixture of heat and cold, i.e. the right temperature’), arising from those that have existed since antiquity natural-philosophical ideas about the nature of the world and man. The article also shows how in the era of wide dissemination of the new ideas about nature and man (the miasmatic theory of diseases) in Russia incomprehensible expressions, such as ‘blagorastvoreniye vozdukhov’ were reinterpreted by listeners who were not skilled in the classical languages, as ‘cleanliness and non-sickness of the air’.
Russkaâ rečʹ. 2023;(2):106-119
pages 106-119 views

On the Poem by Boris Slutsky “They shot Van’ka, the platoon commander…”. Problems of Understanding

Shapiro N.A.


The article is devoted to analysis of a poem written by Boris Slutsky. Boris Abramovich Slutsky (1919–1986), Russian poet and a veteran of the Great Patriotic War, is an important figure in the Russian poetry of the second half of the 20th century. The article examines the poem “They shot Van’ka, the platoon commander…” that was not published until the late 80s. While very simple in form, the poem leaves a great deal of room for interpretation of its content. The author intentionally chooses a restrained tone and avoids judgmental vocabulary that could reveal his attitude towards the depicted events. The article attempts to expose the author’s standpoint by means of stylistic analysis (the poem incudes words and phrases from a wide range of stylistic registers: from obsolete words and bureaucratic formulas to colloquial and vernacular expressions, sometimes even deliberately violating grammatical rules) and by examining the text’s important syntactic features. It is argued that Slutsky’s military background is very important for analysis of his poems. During the war he was a secretary at a division prosecution office, later an investigator. Reflection of this experience that the author himself calls “painful and sordid” can be found in his verses.
Russkaâ rečʹ. 2023;(2):120-127
pages 120-127 views

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