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Том 6, № 3 (2016) Article The dynamics and the structure of indicators of secondary disability as a result of cerebrovascular diseases in elderly people in St. Petersburg for 2005–2014
Том 6, № 4 (2016) Article Lifespan, longevity, and incidence of violent death in writers and poets
Том 6, № 4 (2016) Article Suppression of alternative telomere lengthening in cancer cells with reverse transcriptase inhibitors
Том 6, № 4 (2016) Article Lamin B1 and lamin B2 in human skin in the process of aging
Том 6, № 4 (2016) Article Age-related changes in the structure of lymphoid organs: A review of the literature
Том 6, № 4 (2016) Article Age-related changes in biogenic amine content and oxidative stress profile in rat hypothalamus with hyperhomocysteinemia
Том 6, № 4 (2016) Article Age-related features in expression of calcium-binding proteins in autonomic ganglionic neurons
Том 6, № 4 (2016) Article Neurohumoral changes in rats of different age groups on the background of injection of cryopreserved cord blood nucleated cells
Том 6, № 4 (2016) Article Changes in the hormonal status of cardiovascular and the thyroid systems in rats with 18-month type 2 diabetes mellitus
Том 6, № 4 (2016) Article Geriatric aspects in oncocoloproctology (review)
Том 6, № 4 (2016) Article Luzindole accelerates the aging of estrous function of female rats
Том 6, № 4 (2016) Article The effect of vascular peptide bioregulator on microcirculation in the brain cortex of old rats
Том 6, № 4 (2016) Article Making use of J. Tanner’s scale of sexual dimorphism for assessment of the physical state of older women
Том 6, № 4 (2016) Article System analysis of factors affecting the quality of life of aged people in their use of different forms of social services
Том 6, № 4 (2016) Article Quality of life for men of different ages in the European Russian North and its relationship with self-rated health and hormonal status
Том 6, № 1 (2016) Article Problems of the quality of cause-specific mortality statistics at old ages
Том 6, № 1 (2016) Article The season of birth and mortality based on epidemiological studies of worker mortality
Том 6, № 1 (2016) Article Deterioration of temporal order and circadian disruption with age 2: Systemic mechanisms of aging-related circadian disruption and approaches to its correction
Том 6, № 1 (2016) Article On the expedience and prospects of immortality
Том 6, № 1 (2016) Article Neurocomputational identification of order parameters in gerontology
Том 6, № 1 (2016) Article Telomere length, telomerase activity, stress, and aging
Том 6, № 1 (2016) Article Signaling molecules of the endometrium: Gerontological and general pathological aspects
Том 6, № 1 (2016) Article The type of age-related cataract as a marker of socially significant diseases
Том 6, № 1 (2016) Article Aging-related changes in the blood flow rate and oxygen saturation of the blood in the cerebral cortex of rats
Том 6, № 1 (2016) Article Clinical and pathogenic features of ischemic stroke among representatives of different gender and age groups
Том 6, № 1 (2016) Article Early diagnosis of delirium in elderly patients with acute stroke
Том 6, № 1 (2016) Article Evaluation of pharmacotherapy with perindopril, losartan potassium, and their combination in elderly patients with chronic heart failure
Том 6, № 1 (2016) Article Metformin reduces the signs of sarcopenia in old OXYS rats
Том 6, № 1 (2016) Article The influence of age and the degree of compensation of carbohydrate metabolism on metabolic changes in the blood of female patients with type 2 diabetes
Том 6, № 2 (2016) Article Demographic aspects of population aging in St. Petersburg at the end of the 20th–the beginning of the 21st century. Part I. Conventional measures of population aging
Том 6, № 2 (2016) Article Stochastic simulation model for matching the ages of laboratory animals (mammals) and humans
Том 6, № 2 (2016) Article Discreteness of survival curves. I. Deviations from the Gompertz law in Drosophila melanogaster Canton-S strain
Том 6, № 2 (2016) Article Modern fields of scientific and practical studies in the field of the policy of active and healthy longevity: Experience and perspectives
Том 6, № 2 (2016) Article Physiological aspects of music and longevity
Том 6, № 2 (2016) Article Monoamine oxidase activity in the rat pineal gland: Comparison with brain areas and alteration during aging
Том 6, № 2 (2016) Article Age-related morphological changes in Hassall’s corpuscles of different maturity in vertebrate animals and humans
Том 6, № 2 (2016) Article Characteristics of age-dependent changes in urine proteome in healthy men
Том 6, № 2 (2016) Article Subclinical hypothyroidism in elderly people
Том 6, № 2 (2016) Article Gender-related changes in serum hormone levels in middle- and gerontic-aged inhabitants of Arkhangelsk
Том 6, № 2 (2016) Article Age- and sex-related differences in the lipid profile and stress response in human aging
Том 6, № 2 (2016) Article Musculoskeletal system as a target organ of frailty processes
Том 6, № 2 (2016) Article Features of memory and intellectual activity among the elderly with different reading productivity
Том 6, № 2 (2016) Article Age-related changes of angiomotin and endostatin content in human skin
Том 6, № 2 (2016) Article Comparative assessment of aging rates in population from different cities
Том 6, № 3 (2016) Article Reasons for space gerontology: The impact of the motion of the Earth and Moon on the human environmental indicators
Том 6, № 3 (2016) Article The gravitational field of the Earth: Geophysical factor of gerontology (Vorobeichikov effect)
Том 6, № 3 (2016) Article On the discontinuous character of annuity curves. Communication 2. Analysis of the variability of annuity curve shape in Drosophila melanogaster of the Canton-S line
Том 6, № 3 (2016) Article Chaotic dynamics of cardio intervals in three age groups of indigenous and nonindigenous populations of Ugra
Том 6, № 3 (2016) Article Gene polymorphism and levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines in plasma and synovial fluid of patients with posttraumatic knee osteoarthritis
Том 6, № 3 (2016) Article Comparison of morphofunctional features of the ventral hippocampus in adult and old rats after combined stress
Том 6, № 3 (2016) Article Disulfiram inhibits cataract development in OXYS rats
Том 6, № 3 (2016) Article Association of renal function, telomere length, and markers of chronic inflammation in patients without chronic kidney and cardiovascular diseases
Том 6, № 3 (2016) Article Association of aging-related obesity and metabolic syndrome in men
Том 6, № 3 (2016) Article Cardioprotective effect of a new glutamic acid derivative, glufimet, under conditions of acute immobilization and painful stress in animals of different ages
Том 6, № 3 (2016) Article Optimization of reparative osteogenesis in the jaw in aging (preclinical studies)
Том 6, № 3 (2016) Article Attitude toward elderly people in everyday life: Conceptual outlines of the explanation model
Том 6, № 3 (2016) Article Diagnosis of disorders of the emotional sphere in older persons
Том 7, № 1 (2017) Article Glycation, antiglycation, and deglycation: Their role in aging mechanisms and geroprotective effects (literature review)
Том 7, № 1 (2017) Article The role of circadian rhythms and the “cellular clock” in age-associated diseases
Том 7, № 1 (2017) Article Molecular mechanisms of cell death in retina during development of age-related macular degeneration
Том 7, № 1 (2017) Article The contribution of stress and its mediators to the ontopathogeny of infections: a focus on the interactions of cytokines and glucocorticoids
Том 7, № 1 (2017) Article On the discontinuous character of annuity curves. III. Two forms of viability variation in Drosophila melanogaster
Том 7, № 1 (2017) Article The features of lymph-node reaction to tissue damage in the lymph-drainage area in elderly rats
Том 7, № 1 (2017) Article Young and old rats have different strategies of metabolic adaptation to Cu-induced liver fibrosis
Том 7, № 1 (2017) Article Age-related changes in microcirculation in the cortex of hypertonic rats
Том 7, № 1 (2017) Article An endogenous decline in the homeostatic characteristics of two supraorganismal systems from the standpoint of the parametabolic theory of aging
Том 7, № 1 (2017) Article Lamin A and lamin-associated polypeptide 2 (LAP-2) in human skin fibroblasts in the process of aging
Том 7, № 1 (2017) Article Mast cells and aging
Том 7, № 1 (2017) Article Comparative analysis of different geroprotective methods
Том 7, № 1 (2017) Article Arterial stiffness in the light of thromboembolic complications in elderly patients with atrial fibrillation
Том 7, № 1 (2017) Article Morphological features of structural organization of the cerebellum cortex in old age
Том 7, № 1 (2017) Article Comparative organometric characteristic of the cerebellum of the young and old age
Том 7, № 2 (2017) Article Leukocyte telomere length as an aging marker and risk factor for human age-related diseases
Том 7, № 2 (2017) Article The role of Alu polymorphism of PLAT, PKHD1L1, STK38L, and TEAD1 genes in development of a longevity trait
Том 7, № 2 (2017) Article Transcription factor p53 and skin aging
Том 7, № 2 (2017) Article The telomere-telomerase system and mental processes in aging, norm and pathology (Literature review)
Том 7, № 2 (2017) Article Metabolic and hormonal indices in rats with a prolonged model of the metabolic syndrome induced by a high-carbohydrate and high-fat diet
Том 7, № 2 (2017) Article The battery of tests for experimental behavioral phenotyping of aging animals
Том 7, № 2 (2017) Article Age features peripheral erythron rats and its status with experimental cardiosclerosis
Том 7, № 2 (2017) Article Recent medical techniques for peripheral nerve repair: Clinico-physiological advantages of artificial nerve guidance conduits
Том 7, № 2 (2017) Article Age-related peculiarities of cytogenetic consequences of spring–summer tick-borne encephalitis among residents of northwestern Siberia due to polymorphism of glutathione S-transferase genes
Том 7, № 2 (2017) Article Compensatory rearrangements in the cortical control of movement in elderly patients with chronic cerebral ischemia
Том 7, № 2 (2017) Article Oxidative DNA damage in the pathogenesis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in older patients
Том 7, № 2 (2017) Article The use of speech audiometry in the practice of the geriatric center
Том 7, № 2 (2017) Article Recovery of the shape of vertebral bodies under transpedicular fixation in osteoporotic vertebral fractures
Том 7, № 3 (2017) Article Aging of dogs and Drosophila as described based on the kinetic theory
Том 7, № 3 (2017) Article Endocrinology of cancer and age: Early and late developmental stages
Том 7, № 3 (2017) Article Role of ceramide in the aging-related decrease of cardiolipin content in the rat heart
Том 7, № 3 (2017) Article Model of ontogenetic variability of the functional state of the organism in different regimes of motor activity
Том 7, № 3 (2017) Article Emotional burnout syndrome in elderly women–physicians
Том 7, № 3 (2017) Article Adaptation to intermittent hypoxia-hyperoxia improves cognitive performance and exercise tolerance in the elderly
Том 7, № 3 (2017) Article Content of proinflammatory cytokines, peroxiredoxin-1, and activity of glutathione peroxidase in blood plasma of coronary artery disease patients after coronary artery bypass grafting
Том 7, № 3 (2017) Article Melatonin as a marker of severity of cardiac disorders in developing cachexia syndrome among cancer patients of different age groups
Том 7, № 3 (2017) Article Study into ratios of mineral metabolism in patients of different age groups suffering from osteoarthritis of the knee
Том 7, № 3 (2017) Article Characteristics of the cognitive evoked potentials in elderly people with cognitive decline
Том 7, № 3 (2017) Article Indicators of comorbidity in chronic broncho-obstructive pathology
Том 7, № 3 (2017) Article Analysis of catamnesis of combatants–pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs with mental disorders
Том 7, № 3 (2017) Article Archaic stereotypes and modern approaches in understanding of aging
Том 7, № 4 (2017) Article On the Discontinuity of Annuity Curves in Drosophila melanogaster Wild Type Strain Canton-S. IV. The Effect of Rearing at Low Temperature during the Early Imaginal Stage
Том 7, № 4 (2017) Article Age-Related Dynamics of the Main Extracellular Matrix Components in Residents of the Russian Arctic
Том 7, № 4 (2017) Article Age-Related Aspects of the Involvement of Heat Shock Proteins in the Pathogenesis of Osteoarthritis
Том 7, № 4 (2017) Article Neurochemical Features of Metasympathetic System Ganglia in the Course of Ontogenesis
Том 7, № 4 (2017) Article Prediction of Life Expectancy in Prostate Cancer Patients Based on the Kinetic Theory of the Aging of Living Systems
Том 7, № 4 (2017) Article Age-Related Changes in the Expression of Lamin B Receptors in Human Dermal Fibroblasts
Том 7, № 4 (2017) Article Age-Related Changes in the Content of Sirtuin 1 in Human Dermal Fibroblasts
Том 7, № 4 (2017) Article Age Aspects of the Muscular-Tonic and Urological Syndromes in Men with Disorders of the Pelvic Functions: the Features of Clinic, Diagnostics, and Treatment
Том 7, № 4 (2017) Article Interrelation of Biological Aging Rates with Neurophysiological Features in Patients with Occupational Neurointoxications
Том 7, № 4 (2017) Article Pineamin Increases Melatonin Synthesis in Pineal Gland of Elderly People
Том 7, № 4 (2017) Article Detection of the Troponin I Level by a Highly Sensitive Method in Three Age Groups of a Healthy Population
Том 7, № 4 (2017) Article Patterns of Vertebral Pain Syndromes in Women of Older Age Groups Depending on Duration of Postmenopausal Period and Bone Mineral Density Score
Том 7, № 4 (2017) Article Donor Age Affects Behavior and Sensibility of Bone Marrow Cells to Copper Ions in Primary Culture
Том 8, № 3 (2018) Article Disability in Elderly People due to Hypertensive Disease in the Russian Federation
Том 8, № 3 (2018) Article Multimorbidity of Elderly Individuals in Urban and Rural Areas of the Nizhny Novgorod Region
Том 8, № 3 (2018) Article Age-Associated Pathology and the Place of Geriatrics as a Medical Specialty (Reflections of a Clinician)
Том 8, № 3 (2018) Article Reflections of a Geriatrician or Polemical Remarks on the Paper by V.S. Myakotnykh “Age-Associated Pathology and the Place of Geriatrics as a Medical Specialty (Reflections of a Clinician)”
Том 8, № 3 (2018) Article Comments on the Paper by V.S. Myakotnykh “Age-Associated Pathology and the Place of Geriatrics as a Medical Specialty (Reflections of a Clinician)”
Том 8, № 3 (2018) Article Russia Needs the Development of Geriatrics: On the Paper by V.S. Myakоtnykh “Age-Associated Pathology and the Place of Geriatrics as a Medical Specialty (Reflections of a Clinician)”
Том 8, № 3 (2018) Article Epigenetic Hypothesis of the Role of Peptides in Aging
Том 8, № 3 (2018) Article Age-Dependent Hormones Levels of the Pituitary–Gonadal and Pituitary–Thyroid Systems in Postmenopausal Women of the European North of the Russian Federation
Том 8, № 3 (2018) Article Thyroid Hormone Receptors in Human Skin during Aging
Том 8, № 3 (2018) Article Influence of Bone Marrow Autotransplantation on the Neurotransmitter Structures of appendix vermiformis in Old Rats
Том 8, № 3 (2018) Article Effect of Metformin on Metabolic Parameters and Hypothalamic Signaling Systems in Rats with Obesity Induced by a High-Carbohydrate and High-Fat Diet
Том 8, № 3 (2018) Article Molecular Aspects of the Geroprotective Effect of Peptide KE in Human Skin Fibroblasts
Том 8, № 3 (2018) Article Age-Related Peculiarities of Cytogenetic Disorders in Synovial Cells of Knee Joints in Northern Siberian Residents with Arthritis of Various Etiologies due to Polymorphism of the Glutathione S-Transferase Gene GSTM1
Том 8, № 3 (2018) Article The Study of Disease Duration as a Risk Factor for the Development of Hospitalism in Elderly Psychiatric Patients
Том 8, № 3 (2018) Article Psychophysiological Monitoring of the State of the Organism in Elderly Female Teachers
Том 8, № 3 (2018) Article Resources of Individual Psychological Security with Respect to the Employment Status of a Pensioner
Том 8, № 4 (2018) Article Contribution of Senior Age Groups to Changes in Life Expectancy Indicators for Russia’s Megalopolises (Moscow and St. Petersburg)
Том 8, № 4 (2018) Article Possible Approaches to Increase the Longevity of Experimental Animals
Том 8, № 4 (2018) Article Regression of Survivability Variance on the Cohort Age in Drosophila melanogaster. I. Survivability: Reaction Norm and Its Inheritance
Том 8, № 4 (2018) Article Young and Old Animals Use Different Strategies for Forming an Immune Response to Infectious Agents (Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli)
Том 8, № 4 (2018) Article The Effect of Cryopreserved Cord Blood Nucleated Cells on Pathological Processes in the Progressive Aging of the Brain (Experimental Study)
Том 8, № 4 (2018) Article Age-Related Structural Changes in Primary Visual Cortex Cells of Rats under High-Intensity Light Exposure
Том 8, № 4 (2018) Article Study of Age-Related Changes in Compensatory Processes in the Model of Neurodegeneration of the Nigrostriatal System in Rats
Том 8, № 4 (2018) Article The Elemental Status of Senior Residents in Petrozavodsk
Том 8, № 4 (2018) Article Lipofuscin and Mitolipofuscin in the Organs of Young and Adult Rats
Том 8, № 4 (2018) Article Histometric Symptoms of Age-Sensitive Changes of Bone Tissue
Том 8, № 4 (2018) Article Circadian Rhythms of Antioxidant Enzyme’s Activity in Young and Adult Rats under Light Deprivation Conditions
Том 8, № 4 (2018) Article Age-Related Dynamics of the Content of Matrix Metalloproteinases (MMP-1, -2, -3, and -9) and Tissue Inhibitors of Matrix Metalloproteinases (TIMP-1, -2, and -4) in Blood Plasma of Residents of the European Part of Russia’s Arctic Zone
Том 8, № 4 (2018) Article Correlations of the Parameters of Carbohydrate Metabolism and Saturated Fatty Acids in the Blood Serum of Elderly People
Том 8, № 4 (2018) Article Predictors of One-Year Outcomes after Percutaneous Coronary Interventions in Octogenarian Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome
Том 8, № 4 (2018) Article The Use of Natural Platelet Autoplasma and Its Thermally Processed Modifications for Correction of Age-Related Changes of Skin
Том 8, № 1 (2018) Article A New Stage of Development of Gerontology and Geriatrics in Russia: Problems in Creation of a Geriatric-Care System. Part 2. Structure of the System and a Scientific Approach
Том 8, № 1 (2018) Article Aging of the Population in Kazakhstan. 1. Problems and Opportunities
Том 8, № 1 (2018) Article The Effect of Light Deprivation and Luzindole on the Ovulatory Function in Rats
Том 8, № 1 (2018) Article The Cognitive Cytokine Effect of Nonsteroidal Antiinflammatory Drugs in the Treatment of Elderly Patients with Osteoarthritis
Том 8, № 1 (2018) Article Community-Acquired Bacterial Pneumonia and Comorbidity in Elderly Patients
Том 8, № 1 (2018) Article Is It Possible to Rejuvenate the Aging Global Civilization?
Том 8, № 1 (2018) Article Age-Related Dynamics of Cognitive Functions in Persons Aged 50–85 Years
Том 8, № 1 (2018) Article Epidemiological, Clinical, and Pathogenic Features of Stroke at Elderly and Very Elderly Age
Том 8, № 1 (2018) Article Gender-Specific Manifestations of Daily Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior in Elderly Residents of Surgut
Том 8, № 1 (2018) Article A Model of Social Exclusion of Elderly People in Siberian Regions
Том 8, № 1 (2018) Article The Advisability of Neoadjuvant Chemoradiotherapy of Rectal Cancer in Geriatric Patients
Том 8, № 1 (2018) Article Attitudes towards Aging Prevention: Results of a Focus-Group Study
Том 8, № 2 (2018) Article The Elderly and the State: Specifics of the Relationship in Contemporary Russia on the Example of the Elderly in St. Petersburg
Том 8, № 2 (2018) Article High Life Expectancy of Muscovites Over Age 80: Reality or a Statistical Artifact?
Том 8, № 2 (2018) Article Demographic Aspects of Population Ageing in Saint-Petersburg at the End of 20th–The Beginning of 21st Century. Part II. Prospective Ageing Measures
Том 8, № 2 (2018) Article Age-Related Cancer Risks (Analytical Indicators of Registration and Early Diagnosis)
Том 8, № 2 (2018) Article Molecular Markers of Early Diagnosis of Alzheimer Disease: Prospects for Research in Peripheral Tissues
Том 8, № 2 (2018) Article Is Aging a Disease?
Том 8, № 2 (2018) Article Is Aging a Disease? Biodemographers’ Point of View
Том 8, № 2 (2018) Article Is Aging a Disease? A Geneticist’s Point of View
Том 8, № 2 (2018) Article Is Aging a Disease? A Biogerontologist’s Point of View: Senescence ≠ Disease
Том 8, № 2 (2018) Article Is Aging a Disease? A Geriatrician’s Point of View
Том 8, № 2 (2018) Article Aging-Associated Changes in the Reproductive Function of Drosophila melanogaster Offspring
Том 8, № 2 (2018) Article Coadministration of Intranasally Delivered Insulin and Proinsulin C-Peptide to Rats with Types 1 and 2 Diabetes Mellitus Restores Their Metabolic Parameters
Том 8, № 2 (2018) Article Age-Related Changes in Serine-Arginine Protein Kinase 1 (SRPK1) Content in the Human Dermis
Том 8, № 2 (2018) Article Age-Related Changes in Water Transport by Corneal Endothelial Cells in Rats
Том 8, № 2 (2018) Article Functional Cumulation of the Influence of Vascular Peptide Bioregulator on Microcirculation in the Brain Cortex of Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats
Том 8, № 2 (2018) Article Blue Death of Nematodes
Том 9, № 1 (2019) Article Why and How Do We Age? A Single Answer to Two Questions
Том 9, № 1 (2019) Article Society for All Ages: Are There Any Prerequisites for its Formation in Russia?
Том 9, № 1 (2019) Article Effect of Anthropo-Technogenic Load on Medico-Social Aspects of Primary Morbidity and Disability of Population
Том 9, № 1 (2019) Article Dynamics and Structure of Primary Disability in Retirement-Age Citizens Applying to the Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise of St. Petersburg in 2006–2017
Том 9, № 1 (2019) Article Comparative Analysis of Indicators of Disability Due to Malignant New Growths in the Elderly
Том 9, № 1 (2019) Article Social Security of Aging: Problem Statement
Том 9, № 1 (2019) Article On the Correlation of Guarantees to Ensure the Labor Rights of the Elderly in Russia and Europe
Том 9, № 1 (2019) Article Protection of the Rights of Disabled People to Access Medicines
Том 9, № 1 (2019) Article Mast Cells of the Human Pineal Gland
Том 9, № 1 (2019) Article Melatonin and the Aging Process in Men in the European Part of the Arctic Zone of Russia
Том 9, № 1 (2019) Article The Influence of Peptides on the Morphofunctional State of Kidneys in Old Rats
Том 9, № 1 (2019) Article The Influence of Metformin on Age-Related Changes in the Number and Proliferation of Dermal Fibroblasts in Mice
Том 9, № 1 (2019) Article Ontogenetic Characteristics of Patients with Erectile Dysfunction with Different Types of Aging
Том 9, № 1 (2019) Article Effect of Personal History of Athletic Activity on the Clinical Course of Cardiovascular Diseases in Former Athletes
Том 9, № 1 (2019) Article Study of Therapeutic Physical Exercise Impact on the Functional Status of Elderly Women
Том 9, № 1 (2019) Article The Main Diseases and Syndromes Identified in Elderly and Senile Patients Hospitalized at Inpatient Clinics of Different Specialties
Том 9, № 1 (2019) Article Structure and Cytoarchitectonics of Lymphoid Tissue in Appendiсes of Elderly and Senile People
Том 9, № 2 (2019) Article Where Does the Preston Curve Lead Us?
Том 9, № 2 (2019) Article Regression of Survival Variance on Cohort Age in Drosophila melanogaster. II. Impact of Geroprotective Effects
Том 9, № 2 (2019) Article Seasonal Dynamics of Physiological Parameters in Elderly Men Living in the European North of Russia
Том 9, № 2 (2019) Article The Role of Constant Light Exposure in Various Periods of Postnatal Ontogenesis in the Development of Pathology and Mortality in Male Rats
Том 9, № 2 (2019) Article Correlation between the Melatonin Level and Indicators of Aging and Fibrosis in Men in the European Part of the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation
Том 9, № 2 (2019) Article Prospects for the Use of Genome-Editing Technology to Correct Neurodegenerative Diseases
Том 9, № 2 (2019) Article Parkinson’s Disease and Aging
Том 9, № 2 (2019) Article Neurochemical and Morphological Changes in the Microstructures of the Compact Part of the Substantia Nigra of the Human Brain in Aging and Parkinson’s Disease (Literature Review)
Том 9, № 2 (2019) Article Decrease in the Basal and Luteinizing Hormone Receptor Agonist–Stimulated Testosterone Production in Aging Male Rats
Том 9, № 2 (2019) Article Effect of Tryptophan and Kynurenine on Cell Proliferation in Tissue Culture of the Cerebral Cortex in Young and Old Rats
Том 9, № 2 (2019) Article Stimulation of Cognitive Abilities in Aged Macaques via Moderate Hypobaric Hypoxia
Том 9, № 2 (2019) Article Disadaptive Disorders of Regulation of Functions with Aging
Том 9, № 2 (2019) Article Study on the Mental and Emotional Status in Senior Patients with Confirmed Cancer Diagnosis
Том 9, № 2 (2019) Article Prospects in the Search for Peptides for Specific Regulation of Aging
Том 9, № 2 (2019) Article Quality of Life and Physical Activity among Elderly and Old People
Том 9, № 2 (2019) Article Taxonomic and Ethnical Dispersion of the Phenomenon of Pineal Concretions in the Gerontological Context
Том 9, № 2 (2019) Article Impact of the Transplantation of Multipotent Mesenchymal Stromal Cells after Liver Resection on Blood Biochemical Parameters in Mature and Old Laboratory Animals
Том 9, № 2 (2019) Article Age-Related Changes in Sympathetic Innervation of the Stomach in Rats
Том 9, № 2 (2019) Article The Effects of Cloudberry Fruit Extract on Drosophila melanogaster Lifespan and Stress Resistance
Том 9, № 2 (2019) Article Prospects of the Application of Buccal Epithelium for Noninvasive Diagnosis of Coronary Heart Disease in People of Different Ages
Том 9, № 3 (2019) Article Transforming Growth Factor-β (TGF-β) in Human Skin during Aging
Том 9, № 3 (2019) Article Age-Related Changes in the Functional Indices of Cardiac Mitochondria in Chronic Alcohol Intoxication in Rats
Том 9, № 3 (2019) Article Changes in the Activity of Glutathione Peroxidase in the Blood Plasma and Serum of Rats during Postnatal Development and Aging
Том 9, № 3 (2019) Article Induced Liver Fibrosis Is Accompanied in Young and Old Animals by Age-Dependent Changes in Bone Marrow Cells
Том 9, № 3 (2019) Article Transformation of Erythrocytes in Rats of Different Ages
Том 9, № 3 (2019) Article Morphochemical Changes in the Human Striatum in Aging
Том 9, № 3 (2019) Article Kinetic Model of Aging Biological Species in Natural Habitat
Том 9, № 3 (2019) Article Gender Specificity of the Effect of Neonatal Melatonin Administration on Lifespan and Age-Associated Pathology in 129/Sv Mice
Том 9, № 3 (2019) Article Dose-Dependent Mechanisms of Melatonin on the Functioning of the Cardiovascular System and on the Behavior of Normotensive Rats of Different Ages
Том 9, № 3 (2019) Article The Effect of Different Types of Bariatric Surgery on Metabolic and Hormonal Parameters in Rats with a Decompensated Form of Type II Diabetes Mellitus
Том 9, № 3 (2019) Article Medical Rehabilitation System for Senior Patients with Severe Craniocerebral Injury in the Megalopolis
Том 9, № 3 (2019) Article Prevalence and Intensity of Smoking in Older Patients with Coronary Heart Disease Living in the Extreme North
Том 9, № 3 (2019) Article Analysis of Indicators of Primary and Repeated Disability due to Eye Diseases in People of Retirement Age in the Russian Federation and in Moscow
Том 9, № 3 (2019) Article Features of the Formation of Disability due to Coronary Heart Disease in People of Retirement Age in the Russian Federation in the Period 2006–2017
Том 9, № 3 (2019) Article Motivational Inductors of Behavior as Reserves of Successful Aging
Том 9, № 3 (2019) Article Social Deprivation of Persons Older Than Working Age in Terms of Causes of Death Which Require Forensic Medical Examination
Том 9, № 3 (2019) Article Family Care as a Tool for Mitigating the Social Risks of the Elderly People in Remote Areas
Том 9, № 4 (2019) Article Regularities in the Dynamics of Age-Specific Indicators of Mortality from Malignant Neoplasms in Russian Population
Том 9, № 4 (2019) Article Features of Endocrine Function of the Pancreas with Aging in Nonhuman Primates with Various Types of Adaptive Behavior
Том 9, № 4 (2019) Article Comparative Analysis of Experimental Data on the Effects of Different Polyphenols on Lifespan and Aging
Том 9, № 4 (2019) Article Absence of Photoperiodism and Digestive Enzymes in Rats: The Role of Age and the Endogenous Melatonin Level
Том 9, № 4 (2019) Article Role of the Mechanosensitive Protein Piezo1 in Age-Dependent Changes in the Number of Fibroblasts and Blood Vessels in Human Skin
Том 9, № 4 (2019) Article Molecular Mechanisms of Aging: The Role of Oxidative Stress and Epigenetic Modifications
Том 9, № 4 (2019) Article Role of Myeloperoxidase, Paraoxonase, and Nitric Oxide System in the Blood and Pericardial Fluid of Patients with Ischemic Heart Disease after Direct Myocardial Revascularization
Том 9, № 4 (2019) Article Factors Associated with Vitamin D Levels in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in Combination with Renal Dysfunction
Том 9, № 4 (2019) Article Diagnosis and Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease in Elderly and Senile Age
Том 9, № 4 (2019) Article Phytopharmacological Correction of Functional State, Hormonal Status, and Memory Performance in Patients of Different Ages with Organic Changes in Brain Vasculature
Том 9, № 4 (2019) Article Adaptation to Dosed Hypoxia-Hyperoxia as a Factor in the Improvement of Quality of Life for Elderly Patients with Cardiac Pathology
Том 9, № 4 (2019) Article Hearing Loss in Adults in Older Age Groups
Том 9, № 4 (2019) Article Problems in the Diagnostics and Treatment of Transtiretinum Amyloidosis with Heart Disease in the Elderly: Clinical Experience
Том 9, № 4 (2019) Article Biopsychosocial Model of Activating Care for Elderly and Senile Individuals at Home
Том 9, № 4 (2019) Article Current Issues of the Rehabilitation of Disabled Elderly and Senile Persons with Limb Loss due to Obliterative Arterial Disease
Том 9, № 4 (2019) Article Senior Tourism: Understanding the Essence and Practice of Organization

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