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Vol 7, No 1 (2017)


Glycation, antiglycation, and deglycation: Their role in aging mechanisms and geroprotective effects (literature review)

Emel’yanov V.V.


The biochemistry of glycation and its role in the disruption of cell metabolism and development of age-related pathologies have been reviewed in this manuscript based on literature data published, for the most part, in the last 5 years. The effects of antiglycation and deglycation actions of endogenous enzymes, as well as of exogenous chemical compounds of natural and synthetic nature on the process of aging, were evaluated.

Advances in Gerontology. 2017;7(1):1-9
pages 1-9 views

The role of circadian rhythms and the “cellular clock” in age-associated diseases

Panchenko A.V., Gubareva E.A., Anisimov V.N.


Circadian oscillations are characteristic of almost all processes in living organisms. Disturbances in circadian rhythms may constitute either a cause or a consequence of different diseases. The article analyzes literature data on the role of changes in the circadian rhythms and the expression of clock genes in the development of neurodegenerative and cardiovascular diseases, metabolic syndrome, and type 2 diabetes mellitus in human beings and animals.

Advances in Gerontology. 2017;7(1):10-16
pages 10-16 views

Molecular mechanisms of cell death in retina during development of age-related macular degeneration

Telegina D.V., Kozhevnikova O.S., Kolosova N.G.


Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a chronic progressive disease characterized by damage to the central retina zone. Changes in choriocapillaries, retinal pigment epithelium (RPE), and Bruch’s membrane (typical for aging) underlie AMD pathogenesis; however, the mechanisms launching the transfer of typical age-related changes in the pathological process are unknown. The death of photoreceptors and irreversible loss of vision become the results of pathological changes in RPE and choroid. In spite of intensive studies of AMD pathogenesis, information on molecular genetic preconditions of the events leading to the death of photoreceptors (as well as about the pathways of their death) is extremely limited; this complicates the search for efficient methods of AMD treatment (first of all, the most widely spread atrophic (“dry”) form of the disease). Recent studies demonstrated that not only apoptotic but also autophagic and necrotic signaling cascades are involved in the cellular death of retinal cells. The published data on three main forms of the programmed cell death (apoptosis, necrosis, and autophagy) and their role in AMD pathogenesis are summarized in the present review.

Advances in Gerontology. 2017;7(1):17-24
pages 17-24 views

The contribution of stress and its mediators to the ontopathogeny of infections: a focus on the interactions of cytokines and glucocorticoids

Goudochnikov V.I.


The present work is a bibliographical review of the participation of glucocorticoids, cytokines, and other bioregulators of stress in the ontogeny of the immune system and in the pathogeny of infections. In addition, the age-related dynamics of and gender differences in morbidity and mortality caused by three infectious diseases (AIDS, pulmonary tuberculosis and sepsis) were evaluated in southern Brazilian states during three chronological periods. The results obtained indicate the need to pay more attention to the subclinical role played by infectious agents in the etiopathogeny of other chronic degenerative age-related disorders.

Advances in Gerontology. 2017;7(1):25-28
pages 25-28 views

On the discontinuous character of annuity curves. III. Two forms of viability variation in Drosophila melanogaster

Bychkovskaia I.B., Mylnikov S.V., Mozhaev G.A.


The validity of the two-component structure of annuity curves in Drosophila melanogaster (line Canton-S) observed in our previous studies has been confirmed. The structure is formed by a combination of a stable five-phase pattern and the variability of phase duration (the latter determines the variability of insect viability). Both the stable and the variable component were preserved over 60 generations of flies. The unconventional type of variability addressed in the present study exists along with the well-known type of variability related to the stochastic variation of the annuity curves. The variance of viability that characterizes the reaction norm remains unchanged in a series of generations as well. Thus, both types of variability can be classified as genetically determined phenomena.

Advances in Gerontology. 2017;7(1):29-34
pages 29-34 views

The features of lymph-node reaction to tissue damage in the lymph-drainage area in elderly rats

Maiborodin I.V., Agzaev M.K., Ragimova T.M., Maiborodina V.I.


Light microscopy has been used to study the reaction of submandibular lymph nodes (LNs) to surgical damage to the tissues of the maxillofacial region in elderly rats. Connective tissue was more abundant in the LNs of elderly rats than in those of mature animals, regardless of the time of observation (even before surgery). Moreover, the duration of the changes of the volume of the cortical plateau was increased in the old rats, whereas the duration of the changes in paracortex and lymphoid nodules devoid of germinal centers was reduced. The distinctive cytoarchitectonic features included a significant reduction of the number of lymphocytes, mitotic figures, and immuno- and plasmablasts concomitant with the elevation of the number of macrophages, cellular elements that showed signs of destruction, reticulocytes, and red blood cells.

Advances in Gerontology. 2017;7(1):35-40
pages 35-40 views

Young and old rats have different strategies of metabolic adaptation to Cu-induced liver fibrosis

Bozhkov A.I., Nikitchenko Y.V., Klimova E.M., Linkevych O.S., Lebid K.M., Al-Bahadli A.M., Alsardia M.M.


We investigated the role of pro- and antioxidant and immune systems in age-related adaptive reactions to chronic exposure to toxicants (copper ions). For this purpose, we administered multiple doses of copper sulfate to younger and older rats in order to induce liver fibrosis and then measured the parameters of proand antioxidant and immune systems and physiological indices. It was found that Cu-induced liver fibrosis was accompanied by oxidative stress and a significant reduction in cell-mediated immune activity. If oxidative stress was eliminated by the administration of exogenous antioxidants (mix factor), the physical capacity, body weight, and content of red blood cells in rats with fibrosis was recovered. The parameters of cell-mediated immune response recovered more effectively in older animals than in younger ones. The metabolic strategies of adaptation to toxic exposure were different in younger and older animals.

Advances in Gerontology. 2017;7(1):41-50
pages 41-50 views

Age-related changes in microcirculation in the cortex of hypertonic rats

Sokolova I.B., Sergeev I.V., Fedotova O.R., Melnikova N.N., Dvoretsky D.P.


We have studied the density of the microvascular system of the pia matter and perfusion and oxygen saturation of the sensorimotor cortex in hypertonic rats of different ages. We have found that the density of the microvascular system did not decrease, but increased, with age. The perfusion of the cortex decreased, and oxygen saturation of brain tissues increased. By the age of 12 months, the exploratory behavior of rats in an open-field test worsened significantly by all parameters.

Advances in Gerontology. 2017;7(1):51-55
pages 51-55 views

An endogenous decline in the homeostatic characteristics of two supraorganismal systems from the standpoint of the parametabolic theory of aging

Makrushin A.V., Aladin N.V.


An endogenous decline in the homeostatic characteristics of supraorganismal systems is similar to individual aging. The similarity lies in the fact that this decline, as well as individual aging, is caused by negative consequences of specialization of individual elements constituting the system. These consequences in supraorganismal systems are analogous to the parametabolic processes of an aging individual.

Advances in Gerontology. 2017;7(1):56-59
pages 56-59 views

Lamin A and lamin-associated polypeptide 2 (LAP-2) in human skin fibroblasts in the process of aging

Golubtsova N.N., Filippov F.N., Gunin A.G.


Mutations of lamin genes lead to diseases, one of which is progeria. This disease is caused by violation of splicing of lamin A gene and accumulation of farnesylated prelamin A (progerin) in the nucleus. LAP-2 is an important factor that regulates and stabilizes the nucleoplasmic pool of lamin A. However, roles of lamin A and LAP-2 in renewal regulation of the population of fibroblasts in the human dermis in different age periods still have not been investigated. The purpose of this investigation was to define expression of lamin A and LAP-2 in human dermal fibroblasts at different ages. Lamin A and LAP-2 were detected in skin sections by indirect immunohistochemistry. It was found that the number of fibroblasts containing lamin A gradually decreased from 90.4 to 76.9% from 20 weeks of pregnancy to 85 years. It was revealed that 32% of dermal fibroblasts were positively stained for LAP-2 in the period from 20 weeks of pregnancy to 20 years, 37.8% in the period of 21–40 years, and 49–51% in the period of 41–85 years. Lamin A expression levels in fibroblast nuclei were essentially constant from 20 weeks of pregnancy to 85 years, while LAP-2 content in fibroblast nuclei was reducing from 0 to 20 years as compared with the embryonic period and was gradually increasing after 21 year. The total number of fibroblasts and PCNA-positive fibroblasts in the dermis decreased with age. The most significant decrease in the number of fibroblasts was observed from 20 weeks of pregnancy to 20 years. The results suggest involvement of lamin A and LAP-2 in the age-related decrease in the number of fibroblasts in the human dermis.

Advances in Gerontology. 2017;7(1):60-67
pages 60-67 views

Mast cells and aging

Kutukova N.A., Nazarov P.G., Kudryavtseva G.V., Shishkin V.I.


Mast cells (MCs) are present in the skin and mucous membranes, lymphoid organs, intestine wall, and brain, where they are located close to blood and lymphatic vessels and nerve terminals. As a source of a large number of biologically active substances, many of which are released quickly into the environment as a result of degranulation process, mast cells play an essential role in the regulation of physiological processes in the tissues where they are present. Changes in the MC population and activity in tissues during aging is associated with age-related changes of the skin and mucous membranes, as well as the development of centralnervous- system disorders such as itching, headache, joint and muscle pain, memory loss, attention deficit, depression, anxiety and depressive disorders, autism, Alzheimer’s disease, and multiple sclerosis.

Advances in Gerontology. 2017;7(1):68-75
pages 68-75 views

Comparative analysis of different geroprotective methods

Myakotnykh V.S., Torgashov M.N., Egorin K.V., Meshchaninov V.N., Gavrilov I.V., Borovkova T.A., Zvezdina E.M., Verzhbitskaya T.Y., Tkachenko E.L.


One hundred and ten patients of different ages have undergone a comparative analysis of the efficiency and safety of a number of geroprotective techniques, including the use of dry lead-carbonate baths, hyperbaric oxygenation, therapeutic massage, and reception of oligopeptide preparations containing complexes of lysyl-glutamyl-asparagin and glutamyl-asparagin-arginine complexes (Vezugen and Pinealon). The most pronounced positive impact on indicators of biological age was found during the combined use of these two oligopeptide complexes. The safest ones in terms of influence on a number of biochemical and immunological parameters and on the clinical state of patients were medical massage and oligopeptide preparations. The use of dry carbon dioxide baths and hyperbaric oxygenation, while having an undoubtedly positive influence on the indices of biological age, has a number of limitations and counterindications.

Advances in Gerontology. 2017;7(1):76-83
pages 76-83 views

Arterial stiffness in the light of thromboembolic complications in elderly patients with atrial fibrillation

Zolotovskaya I.A., Davydkin I.L.


According to available data reported by numerous national and international studies, one of the parameters reflecting the degree of lesioning of the vascular wall is arterial stiffness, which makes a fundamental contribution to the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and the total cardiovascular mortality, especially in the elderly. Patients with cardiac arrhythmias, especially with atrial fibrillation (AF), deserve our special care, since it is this group of patients that is susceptible to a high risk of developing primary and recurrent thromboembolic episodes. This category of patients had a very high risk of death and invalidation, considering the age factor and comorbidity of the pathology. The analysis of factors involved in the development of not only AF, but also its complications, is a task necessary to improve technologies of correction. In view of this, the parameter of vascular-wall stiffness, being one of the mechanisms involved in AF maintenance and a risk factor for the development of acute thromboembolic complications, primarily stroke, should be given very serious consideration. This survey aims to discuss the results of studies devoted to arterial stiffness in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF), as well as the issues related to the risk of developing thromboembolic complications in this category of patients.

Advances in Gerontology. 2017;7(1):84-89
pages 84-89 views

Morphological features of structural organization of the cerebellum cortex in old age

Balandina I.A., Zheleznov L.M., Balandin A.A., Kosareva P.V., Borodulin D.V., Amarantov D.G.


In this scientific work, organometric, histological, immunomorphologic, and morphometric parameters of the cerebral cortex of 219 corpses of people (108 men and 111 women) of young and old age have been studied. A comparative analysis of the parameters of bulb-shaped neurons in these ages revealed a decrease of their height and width. It was found that the distance between nerve-cell bodies of the ganglionic layer increases with age, which is obviously associated with disorganization progression and the death of bulbshaped neurons. An increase in the number of immunopositive astrocytes for the glial fibrillary acidic protein, protide S-100, and vimentin in the granular layer and the molecular layer of the cerebral cortex and decline in the number of immunopositive bulb-shaped neurons for neuron-specific enolase and immunonegative for the S-100 protein and vimentin that can be regarded as a manifestation of neurodegeneration. Using immunohistochemical methods in research allows a more nuanced approach to the issues of morphological assessment of the cerebral cortex of elderly people and makes it possible to obtain more objective and complete information on postnatal morphogenesis.

Advances in Gerontology. 2017;7(1):90-94
pages 90-94 views

Comparative organometric characteristic of the cerebellum of the young and old age

Balandina I.A., Zheleznov L.M., Balandin A.A., Kosareva P.V., Borodulin D.V., Amarantov D.G.


This scientific work is based on morphological research of the cerebellums of 219 corpses of people (108 men and 111 women) of young and senile age. Organometric, histological, and morphometric methods were used. During the study, a comparative analysis of the mass, linear dimensions, and thickness of the cerebral cortex in young and senile age was conducted. The regularities of age variability of organometric characteristic of the cerebellum were revealed, and they were found in the reduction of mass and linear dimensions of the cerebellum in people of senile age compared to younger people. It was determined that the thickness of the molecular and granular layers of the cerebellum was characterized by age-related decrease of the parameters. The results of the morphological study can serve as a basis for the identification of certain regularities of age anatomy of the cerebellum and have practical significance as indicators of the norm that allows using these data in diagnostic and therapeutic work.

Advances in Gerontology. 2017;7(1):95-99
pages 95-99 views

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