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Vol 6, No 3 (2016)


The dynamics and the structure of indicators of secondary disability as a result of cerebrovascular diseases in elderly people in St. Petersburg for 2005–2014

Kantemirova R.K., Karol E.V., Fidarova Z.D.


The paper presents data on secondary disability due to cerebrovascular diseases (CVDs) in elderly people based on the results of testing in the Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise of St. Petersburg from 2005 to 2014. Тhe conducted analysis revealed a high proportion of disabled elderly people with disability due to CVD and an increased share of elderly people in the type 1 disability group in the analyzed period.

Advances in Gerontology. 2016;6(3):260-264
pages 260-264 views

Reasons for space gerontology: The impact of the motion of the Earth and Moon on the human environmental indicators

Shapovalov S.N.


Research results obtained at the junction of geophysics, astronomy, and biology that pointing to the existing association between indicators of living objects and cosmophysical factors may be of specific interest for future gerontological research. This paper presents data on basic astronomical factors potentially capable on a regular basis of causing changes in gravitational effects on the biosphere as a human habitat. Among these factors are the motion of the Earth and Moon as described by equations known in astronomy (equation of equinoxes, equation of time), as well as major perturbations from the Sun (evection, variation, and annual inequality) inferred from the theory of lunar motion. Based on the amount of major perturbations from the Sun, the so-called λD-functions, it was possible to study associations of fluctuations of the so-called computer time, solar radiation energy in the range of 605–607 nm, as well as concentrations of hemoglobin and red blood cells with major perturbations from the Sun. A conclusion is drawn about the universal nature of the impact of the movements of the Earth and the Moon on the biosphere. The tables for the period from January 1, 2015, to December 31, 2016 with the calculated values of the λD-functions, which are potentially important for analyzing their association with temporal changes in various indicators of the body, are provided. The patterns revealed by comparison of the changes in various biomarkers with the course of values of the λD-function from the tables can be predictive in the study of the functioning of the human body and the biosphere in astronomical periods. The research was carried out in Antarctica, at stations Vostok (1998–1999) and Novolazarevskaya (2003–2004), to exclude the influence of artificial electromagnetic fields.

Advances in Gerontology. 2016;6(3):167-179
pages 167-179 views

The gravitational field of the Earth: Geophysical factor of gerontology (Vorobeichikov effect)

Shapovalov S.N.


The paper presents the results of a study of the in vitro growth of Escherichia coli M17 involving the processing of observational data obtained by V.M. Vorobeichikov onboard the RV Akademik Fedorov while it sailed from St. Petersburg to Antarctica and back for the period from November 13, 2002, to May 26, 2003 (48th Russian Antarctic Expedition). Conclusions are drawn on the dependence of the in vitro growth rate of Escherichia coli on the geographical location change on a planetary scale. It does not exclude the dependence of other types of microorganisms on the spatial position in the gravitational field of the Earth. It is found that the Escherichia coli lag phase duration in the equatorial zone is close to its duration in the high-latitude Antarctic zone. Simultaneously, lag phase durations at the equator and in Antarctica correspond to the lag phase duration at the central phase of a lunar eclipse. It is concluded that in vitro Escherichia coli is highly sensitive to the gravitational field strength of the Earth and to the syzygy events.

Advances in Gerontology. 2016;6(3):180-184
pages 180-184 views

On the discontinuous character of annuity curves. Communication 2. Analysis of the variability of annuity curve shape in Drosophila melanogaster of the Canton-S line

Bychkovskaia I.B., Mylnikov S.V.


The five-phase structure of annuity curves for fruit flies of the Canton-S line detected earlier has been observed at different cohort sizes, which is indicative of the stability of the feature in question. However, variability in the duration of each of the five phases and a related variability in the cohort lifespan was observed in five experimental replicates. The five-phase structure is assumed to be under rigid genetic control, whereas the certain variability in the phase duration (which determines lifespan variability) implemented in the program of fruit fly development is presumably affected by weak uncontrollable signals.

Advances in Gerontology. 2016;6(3):185-190
pages 185-190 views

Chaotic dynamics of cardio intervals in three age groups of indigenous and nonindigenous populations of Ugra

Eskov V.M., Khadartsev A.A., Eskov V.V., Vokhmina J.V.


The issue of the life expectancy of indigenous and nonindigenous populations of the northern territories in the Russian Federation is analyzed in terms of economic growth and industrial development of the northern territories. The importance of prolonging the period of active working age of nonindigenous population of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug–Ugra and Yamalo-Nenetsky Autonomous Okrug is increasing. Four possible directions are presented for prolongation of the active life of the nonindigenous population. The problem of comparative dynamics of age-related changes in the cardiovascular system in three specific age groups of female indigenous and nonindigenous population is considered. A decrease in the volume of quasi-attractors in the phase space of states is equivalent to adding exercise stress, which is typical of normal aging. We offer a mathematical pattern to reduce these volumes in assessing the dynamics of human aging in the north.

Advances in Gerontology. 2016;6(3):191-197
pages 191-197 views

Gene polymorphism and levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines in plasma and synovial fluid of patients with posttraumatic knee osteoarthritis

Vnukov V.V., Krolevets I.V., Panina S.B., Milutina N.P., Ananyan A.A., Sagakyants A.B., Zabrodin M.A.


Posttraumatic knee osteoarthritis patients (n = 117) and healthy individuals (n = 94) were investigated to determine the genotype and allelic frequency distribution of polymorphic loci Т-31С, С + 3953Т IL-1β and G-308A TNF-α. The plasma and synovial fluid levels of proinflammatory cytokines IL-1β and TNF-α were also measured in 31 patients. The study demonstrated that the plasma and synovial fluid levels of IL-1β but not TNF-α were increased in patients with posttraumatic knee osteoarthritis. Also, the linkage between TNF-α levels and polymorphic locus G-308A TNF-α was shown: the presence of allele–308А was associated with decreased TNF-α levels. It was found that polymorphic loci Т-31С, С+3953Т IL-1β, and G-308A TNF-α are not markers of predisposition to posttraumatic knee osteoarthritis in Russian population of Rostov Oblast.

Advances in Gerontology. 2016;6(3):198-203
pages 198-203 views

Comparison of morphofunctional features of the ventral hippocampus in adult and old rats after combined stress

Ekova M.R., Smirnov A.V., Shmidt M.V., Tyurenkov I.N., Volotova E.V., Kurkin D.V., Grigorieva N.V., Ermilov V.V., Mednikov D.S.


Animals were exposed to 7 days of combined stress in a special device consisting of six isolated compartments of similar volumes. During the 30-min exposure, the stressors of various modalities, including pulse lighting, heavy sound, and vibration, were presented and stochastically changed every 5 min. This treatment was coincided with restraint and elevated temperature in the compartments. We observed more severe dystrophic lesion and highly expressed inducible nitric oxide synthase in neurons of the pyramidal layer of the CA3 field, signs of impaired blood flow, perivascular edema, and decreased expression of endothelial nitric oxide synthase in endothelial cells of the microvasculature, and lower expression of serine racemase in neuropil of the radial layer of the CA1 field in the ventral hippocampi after the exposure of 24-month-old rats to combined stress as compared to adult 12-month-old rats.

Advances in Gerontology. 2016;6(3):204-211
pages 204-211 views

Disulfiram inhibits cataract development in OXYS rats

Fursova A.Z., Rumyantseva Y.V., Kolosova N.G., Kedik S.A., Panov A.V., Tyukova V.S.


Surgical treatment remains the only way to restore vision in patients with cataract; this disorder is the most common cause of vision decline and vision loss in people older than 65. It is estimated that a 10-year delay in the development of a cataract will enable a twofold reduction in the need for surgery. In 2012 Nagai et al. reported an anticataract effect of the acetaldehyde dehydrogenase inhibitor disulfiram (DSF) (which is widely used as an antialcoholism drug) in ICR/f rats with hereditary cataracts. The goal of the present study was to evaluate the effect of DSF on cataract in OXYS rats. These rats develop lens alterations similar to senile cataract in humans. Administration of DSF from the age of 1.5 to 3.5 months did not prevent but significantly slowed cataract development in OXYS rats. At concentrations of 0.25 and 0.5%, DSF reduced the severity of pathological alterations in the lens by a factor of 1.8; at these concentrations, it was more effective than at a concentration of 1%. These data were in accordance with the results of ophthalmoscopic histomorphological examination, which showed that pharmacotherapy strongly reduced the structural damage (typical for cataracts) to the capsule of the lens epithelium and to the organization of its fibers. Thus, disulfiram is a promising drug for the prevention of senile cataract in humans.

Advances in Gerontology. 2016;6(3):212-216
pages 212-216 views

Association of renal function, telomere length, and markers of chronic inflammation in patients without chronic kidney and cardiovascular diseases

Pykhtina V.S., Strazhesko I.D., Tkacheva O.N., Akasheva D.U., Dudinskaya E.N., Vygodin V.A., Plokhova E.V., Kruglikova A.S., Boitsov S.A.


Decreased renal function is diagnosed in a great number of people aged over 60. Decreased glomerular filtrationrate varies widely within different age ranges. One of the probable mechanisms associated with the steeper decline of renal function may be a shortening in telomere length due to some chronic inflammation. The objective of this research was to study the association of renal function with telomere length and the indicators of chronic inflammation in patients without chronic kidney disease and cardiovascular diseases. The study involved 253 patients (81 men and 172 women) with the mean age of 51.5 ± 13.3 years without chronic kidney disease and cardiovascular diseases. Of the participants, 55 patients had hypertension of 1‒2 degree, 46 patients had normal parameters of renal function, and 207 participants were characterized by a mild failure in renal function. The level of albuminuria in all patients was below 30 mg/24 h. A multivariate linear regression analysis, with consideration of age- and gender-related differences, has shown a statistically significant association of albuminuria levels with telomere lengths (p = 0.023), CRP (p = 0.047), and fibrinogen (p = 0.001). No associations have been found between telomere length and inflammatory markers, on the one hand, and the levels of glomerular filtration rate, urea and creatinine, on the other hand, although the latter well correlated with age, (p < 0.001). It has been shown that albuminuria is associated with chronic inflammation and telomere length (the marker of replicative cell senescence) to a larger extent than all other renal function indicators under study. Albuminuria can be regarded as the principal target for a therapeutic approach to prevent changes in renal function and the vascular wall.

Advances in Gerontology. 2016;6(3):217-223
pages 217-223 views

Association of aging-related obesity and metabolic syndrome in men

Pinkhasov B.B., Selyatitskaya V.G., Karapetyan A.R., Lutov Y.V.


A study that involved 253 men (age 22–74 years) revealed an increase in the intensity of fat tissue accumulation at the beginning of the first period of middle age already; the increase was associated with the transition from the predominance of the gynoid type of obesity to that of the android type. The increase in the incidence of both individual components of metabolic syndrome and the syndrome as a whole was most pronounced in men in the second period of middle age, whereas the frequency of occurrence of such syndrome components as hypertriglyceridemia, low level of HDL cholesterol, and hyperglycemia was lower in the elderly. The value of the index of visceral obesity was significantly higher in men with the android type of obesity in all of the studied age groups. Thus, the risk of metabolic syndrome development in men with the gynoid type of obesity is lower than in men with the android type of obesity, regardless of the age of the subjects.

Advances in Gerontology. 2016;6(3):224-230
pages 224-230 views

Cardioprotective effect of a new glutamic acid derivative, glufimet, under conditions of acute immobilization and painful stress in animals of different ages

Perfilova V.N., Sadikova N.V., Prokofiev I.I., Inozemtsev O.V., Tyurenkov I.N.


The effect of 24-hour immobilization and painful stress on myocardial contractility was studied in young (6-month), middle-aged (12-month) and old (24-month) female rats. A reduction of the functional heart reserves was revealed. This manifested itself in a lower growth of the myocardial contraction and relaxation rates (+dP/dt max and–dP/dt max), the left ventricular pressure (LVP), the maximum intensity of the functioning of the structures (MIFS) under conditions of increased pre- and afterload, and stimulation of the cardiac adrenergic receptors, which was especially pronounced in the group of 24-month-old rats. During the load tests, higher growth indicators of +dP/dt max,–dP/dt max, LVP, and MIFS were observed in animals of all age groups treated with glufimet at a dose of 29 mg/kg before and after stress; these indicators were most significant in older rats compared to young and middle-aged animals. A reference drug, Phenibut, improves the studied parameters equally in 6-, 12-, and 24-month-old females subjected to stress.

Advances in Gerontology. 2016;6(3):231-237
pages 231-237 views

Optimization of reparative osteogenesis in the jaw in aging (preclinical studies)

Slugina A.G., Iordanishvili A.K., Serikov A.A., Samsonov V.V., Ryzhak G.A.


The article discusses the results of preclinical tests of the possibility to optimize reparative osteogenesis in postoperative bone cavities of jaws in old rats by the application of Kartalaks, a peptide bioregulator. According to histological and morphometric assessments, the use of Kartalaks has a positive effect on the course of reparative osteogenesis in the mandible of old rats. Reparative osteogenesis of a standard defect in the mandible has been shown to occur in old animals at early stages (within 30 days), as in to the control group, if the application of Kartalaks in old animals was started 30 days before the planned surgical intervention. The formation of regenerated complex tissue containing a smaller proportion of connective and cartilage tissues, which is also characterized by a more advanced remodeling processes in the newly formed bone tissue, was observed on the 60th–120th day after the start of the experiment in the test variation with preliminary application of the peptide bioregulator (Kartalaks) as compared with the control group and the group of animals beginning administration on the day of surgery completion.

Advances in Gerontology. 2016;6(3):238-242
pages 238-242 views

Attitude toward elderly people in everyday life: Conceptual outlines of the explanation model

Smol’kin A.A.


The paper deals with problems related to old age in contemporary Russia. The materials were collected from unstructured students interviews (n = 53) in Saratov and Moscow in 2007–2014. It is shown that the lack of respectful behavior, regardless of its reasons, is often labeled as “disrespect”; as a result, the concept of a “neutral attitude” is devoid of practical implementation. In reality, a “good attitude” toward old age often turns out to be unmanifested because of the actions of elderly people themselves, as these actions are incompatible with respect practices. In particular, these include the asymmetrical reactions of elderly people in situations of intergenerational contact and nonstatus behavior, which disqualifies them as a potential object of respect, etc.

Advances in Gerontology. 2016;6(3):243-248
pages 243-248 views

Diagnosis of disorders of the emotional sphere in older persons

Soloviev A.G., Popov V.V., Novikova I.A.


This article considers the structure of the criteria of the severity of emotional sphere disorders in older people, as well as recommendations for their diagnosis. An algorithm for diagnosing emotional sphere disorders is proposed. It includes four phases: screening and diagnostic, clinical and pathopsychological, laboratory and instrumental diagnostic, and psychodiagnostic phases; it can be applied both for estimation of the prevalence of different forms of emotional disorders and for their early correction and prevention at the individual level. Criteria to assess the levels of severity of anxiety and asthenic disorders are presented. The developed recommendations can be applied in the activities of general somatic practice doctors (therapists, general practitioners, and neurologists).

Advances in Gerontology. 2016;6(3):249-259
pages 249-259 views

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