
Demographic aspects of population aging in St. Petersburg at the end of the 20th–the beginning of the 21st century. Part I. Conventional measures of population aging
Safarova A., Safarova G., Kosolapenko N., Arutyunov A.
Disadaptive Disorders of Regulation of Functions with Aging
Artemenkov A.
Is It Possible to Rejuvenate the Aging Global Civilization?
Makrushin A., Aladin N., Vasiliev A.
Telomere length, telomerase activity, stress, and aging
Spivak I., Mikhelson V., Spivak D.
Regularities in the Dynamics of Age-Specific Indicators of Mortality from Malignant Neoplasms in Russian Population
Merabishvili V.
Taxonomic and Ethnical Dispersion of the Phenomenon of Pineal Concretions in the Gerontological Context
Sergina S., Ilyukha V., Morozov A., Antonova E., Bruler E., Volodina A.
Parkinson’s Disease and Aging
Chesnokova A., Ekimova I., Pastukhov Y.
Blue Death of Nematodes
Gagarinskyi E., Vekshin N.
The Effect of Light Deprivation and Luzindole on the Ovulatory Function in Rats
Obukhova E., Zhukova O., Khizhkin E., Vinogradova I., Ilyukha V.
Young and Old Animals Use Different Strategies for Forming an Immune Response to Infectious Agents (Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli)
Klimova E., Bozhkov A., Kovalenko T., Minukhin V., Belozerov I.
Age-Related Changes in the Content of Sirtuin 1 in Human Dermal Fibroblasts
Golubtsova N., Filippov F., Gunin A.
Aging of dogs and Drosophila as described based on the kinetic theory
Viktorov A., Gladkikh V., Morozova E.
Mast cells and aging
Kutukova N., Nazarov P., Kudryavtseva G., Shishkin V.
Age- and sex-related differences in the lipid profile and stress response in human aging
Myakotnykh V., Emelyanov V., Gavrilov I., Ermakova E., Soloviev R., Borovkova T., Katyreva Y., Berezina D., Torgashov M., Myakotnykh K.
On the expedience and prospects of immortality
Makrushin A.
Gender Specificity of the Effect of Neonatal Melatonin Administration on Lifespan and Age-Associated Pathology in 129/Sv Mice
Yurova M., Tyndyk M., Popovich I., Golubev A., Anisimov V.
Quality of Life and Physical Activity among Elderly and Old People
Bashkireva A., Bogdanova D., Bilyk A., Shishko A., Kachan E., Arutyunov V.
Correlation between the Melatonin Level and Indicators of Aging and Fibrosis in Men in the European Part of the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation
Kim L., Putyatina A., Russkikh G., Tsypysheva O.
Age-Related Changes in Water Transport by Corneal Endothelial Cells in Rats
Baturina G., Katkova L., Kolosova N., Solenov E.
Aging of the Population in Kazakhstan. 1. Problems and Opportunities
Sidorenko A., Eshmanova A., Abikulova A.
Possible Approaches to Increase the Longevity of Experimental Animals
Kulikov A., Arkhipova L., Kulikova P., Glazkov A., Kulikov D.
Age-Related Changes in the Expression of Lamin B Receptors in Human Dermal Fibroblasts
Golubtsova N., Filippov F., Gunin A.
The use of speech audiometry in the practice of the geriatric center
Boboshko M., Zhilinskaia E., Golovanova L., Legostaeva T., Di Berardino F., Cesarani A.
Lamin A and lamin-associated polypeptide 2 (LAP-2) in human skin fibroblasts in the process of aging
Golubtsova N., Filippov F., Gunin A.
Characteristics of age-dependent changes in urine proteome in healthy men
Pastushkova L., Kononikhin A., Tiys E., Dobrokhotov I., Ivanisenko V., Nikolaev E., Larina I., Popov I.
1 - 25 из 92 результатов 1 2 3 4 > >> 
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