
Type 4a myocardial infarction
Mironova O.
The myocardial infarction size measuring using modern methods
Shigotarova E., Galimskaja V., Golubeva A., Oleynikov V.
The periprocedural myocardial infarction and probability of the developing of the contrast-induced acute kidneys injury in clinical practice. Case report
Dmitrieva O., Mironova O., Sivakova O., Denisova A., Solnceva T., Fomin V.
Novel coronavirus infection COVID-19: extrapulmonary manifestations
Maev I., Shpektor A., Vasilyeva E., Manchurov V., Andreev D.
The role of cardiac magnetic resonance imaging in defining the prognosis of patients with acute ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction. Part 2. Assessment of the disease prognosis
Terenicheva M., Stukalova O., Shakhnovich R., Ternovoy S.
Long-term prognosis in patients with acute non-ST elevation myocardial infarction depending on dynamics of tissue myocardial dopplerography
Krasnosel'skiy M., Koshkina E., Polupan A., Gmyzina A., Ponomarev G., Tsurko V., Krasnoselsky M., Koshkina E., Polupan A., Gmyzina A., Ponomarev G., Tsurko V.
WHO programs "Acute Myocardial Infarction Register", MONICA: thirty years (1977-2006) of epidemiological studies of myocardial infarction in a high-risk population
Gafarov V., Gafarova A., Gafarov V., Gafarova A.
The incidence of postoperative myocardial infarction and the left ventricular function in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus after recanalization of chronic coronary occlusions
Petrenko I., Petrenko O., Popova M., Mamedova S., Urvantseva I.
Heart Diseases by Professor Dmitry D. Pletnev (for the reprint of D.D. Pletnev's monograph “Heart Diseases”, 1936)
Chuchalin A., Bobkov E.
How we treat patients withcardiovascular diseases in real clinical practice
Belenkov Y., Mareev V.
Impact of hyperglycemia on the results of percutaneous coronary interventions in patients with acute ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction
Bessonov I., Kuznetsov V., Potolinskaya Y., Zyrianov I., Sapozhnikov S.
Helicobacter pylori infection and extragastroduodenal diseases
Maev I., Andreev D., Kucheryavyi Y.
The specific features of gout in the elderly
Tsurko V., Eliseeva M., Vorob'ev P.
Endothelial NO synthase and connexin 37 gene polymorphisms as a risk factor for myocardial infarction in subjects without a history of coronary artery disease
Balatskiĭ A., Andreenko E., Samokhodskaia L., Boĭtsov S., Tkachuk V.
Optimal rehabilitation of patients with coronary heart disease in outpatient setting
Korzhenkov N., Kuzichkina S., Shcherbakova N., Kukhaleishvili N., Yarlykov I., Korzhenkov N., Kuzichkina S., Scherbakova N., Kukhaleishvili N., Yarlykov I.
The topical issues of the terminology, classification, and statistics of acute forms of ischemic heart disease
Boytsov S., Yakushin S., Nikulina N., Boitsov S., Yakushin S., Nikulina N.
Psychovegetative aspects of mechanic failure of the cardiac muscle in an acute period oftransmural myocardial infarction
Parfenyuk V., Mailer К.
Thrombolytic therapy in acute myocardial infarction at prehospital stage
Golikov A., Galkin V., Elkis I., Zhirkov A.
Possibilities for improving hospital and remote forecasts for unstable angina
Boytsov S., Provatorov S.
Mechanical circulatory support in refractory cardiogenic shock: retrospective register study
Savvinova P., Manchurov V., Haes B., Skrypnik D., Vasilieva E., Shpektor A.
On the 95th anniversary of the first description of right ventricular myocardial infarction
Chuchalin A., Bobkov E.
Perspectives of cell therapy for myocardial infarction and heart failure based on cardiosphere cells
Dergilev K., Vasilets I., Tsokolaeva Z., Zubkova E., Parfenova E.
Significance of L-carnitine in internal medicine
Sizova Z., Shikh E., Makhova A.
Analysis of the management of hypertension complications in patients during emergency care
Alpysova A., Subbota Y., Adambekova A., Telembetov N., Maratkyzy M.
Heat and cardiovascular diseases: A review of epidemiological surveys
Kozlovskaya I., Bulkina O., Lopukhova V., Chernova N., Ivanova O., Kolmakova T., Karpov Y.
Problems in the diagnosis of acute kidney injury in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction
Menzorov M., Shutov A., Makeeva E., Serov V., Mikhaĭlova E., Parfenova E.
Determination of the scope of cerebral stroke and myocardial infarction rehabilitation in accordance of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health
Samenene J., Krishchunas A., Medziavicius P.
Acute coronary syndrome in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus
Ametov A., P'yanykh O., Aslandziya E., Ametov A., Pianykh O., Aslandzia E.
Cardiovascular catastrophes in pregnancy
Tkacheva O., Sharashkina N., Novikova I., Torshkhoeva X., Tkacheva O., Sharashkina N., Novikova I., Torshkhoyeva K.
Diagnosis of myocardialinfarction complicated by a complete block of His' bundleleft branch as shown by computed electrocardiotopography
Udovichenko I., Sukhanova G.
Myocardial infarction in elderly patients.Role of beta-adrenoblockers in its treatment and secondaryprevention
Komissarenko I.
Pulmonary heart: A review
Chuchalin A.
Chronic kidney disease in outpatients with arterial hypertension: clinical characteristics and treatment efficacy (according to the national registry)
Oschepkova E., Aksenova A., Orlovsky A., Chazova I.
Dynamics of adreneractivity after transfer of myocardial infarction: annual observation
Rebrova T., Muslimova E., Alexandrenko V., Afanasiev S., Garganeeva A., Maksimov I.
Safety of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in patients with cardiovascular risk
Naumov A., Tkacheva O., Khovasova N.
Primary percutaneous interventions into the coronary arteries in patients with diabetes mellitus
Bessonov I., Kuznetsov V., Zyryanov I., Sapozhnikov S., Musikhina N., Rozhkov A.
Impact of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease on one-year prognosis in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction
Polikutina O., Slepynina Y., Bazdyrev E., Karetnikova V., Barbarach O.
Analysis of genotypes combinations at the polymorphic points of the promoter regions of the genes of three matrix metalloproteinases and the gene of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in patients with prior acute myocardial infarction
Shevchenko A., Konenkov V., Prokof'ev V., Pokushalov E.
Renal functional state in patients with myocardial infarction
Kurochkina O., Khokhlov A., Bogomolov A.
Efficacy of ivabradin in combined treatment of patients with postinfarction systolic chronic cardiac failure
Potapenko A., Abdulazizov O., Dyachuk L., Kiyakbaev G., Kobalava Z., Moiseev V., Potapenko A., Abdulazizov O., Dyachuk L., Kiyakbaev G., Kobalava Z., Moiseev V.
The thrombolysis in myocardial infarction (TIMI) study group experience
Braunval'd E., Braunwald E.
Diagnosis of coronary atherosclerosis using stress echocardiography with bicycle exercise
Duplyakov D., Emelyanenko V., Svetlakova L., Goleva S., Sysuenkova E.
The phenomenon ofintermittent myocardial ischemia and myocardial reserve inmyocardial infarction survivors
Volkov V., foanov A., Elgardt I.
Regional Vascular Center in a COVID-19 pandemic: what changed in 2020 compared to 2019 in patients with ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction?
Syrkina A., Ryabov V.
Vascular remodeling with violations of intracardiac hemodynamics in patients older age category, combined with the clinical-cluster, neurocognitive and biomarker heterogeneity in multifocal atherosclerosis
Khasanov A., Bakirov B., Davletshi R., Novikova L., Kudlay D.
Impact of endothelial dysfunction on the course of acute ST-elevation myocardial infarction and its correction by remote ischemic preconditioning
Manchurov V., Lebedeva A., Ryazankina N., Vasilieva E., Shpektor A.
The role of chronic kidney disease in assessing the risk of the poor course of hospital ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction
Karetnikova V., Kalaeva V., Evseeva M., Osokina A., Kashtalap V., Gruzdeva O., Shafranskaya K., Zykov M., Barbarash O.
Cardiac involvement in thrombotic microangiopathies
Tuter D., Kopylov F., Kozlovskaya N., Demyanova K., Shchekochikhin D., Shilov E., Syrkin A.
A poor outcome prediction scale in ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction patients undergoing emergency percutaneous coronary intervention
Shmidt E., Berns S., Osokina A., Klimenkova A., Chuvichkina O.
Informative value of multislice spiral computed tomography in identifying myocardial perfusion defect in patients with acute myocardial infarction
Veselova T., Ternovoĭ S.
Spontaneous reperfusion of infact-related artery in patients with ST elevation myocardial infarction
Ruda M., Kuz'min A., Merkulova I., Samko A., Merkulov E., Sozykin A., Akasheva D., Ruda M., Kuzmin A., Merkulova I., Samko A., Merkulov E., Sozykin A., Akasheva D.
Effect of long-term epidural analgesia and nitroglycerin infusion on formation of necrosiszone and clinical course of myocardial infarction
Tumak V., Dzizinsky A.
Intravenous thrombolytic therapy in myocardial infarction (review)
Staroverov I.
Dr. Sergey P. Botkin's case sheet
Dvoretsky L.
Influenza vaccination and prognosis for patients with high cardiovascular risk
Dmitrieva O., Mironova O., Fomin V.
Diagnosis and treatment of myocardial infarction in patient with end - stage renal disease on chronic hemodialysis
Antukh D., Shchekochikhin D., Nesterov A., Gilarov M.
The importance of modern high - sensitivity troponin tests in the diagnosis of myocardial infarction without ST-segment elevation
Abaturova O., Suplotov S., Kremneva L., Shalaev S.
Effect of stress at work on the risk of cardiovascular diseases among the population of 25-64 years in Russia/Siberia (WHO program “MONICA-psychosocial”)
Gafarov V., Gromova E., Panov D., Gagulin I., Gafarova A.
Renal function estimation formulas in predicting long-term cardiovascular outcomes in patients with myocardial infarction concurrent with diabetes mellitus
Karetnikova V., Osokina A., Evseeva M., Kalaeva V., Gruzdeva O., Kashtalap V., Zykov M., Avramenko O., Barbarash O.
Workplace stress and its impact on the 16-year risk of myocardial infarction and stroke in an open female population aged 25—64 years in Russia/Siberia (WHO MONICA-psychosocial program)
Gafarov V., Panov D., Gromova E., Gagulin I., Gafarova A.
New-onset chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and its clinical significance in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction
Polikutina O., Slepynina I., Bazdyrev E., Karetnikova V., Barbarash O.
Myocardial infarction morbidity and mortality in the Russian Federation in 2000-2011
Oshchepkova E., Efremova I., Karpov I.
A case of myocardial infarction of anatomically right but functionally left ventricle in a middle-aged male patient with isolated corrected transposition of the major vessels
Dolotovskaya P., Puchin'yan N., Korostova E., Katkova L., Efremov S., Furman N., Dolotovskaya P., Puchinian N., Korostova E., Katkova L., Efremov S., Furman N.
Effects of exercise on markers of hemostatic activation inyoung survivors of myocardial infarction
Vitsenya M., Noeva E., Titaeva E., Dobrovolsky A.
Aquired deficiency in the system of proteins С and S and acute myocardial infarction
Ryabov V., Stolyarov V., Kapilevich N., Gerbolinskaya T., Markov V.
Syndrome ofnon-thyroid pathology in patients with cardiovascular diseases (review)
Ametov A., Balashova N., Gilyarevsky S.
Right ventricle free wall rupture during transcatheter occluder implantation in a patient with postinfarction rupture of the interventricular septum and COVID-19-associated myocarditis. Case report
Pevzner D., Sukhinina T., Anufriev E., Kostritca N., Avetisyan E., Shitov V., Kurilina E., Osiev A., Merkulov E., Tereshchenko A., Boytsov S.
The role of cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (cardiovascular magnetic resonance) in defining the prognosis of patients with acute ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction. Part 1. Indications and contraindications to cardiovascular magnetic resonance
Terenicheva M., Stukalova O., Shakhnovich R., Ternovoy S.
Polyvascular disease in patients with myocardial infarction and chronic kidney disease
Karetnikova V., Kalaeva V., Evseeva M., Gruzdeva O., Zykov M., Kashtalap V., Barbarash O.
Cardiogenic shock in patients with acute coronary syndrome (data from Russian Federal Acute Coronary Syndrome Registry)
Sagaydak O., Oschepkova E., Chazova I.
Comparative analysis of mortality from acute forms of ischemic heart disease during a 15-year period in the Russian Federation and the United States and the factors influencing its formation
Boytsov S., Samorodskaya I., Nikulina N., Yakushin S., Andreev E., Zaratyants O., Barbarash O.
Diagnostic value of the stimulating growth factor ST2 during hospitalization for myocardial infarction
Gruzdeva O., Akbasheva O., Uchasova E., Dyleva Y., Fedorova N., Karetnikova V., Kashtalap V., Barbarash O.
Renal dysfunction in patients with myocardial infarction concurrent with type 2 diabetes mellitus
Evseeva M., Karetnikova V., Barbarash O.
Prevention of heart embolic complications in atrial fibrillation: Possibilities of using rivaroxaban
Iavelov I.
Microcirculatory parameters in patients with myocardial infarction
Striuk R., Tektova A., Berns S., Golikova A., Epifanov A.
Blood leukocytosis as an indicator of risk ofischemic heart disease and its exacerbations (review)
Kremneva L.
Pilot experience with clopidogrel in the treatment of an .ST-elevation acute myocardial infarction
Shalaev S., Vorobyeva N., Serescheva A., Petrik E., Akinina S.
Forward development of emergency cardiologyat the N. V. Sklifosovsky Research Institute of EmergencyCare (the 80th anniversary of N. V. Sklifosovsky ResearchInstitute of Emergency Care)
Golikov A.
Vasoprotective effect of effective lipid-lowering therapy in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction
Salyamova L., Khromova A., Kvasova O., Avdeeva I., Borisova N., Korenkova K., Polezhaeva K., Oleynikov V.
The evolution of myocardial infarction treatment over the past decades. The significance of E.I. Chazov works
Shakhnovich R., Ruda M.
Morphological and Immunohystochemical Characteristics of Aspirated Thrombi in Patients with ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction
Sisakian H., Mkhitaryan A., Sahakyan V., Kocharyan A., Asatryan B.
Thrombotic events in patients with hemophilia
Galstyan G., Polevodova O., Gavrish A., Polyanskaya T., Zorenko V., Sampiev M., Biryukova L., Model S., Gorgidze L., Savchenko V.
Results of endovascular revascularization in elderly patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction in multivessel disease in relation to the degree of coronary atherosclerosis
Tarasov R., Kochergina A., Ganyukov V., Barbarash O.
Current possibilities in the outpatient treatment of postmyocardial infarction
Nesterov I.
Affective disorders in acute myocardial infarction and possibilities of their correction with tianeptin
Vasyuk Y., Lebedev A., Dovzhenko T., Semiglazova M., Vasyuk Y., Lebedev A., Dovzhenko T., Semiglazova M.
Effects of carvedilol, atenolol and their combination with fosinopril on cardiac rhythm variability, clinicofunctional status and quality of life in patients with postinfarction left ventricular dysfunction
Teplyakov А., Popov S., Kalyuzhin V., Garganeeva A., Kurlov I., Nilogov V., Rybalchenko E., Shilov S.
Efficacy of a cytoprotector mexicor in urgent cardiology
Golikov A., Mikhin V., Polumiskov V., Boitsov S., Bogoslovskaya E., Veselyeva N., Lukyanov M., Rudnev D., Frolov A.
Prognostic value of periprocedural dynamics of left ventricular ejection fraction and subclinical pulmonary congestion in patients with myocardial infarction
Timofeeva T., Kobalava Z., Safarova A., Cabello Montoya F.
Cardiovascular magnetic resonance in myocardial infarction with non-obstructive coronary arteries
Pershina E., Shchekochikhin D., Shaginyan G., Shilova A., Sherashov A., Poltavskaya M., Isaeva S., Gilyarov M., Svet A., Sinitsyn V.
Antithrombotic therapy of coronary heart disease: time - tested essential principles
Panchenko E.
Analysis of the gene polymorphism of matrix metalloproteinase-2 and -9 in patients with coronary heart disease
Shevchenko A., Golovanova O., Konenkov V., Tolkacheva O., Maksimov V., Voevoda M., Romashchenko A., Shevchenko A., Golovanova O., Konenkov V., Tolkacheva O., Maksimov V., Voyevoda M., Romashchenko A.
The new 2017 European society of cardiology (ESC) guidelines: important changes for introduction into clinical practice
Fomin V., Svistunov A., Napalkov D., Sokolova A., Skripka A., Morina N., Fedorova E.
The stages of development of cardiovascular diseases and the evolution of their pattern in the veterans of the Great Patriotic War (according to the 1946-2015 records of the Saint Petersburg War Veterans Hospital)
Kabanov M., Shvartsman Z., Ageenko E., Zaitsev Y., Semenova I.
Trends in hospitalizations of patients with acute coronary syndrome and indicators of the atmospheric state in Moscow in 2009-2012
Kozlovskaia I., Bulkina O., Lopukhova V., Kolmakova T., Karpov I., Starostin I., Baratashvili V., Rubinshteĭn K., Emelina S., Borovikov V.
Efficacy of Adaptol and the possibility of its differential use in patients with anxiety disorders after myocardial infarction
Shilina N., Statsenko M., Sporova O., Lempert B.
Prognostic value of SYNTAX score for outcomes and revascularization strategy choice in ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction patients with multivessel coronary artery disease
Tarasov R., Ganiukov V., Shilov A., Barbarash O., Barbarash L.
Risk factors for myocardial reinfarction in young and middle-aged males
Yakovlev V., Golofeevskiy V., Sotnikov A., Yakovlev V., Golofeyevsky V., Sotnikov A.
Assessment of myocardial viability and recovery ofthe left ventricular function in postmyocardial infarction patients
Volutskene E., Ivashkyavichene L., Grabauskene V., Lautsyavichus A.
Prehospital hypo- and hyperdiagnosis of non-Q myocardial infarction
Pankin O.
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