Myocardial infarction morbidity and mortality in the Russian Federation in 2000-2011

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AIM: To study trends in myocardial infarction (MI) morbidity and mortality in the Russian Federation in 2000 to 2011. Materials and methods. The 2000-2011 official statistical data of the Federal State Statistics Service and the Ministry of Health of Russia were used to analyze MI morbidity and mortality rates among urban and rural populations. Sex- and age-specific mortality rates were estimated. The number of IM morbidity cases and deaths were analyzed in absolute values and per 100,000 population (rates). The causes of MI morbidity and mortality were coded according to the International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision/RESULTS: According to the official statistical data, there is a small proportion of MI mortality in the structure of coronary heart disease mortality with a relatively stable incidence of MI and a low variability in its cases. MI death rates are much higher in males, particularly in able-bodied ones. Recently there have been an increasing number of deaths from MI among females in old age groups. Mortality from recurrent MI is recorded to show a 33.7% increase from 2000 to 2011. In-hospital mortality remains high (15-16%), with its high rates (40.4%) within 24 hours of admission to hospital/CONCLUSION: To more completely and objectively estimate MI morbidity and mortality rates and treatment quality in patients with this disease in the Russian Federation, it is expedient to conduct epidemiological surveys and to comparatively analyze the results of monitoring the regional vascular centers, the data of the Federal Acute Coronary Syndrome Registry, and the results of the auditing the vascular centers by the specialists of the Russian Cardiology Research-and-Production Complex.

About the authors

E V Oshchepkova

Российский кардиологический научно-производственный комплекс Минздрава РФ, Москва


Iu E Efremova

Российский кардиологический научно-производственный комплекс Минздрава РФ, Москва


Iu A Karpov

Российский кардиологический научно-производственный комплекс Минздрава РФ, Москва



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