The evolution of myocardial infarction treatment over the past decades. The significance of E.I. Chazov works

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The review is a brief historical insight into the study of myocardial infarction, in which the main discoveries are analyzed that have played an important role in improving the diagnosis and treatment of the disease. A special place in the review is occupied by the work of the outstanding cardiologist and health care organizer E.I. Chazov. More than the half - age, E.I. Chazov investigated various aspects of myocardial infarction, organized a system of medical care for heart attack at all stages. Many studies E.I. Chazov are recognized worldwide.

About the authors

R. M Shakhnovich

National Medical Research Center of Cardiology

д.м.н., в.н.с. отд. неотложной кардиологии, проф. отд. высшего и дополнительного профессионального образования Moscow, Russia

M. Ya Ruda

National Medical Research Center of Cardiology

д.м.н., проф., рук. отд. неотложной кардиологии Moscow, Russia


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