Psychovegetative aspects of mechanic failure of the cardiac muscle in an acute period oftransmural myocardial infarction

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Aim. To study psychoemotional, typological personality characteristics and vegetative status of patients
with mechanical complications of acute transmural myocardial infarction (Ml).
Material and methods. 107patients with acute transmural Ml were divided into three groups depending
on the kind of mechanical myocardial failure (MMF) or its absence. The control group consisted
of 20 healthy patients. The patients were examined for psychoemotional and typological features of
personality and vegetative tone.
Results. Introverts were prevalent among Ml patients with MMF. A psychological picture of the examinees
was made. The study group patients displayed vegetative dysfunction syndrome. A cognitive component
of high anxiety in patients with postinfarction MMF was specified.
Conclusion. A cognitive component of anxiety in patients with acute transmural MI and MMF differs
from that of patients with an uncomplicated course of the disease being hardly responsive to conventional
therapy. Somatic component of anxiety in such patients manifests with vegetative dysfunction
syndrome and demands prescription of beta-adrenoblockers as early as possible.

About the authors

V К Parfenyuk

Саратовский военно-медицинский институт

Саратовский военно-медицинский институт

К S Mailer

Саратовский военно-медицинский институт

Саратовский военно-медицинский институт


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