Determination of the scope of cerebral stroke and myocardial infarction rehabilitation in accordance of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health

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AIM: To determine the scope of rehabilitation in the evaluation of activity limitations and participation restrictions in patients with cerebral stroke in accordance with the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health (ICF) and to compare the findings with respective disorders in patients with myocardial infarction (MI) in the early recovery period during inpatient rehabilitation/MATERIAL AND METHODS: Activity limitations and participation restrictions were assessed in accordance with the ICF approved by the WHO in 2001. Patients with stroke (Group 1) and those with MI (Group 2) were examined. In Groups 1 and 2, the mean age was 70.3±7.4 and 63.6±11.6 years, respectively. A 5-point activity and participation rating scale was used/RESULTS: The patients with stroke had the most difficulties (3-4 scores) in the following domains: mobility, learning, knowledge application, common tasks and demands, self-care. Most patients who had experienced MI were ascertained to have moderate (2 scores) impairments in mobility, solution of common tasks and demands, learning, and applying knowledge. Comparison of both groups established that the stroke patients had significantly more marked activity limitations and participation restrictions, which was associated with skill acquisition on learning and applying knowledge, with carrying out common tasks and demands, communication, mobility, self-care, interpersonal interactions and relationships/CONCLUSION: The ICF provides a more detailed evaluation of activity limitations and participation restrictions in patients with circulatory system diseases, which is of great importance in determining the scope of rehabilitation. The patients with stroke have been found to have more marked activity limitations and participation restrictions than those with MI. Therefore, they need a more scope of rehabilitation measures implemented by a rehabilitation team that includes a larger number of specialists.

About the authors

J Samenene

Литовский университет наук о здоровье, Каунас


A Krishchunas

Литовский университет наук о здоровье, Каунас

P Medziavicius

Литовский университет наук о здоровье, Каунас


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