The role of cardiac magnetic resonance imaging in defining the prognosis of patients with acute ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction. Part 2. Assessment of the disease prognosis

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Currently the incidence of congestive heart failure after ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) tends to increase. Reperfusion therapy is still the only effective method to reduce an infarct size. Therefore, there is a high unmet need of novel cardioprotective treatments that would improve outcomes in such patients. Recent advances in cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) methods enabled the identification of certain new infarct characteristics associated with the development of heart failure and sudden cardiac death. These characteristics can help identify new groups of high risk patients and used as a targets for novel cardioprotective treatments. This part of the review summarizes novel CMR-based characteristics of myocardial infarction and their role in the prognostic stratification of STEMI patients.

About the authors

Mariya A. Terenicheva

Myasnikov Institute of Clinical Cardiology, National Medical Research Center of Cardiology

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-6064-4663

аспирант отд. неотложной кардиологии, врач-кардиолог палаты реанимации и интенсивной терапии 1-го кардиологического отд-ния ИКК им. А.Л. Мясникова

Russian Federation, Moscow

Olga V. Stukalova

Myasnikov Institute of Clinical Cardiology, National Medical Research Center of Cardiology

ORCID iD: 0000-0001-8377-2388

канд. мед. наук, ст. науч. сотр. отд. томографии ИКК им. А.Л. Мясникова

Russian Federation, Moscow

Roman M. Shakhnovich

Myasnikov Institute of Clinical Cardiology, National Medical Research Center of Cardiology

ORCID iD: 0000-0003-3248-0224

-р мед. наук, вед. науч. сотр. отд. неотложной кардиологии ИКК им. А.Л. Мясникова

Russian Federation, Moscow

Sergey K. Ternovoy

Myasnikov Institute of Clinical Cardiology, National Medical Research Center of Cardiology; Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University)

ORCID iD: 0000-0003-4374-1063

акад. РАН, д-р мед. наук, проф., гл. науч. сотр. отд. томографии ИКК им. А.Л. Мясникова, зав. каф. лучевой диагностики и лучевой терапии

Russian Federation, Moscow; Moscow


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