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Issue Section Title File
Vol 47, No 1 (2016) Article Monitoring the Tetraethyl Orthosilicate (TEOS)-Based Sol–Gel Process with Cu(II) Ions as a Spin Probe
Vol 47, No 1 (2016) Article Compressively Sampled MR Image Reconstruction Using POCS with g-Factor as Regularization Parameter
Vol 47, No 1 (2016) Article Reconstruction of Complex Vasculature by Varying the Slope of the Scan Plane in High-Field Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Vol 47, No 1 (2016) Article Broadband Continuous Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Signal in a Pulsed Magnetic Field: Numerical Solutions of Bloch Equations under Radio Frequency Irradiation
Vol 47, No 1 (2016) Article Parallel MRI Reconstruction Algorithm Implementation on GPU
Vol 47, No 1 (2016) Article Correlation of Signal Intensity and ICP/OES-Related Concentration of Gadolinium-based Nanomagnetic Particles in Molecular MRI: In Vitro Study
Vol 47, No 1 (2016) Article Development of Earth’s Field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (EFNMR) Technique for Applications in Security Scanning Devices
Vol 47, No 1 (2016) Article The Geometrical Phase in the PEANUT Experiments for the NQR Spectroscopy for the Spins I = 3/2
Vol 47, No 2 (2016) Article Heterogeneity of Critical Indexes at “Liquid–Liquid” Phase Transition in 2,6-Lutidine Aqueous Solutions: An 1H NMR Study
Vol 47, No 1 (2016) Article The Sensitivity of Phosphocholine 13C Chemical Shifts to pH
Vol 47, No 1 (2016) Article Effect of Stellate Ganglion Block on the Cerebral Cortex: A Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study
Vol 47, No 2 (2016) Article Drying of a Natural Soil Under Evaporative Conditions: A Comparison of Different Magnetic Resonance Methods
Vol 47, No 2 (2016) Article MRI-Based Direct Measurements of the T2* Transverse Relaxation Time of Water and Lipid Protons in Water–Lipid Mixtures
Vol 47, No 2 (2016) Article Optimal Design of a Portable Arc-Shaped NMR Sensor and Its Application in the Aging-Level Detection of Silicone Rubber Insulator
Vol 47, No 2 (2016) Article Influence of Geometrical Configuration of a Translucent Fiberglass Post on the Polymerization of a Dual Cure Resin Cement Analyzed by EPR Spectroscopy
Vol 47, No 2 (2016) Article Probing Flocculant-Induced Asphaltene Precipitation via NMR Imaging: from Model Toluene-Asphaltene Systems to Natural Crude Oils
Vol 47, No 2 (2016) Article Energy Spectrum-based Variable-Density Sampling Distribution Optimized for MR Angiography at Compressed Sensing Technique
Vol 47, No 2 (2016) Article Monitoring the Influence of Aminosilane on Cement Hydration Via Low-field NMR Relaxometry
Vol 47, No 3 (2016) Article Dinitrosyl Iron Complexes with Persulfide Ligands: EPR and Optical Studies
Vol 47, No 3 (2016) Article Peptides on the Surface: Spin-Label EPR and PELDOR Study of Adsorption of the Antimicrobial Peptides Trichogin GA IV and Ampullosporin A on the Silica Nanoparticles
Vol 47, No 7 (2016) Article About anomalous g factor value of Mn-related defects in GaAs:Mn
Vol 47, No 4 (2016) Article Evaluation of the Pore Structure of Reservoirs Based on NMR T2 Spectrum Decomposition
Vol 47, No 3 (2016) Article NMR Applications for Polymer Composite Materials Moisture Uptake Investigation
Vol 47, No 5 (2016) Article EPR of Nd3+ Ions in the Common Position in a Cubic Single Crystal KZnF3
Vol 47, No 3 (2016) Article NMR Data Compression Method Based on Principal Component Analysis
Vol 47, No 3 (2016) Article Magnetic Resonance Diffusion Tensor Imaging in Evaluating Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Treatment for Acute Ischemic Stroke: A Retrospective Study
Vol 47, No 3 (2016) Article Investigations of the Defect Structures and g Factors for SnO2:Cr5+, SnO2:V4+, and TiO2:V4+ Crystals
Vol 47, No 2 (2016) Article Prediction of Indolent Breast Cancer with Favorable Prognostic Factors by Metabolic Profiling Using In Vivo and Ex Vivo MR Metabolomics
Vol 47, No 4 (2016) Article Glycosylated Gadolinium as Potential Metabolic Contrast Agent vs Gd-DTPA for Metabolism of Tumor Tissue in Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Vol 47, No 4 (2016) Article Compensation for Signal Voids Caused by Turbulent Flow in Stenotic Vessels at 7T MRI: A Preliminary Study
Vol 47, No 3 (2016) Article Self-diffusion of Water and Blood Lipids in Mouse Erythrocytes
Vol 47, No 3 (2016) Article Solvation State of Nicotinamide in Binary Solvents by 13C NMR Probing at Different Temperatures
Vol 47, No 4 (2016) Article An Adaptive Algorithm for Compressively Sampled MR Image Reconstruction Using Projections onto \(l_{p}\)-Ball
Vol 47, No 5 (2016) Article EPR Study of TiO2 (Rutile) Doped with Vanadium
Vol 47, No 4 (2016) Article Analysis of Cerebral Hemodynamics in Healthy Adult Rhesus with Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast Perfusion (DSC-MR) Imaging
Vol 47, No 4 (2016) Article Simulation Verification of SNR and Parallel Imaging Improvements by ICE-Decoupled Loop Array in MRI
Vol 47, No 7 (2016) Article Magnetic Field Induced Relaxation Attenuation of Ultrasound by Jahn–Teller Centers: Application to ZnSe:Cr2+
Vol 47, No 4 (2016) Article Characterization of Flow Distribution in the Blood Compartment of Hollow Fiber Hemodialyzers with Contrast-Enhanced Spin Echo Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Vol 47, No 5 (2016) Article Sensitivity Maps Estimation Using Eigenvalues in Sense Reconstruction
Vol 47, No 5 (2016) Article The Design of an Open MRI 4-Channel Receive-Only Phased Array Knee Coil
Vol 47, No 4 (2016) Article An Analytical Method for the Deconvolution of Voigtian Profiles
Vol 47, No 7 (2016) Article Decoherence-Induced Stabilization of the Multiple-Quantum NMR-Spectrum Width
Vol 47, No 7 (2016) Article Analysis of the SABRE (Signal Amplification by Reversible Exchange) Effect at High Magnetic Fields
Vol 47, No 7 (2016) Article Influence of Formation Conditions on Structure and Properties of Paramagnetic Centers in Polymorphous Silicon Films
Vol 47, No 7 (2016) Article Spin Dynamics and Ground State of the Frustrated Diamond Lattice Magnet CoAl2O4 as seen by 27Al NMR
Vol 47, No 5 (2016) Article Electron Transfer Pathways in a Tetrathiafulvalene-Aluminum(III) Porphyrin-Free-Base Porphyrin Triad Studied Using Electron Spin Polarization
Vol 47, No 5 (2016) Article Eight-Channel Monopole Array Using ICE Decoupling for Human Head MR Imaging at 7 T
Vol 47, No 5 (2016) Article Sub-Wavelength Imaging with BC-SRRs Metamaterial Lens for 1.5-T MRI
Vol 47, No 6 (2016) Article Microwave Magnetic Field Coupling with Nitrogen-Vacancy Center Ensembles in Diamond with High Homogeneity
Vol 47, No 6 (2016) Article Paramagnetic Centers Created Under Mechanochemical Treatment of Mixed Molybdenum-Vanadium Oxides
Vol 47, No 6 (2016) Article EPR Detection of Iron Storage in Rat Tissues After Simulated Microgravity Model
Vol 47, No 6 (2016) Review Skin Effect Estimation in Radiofrequency Coils for Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Applications
Vol 47, No 6 (2016) Review Calculating Temperature Distribution of Uniplanar Gradient Coils for Unilateral NMR Magnet Based on Fourier Analysis
Vol 47, No 6 (2016) Article Kinetics of Rapid Covalent Bond Formation of Aniline with Humic Acid: ESR Investigations with Nitroxide Spin Labels
Vol 47, No 8 (2016) Article Supramolecular Self-Organization of Fullerene Derivatives in Solutions Studied by Pulsed Field Gradient NMR Technique
Vol 47, No 8 (2016) Article Non-Contrast-Enhanced MR Angiography (NCE-MRA) of the Hand Using Flow-Sensitive Dephasing (FSD)-Prepared Steady-State Free Precession (SSFP) in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis
Vol 47, No 7 (2016) Article Influence of Compression on Magnetic Properties of Nickel Chloride Coordination Compound with 3-Amino-4-Ethoxycarbonylpyrazole
Vol 47, No 8 (2016) Article The Effect of Spin-Peierls Instability Suppression in Nanometer-Scale-Sized CuGeO3 Crystals
Vol 47, No 7 (2016) Article Möbius–Hückel Topology Switching in Expanded Porphyrins: EPR, ENDOR, and DFT Studies of Doublet and Triplet Open-Shell Systems
Vol 47, No 7 (2016) Article Spin-Dependent Phenomena in Semiconductors and Semiconductor/Ferromagnetic Heterostructures
Vol 47, No 7 (2016) Article Origin of the Puzzling Narrow Line in the EPR Spectrum of Triplet C70
Vol 47, No 8 (2016) Article Magnetic Properties of Novel Dendrimeric Iron(III) Complexes of the First Generation: EPR and Mössbauer Study
Vol 47, No 8 (2016) Article Detection of Explosive Precursors Using Low-Field Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Vol 47, No 7 (2016) Article The Gd–Ce Cross-Relaxation Effects in ODMR via Ce3+ Emission in Garnet Crystals
Vol 47, No 8 (2016) Article Compressed-Sensing Technique Combined with Key-Hole Acquisitions for SNR Enhancement
Vol 47, No 8 (2016) Article Magnetic Resonance Investigations of h-YbMnO3
Vol 47, No 7 (2016) Article Effects of Spin-Dependent Recombination and EPR Spectroscopy of the Excited Triplet States of Point Defects in Silicon
Vol 47, No 7 (2016) Article Spin Centres in SiC for Quantum Technologies
Vol 47, No 8 (2016) Article Zinc–Nickel Ferrite Nanoparticles as a Contrast Agent in Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Vol 47, No 7 (2016) Editorial Spin Physics, Spin Chemistry and Spin Technology
Vol 47, No 9 (2016) Article Identification of Free Radicals Generated by Different Curing Modes in a Dental Resin Cement
Vol 47, No 8 (2016) Article Electron Magnetic Resonance in Magnetic Nanoparticles: Dependence on the Particle Size and Applicability of the Modified Giant Spin Model
Vol 47, No 8 (2016) Article Development of Digital MRI Consoles Using General-Purpose Digital Instruments and Microcontroller Boards
Vol 47, No 9 (2016) Article A Forensic Application of Solid-State 13C NMR Spectroscopy: the Date of a Photographic Development
Vol 47, No 9 (2016) Article Applying Diffusion-Weighted Imaging to Detect Metastatic and Non-Metastatic Lymph Nodes in Abdomen: A Meta-Analysis and Systematic Review
Vol 47, No 9 (2016) Article Bloch–Siegert Effect in Magnetic-Resonance Sounding
Vol 47, No 9 (2016) Article Compressively Sampled MRI Recovery Using Modified Iterative-Reweighted Least Square Method
Vol 47, No 9 (2016) Article On RF-Pulse-Phase Dependence of Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance Signal Under Short-Repetition-Time Pulse Sequences
Vol 47, No 8 (2016) Erratum Erratum to: Electron Magnetic Resonance in Magnetic Nanoparticles: Dependence on the Particle Size and Applicability of the Modified Giant Spin Model
Vol 47, No 9 (2016) Article Spin Density Distribution in a Nitroxide Biradical Containing 13C-Enriched Acetylene Groups in the Bridge: DFT Calculations and EPR Investigation
Vol 47, No 9 (2016) Review Investigation of Poly(AM/AMPS/MA) on the Retarding Performance of Oil Well Cement
Vol 47, No 9 (2016) Article Changes of Nitric Oxide Content in the Rat Hippocampus, Heart and Liver in Acute Phase of Ischemia
Vol 47, No 9 (2016) Article Diagnostic Accuracy of Dynamic Contrast Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Diffusion-Weighted Imaging in Endometrial Carcinoma: a Retrospective Study on 54 Cases
Vol 47, No 10 (2016) Article Detailed Analysis of Manifestations of the Spin Coherence Transfer in EPR Spectra of 14N Nitroxide Free Radicals in Non-Viscous Liquids
Vol 47, No 10 (2016) Article Determining Uncertainty in NMR T2 Distribution Using Frequentist Method
Vol 47, No 10 (2016) Article Effect of Lanthanide and Cobalt Ions on Electron Spin Relaxation of Tempone in Glassy Water:Glycerol at 20 to 200 K
Vol 47, No 10 (2016) Article Compact NMR Spectroscopy with Shift Reagents
Vol 47, No 10 (2016) Article Design and Optimization of a Four-Channel Received Coil for Vertical-Field MRI
Vol 47, No 11 (2016) Original Paper Consistent Paradigm of the Spectra Decomposition into Independent Resonance Lines
Vol 47, No 10 (2016) Original Paper Rapid T1T2 Measurement Using Drive Equilibrium Pulse Sequence
Vol 47, No 10 (2016) Original Paper Numeric Calculation of Antiferromagnetic Resonance Frequencies for the Noncollinear Antiferromagnet
Vol 47, No 11 (2016) Original Paper Peculiarities of Spin Exchange in Nitroxide Biradicals Containing Two para-Phenylene Groups in the Bridge: EPR Investigation and DFT Calculations
Vol 47, No 11 (2016) Original Paper Resonant Excitation of the Spin-Wave Current in Hybrid Nanostructures
Vol 47, No 11 (2016) Original Paper Discrete and Continuous Spin–Spin Relaxation Rate Distributions Derived from CPMG NMR Response Curves: a Comparative Analysis Exemplified by Water in Meat
Vol 47, No 11 (2016) Original Paper Time-Resolved and Pulse EPR Study of Conjuncted Porphyrin Trimer
Vol 47, No 11 (2016) Original Paper Online NMR Flowing Fluid Measurements
Vol 47, No 12 (2016) Original Paper Investigation of Polymer Degradation Using NMR Relaxometry with Inverse Laplace Transformation
Vol 47, No 12 (2016) Original Paper Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Relaxation Studies in Shale
Vol 48, No 1 (2017) Original Paper Molecular Mobility in Amorphous Polylactic Acid Studied Using 1H–13C Cross Polarization NMR
Vol 47, No 11 (2016) Original Paper Study of Two Inequivalent Hydrogen Bonds in KHSO4 Single Crystals Using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
Vol 47, No 11 (2016) Original Paper Random Distribution of EFG Parameters in 27Al MAS NMR Spectra of AlOx/SiO2 Catalysts and Related Systems
Vol 47, No 11 (2016) Original Paper Multivariate Calibration and 1H NMR Spectroscopy for Uncovering Fuel Adulteration
Vol 47, No 12 (2016) Original Paper Ovariectomy-Induced Osteoporosis Evaluated by 1H One- and Two-Dimensional NMR Transverse Relaxometry
Vol 47, No 12 (2016) Original Paper Optimization of the Combined Multiple-Pulse Spin-Locking Sequence to Detect RDX and TNT by NQR Over all the Operating Temperature Ranges
Vol 47, No 12 (2016) Review A Matlab-Based Advance MR Image Reconstruction Package with Interactive Graphical User Interface
Vol 48, No 1 (2017) Original Paper NMR Diffusion and Relaxation for Monitoring of Degradation in Motor Oils
Vol 48, No 1 (2017) Original Paper Variable Temperature Single Crystal EPR Studies of Cu(II) in Dipotassium Diaquabis(Malonato-κ2O,O′) Nickelate Dihydrate: An Example of Contaminated Ground State
Vol 47, No 12 (2016) Original Paper The Effects of Cellulose Ethers and Limestone Fillers in Portland Cement-Based Mortars by 1H NMR relaxometry
Vol 47, No 12 (2016) Original Paper Research on Oil-Based Drilling Fluids Emulsion Droplet by Low-Field NMR
Vol 48, No 1 (2017) Original Paper Brain Imaging with Slotted Hybridized Magnetic Metamaterial Hat at 7-T MRI
Vol 48, No 1 (2017) Original Paper Magnetic Properties of Fe/Ni and Fe/Co Multilayer Thin Films
Vol 48, No 2 (2017) Original Paper Visualization of Magnetization Transfer Effect in Polyethylene Glycol Impregnated Waterlogged Wood
Vol 48, No 2 (2017) Original Paper The Oil-Swelling Processes Characterization in Rubbers Studied by 1H NMR Relaxation
Vol 48, No 1 (2017) Original Paper How Far can the Anisotropy Deviate from Uniaxiality in a Dy-Based Single-Molecule Magnet? Dinuclear Dy(III) Complex Study
Vol 48, No 2 (2017) Original Paper Magnetic Resonance Study of the Bi2Te3 Doped with Manganese
Vol 48, No 2 (2017) Original Paper EPR Line Shifts and Line Shape Changes Due to Spin Exchange Between Nitroxide Free Radicals in Liquids 10. Spin-Exchange Frequencies of the Order of the Nitrogen Hyperfine Interaction: A Hypothesis
Vol 48, No 2 (2017) Original Paper Radiation Dosimetry Using Alanine and Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) Spectroscopy: A New Look at an Old Topic
Vol 48, No 2 (2017) Original Paper ESR Study on Scavenging Effect of Squalene on Free Radicals in Mainstream Cigarette Smoke
Vol 48, No 3 (2017) Original Paper Electron-Spin Relaxation Measurements of Biological [2Fe-2S] Cluster System in View of Electron Spin Quantum Bits
Vol 48, No 3 (2017) Original Paper Unexpected Features of the Intramolecular Spin Exchange in Imidazoline Nitroxide Biradicals Dissolved in Ionic Liquids
Vol 48, No 3 (2017) Original Paper Validation of MRI-Based Fiber-Tracking Results
Vol 48, No 3 (2017) Original Paper Line Profile Measure as a Stopping Criterion in CG-SENSE Algorithm
Vol 48, No 3 (2017) Original Paper Structural Phase Transition of Perovskite-Type N(CH3)4CdBr3 Studied by MAS NMR and Static NMR
Vol 48, No 3 (2017) Original Paper Mimicking the Electromagnetic Distribution in the Human Brain: A Multi-frequency MRI Head Phantom
Vol 48, No 3 (2017) Original Paper Relaxation Model and Mapping of Magnetic Field Gradients in MRI
Vol 48, No 3 (2017) Original Paper A Degenerate Birdcage with Integrated Tx/Rx Switches and Butler Matrix for the Human Limbs at 7 T
Vol 48, No 4 (2017) Original Paper Influence of Pressure on the Intramolecular Spin Exchange in a Short Imidazolium-Nitroxide Biradical
Vol 48, No 4 (2017) Original Paper Accelerated 3D Coronary Vessel Wall MR Imaging Based on Compressed Sensing with a Block-Weighted Total Variation Regularization
Vol 48, No 4 (2017) Original Paper β-Phosphorus Hyperfine Coupling Constant in Nitroxides: Conformational Effects in 6-Membered Ring Nitroxides
Vol 48, No 4 (2017) Original Paper Magnetic Resonance Study of Fe-Implanted TiO2 Rutile
Vol 48, No 4 (2017) Original Paper T1T2 Correlation and Biopolymer Diffusion Within Human Osteoarthritic Cartilage Measured with Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
Vol 48, No 4 (2017) Original Paper Influence of Defects on Photoconductivity and Photocatalytic Activity of Nitrogen-Doped Titania
Vol 48, No 5 (2017) Original Paper Examining Magnetic Models and Anisotropies in β-Cu2V2O7 by High-Frequency ESR
Vol 48, No 5 (2017) Original Paper Force-detected ESR Measurements in a Terahertz Range up to 0.5 THz and Application to Hemin
Vol 48, No 5 (2017) Original Paper Studies of Nanosized Iron-Doped TiO2 Photocatalysts by Spectroscopic Methods
Vol 48, No 5 (2017) Original Paper Singular Value Decomposition Using Jacobi Algorithm in pMRI and CS
Vol 48, No 5 (2017) Original Paper Dynamic Polarization and Relaxation of 75As Nuclei in Silicon at High Magnetic Field and Low Temperature
Vol 48, No 5 (2017) Original Paper Comparison of the Effects of Different 19F π Pulses on the Sensitivity and Phaseability of the 19F-13C HSQC
Vol 48, No 6 (2017) Original Paper Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping of the Substantia Nigra in Parkinson’s Disease
Vol 48, No 5 (2017) Original Paper Design and Demonstration of Four-Channel Received Coil Arrays for Vertical-Field MRI
Vol 48, No 6 (2017) Original Paper Floquet Hamiltonian and Entanglement in Spin Systems in Periodic Magnetic Fields
Vol 48, No 6 (2017) Original Paper Quantitative Effect of Magnetic Field Strength on PEGylated Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles
Vol 48, No 5 (2017) Erratum Erratum to: Force-detected ESR Measurements in a Terahertz Range up to 0.5 THz and Application to Hemin
Vol 48, No 6 (2017) Original Paper MRI Study of Liesegang Patterns: Mass Transport and Banded Inorganic Phase Formation in Gel
Vol 48, No 7 (2017) Original Paper Electron–Nuclear Spin Dynamics in Semiconductor QDs
Vol 48, No 6 (2017) Original Paper Using Terahertz Waves to Identify the Presence of Goethite via Antiferromagnetic Resonance
Vol 48, No 6 (2017) Original Paper Investigation of Coherence Time of a Nitrogen-Vacancy Center in Diamond Created by a Low-Energy Nitrogen Implantation
Vol 48, No 6 (2017) Original Paper The Effect of Hydroxynaphtazarin Derivatives on Decrease of Ischemic Area After Damage Focal Cerebral Blood Circulation
Vol 48, No 6 (2017) Original Paper ESR Study of Y2SiO5:Nd143 Isotopically Pure Impurity Crystals for Quantum Memory
Vol 48, No 7 (2017) Original Paper NMR Relaxation Efficiency of Aqueous Solutions of Composite MgxZnyFe3−xyO4 Nanoparticles
Vol 48, No 8 (2017) Original Paper Structural Analysis of Relaxation Curves in MRI
Vol 48, No 7 (2017) Original Paper CP MAS Kinetics Study of Ionic Liquids Confined in Mesoporous Silica: Convergence of Non-Classical and Classical Spin Coupling Models
Vol 48, No 8 (2017) Original Paper Microwave Spin Frequency Comb Memory Protocol Controlled by Gradient Magnetic Pulses
Vol 48, No 6 (2017) Original Paper The Medical 1H-MRS Analysis of Edible Vegetable Oils Rancidity: Focus on the Saturated/Unsaturated Fatty Acids (Bond) Change
Vol 48, No 8 (2017) Original Paper Broadband Excitation by Method of Double Sweep
Vol 48, No 7 (2017) Original Paper Diffusion-Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging in an Ultra-Low Magnetic Field
Vol 48, No 8 (2017) Original Paper The Frequency Shifts of the Nuclear Magnetic Momenta Larmor Precession in the Mixture of Two Noble Gases
Vol 48, No 7 (2017) Original Paper Local NMR Relaxation of Dendrimers in the Presence of Hydrodynamic Interactions
Vol 48, No 7 (2017) Original Paper Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Investigations of ZnSe:Mn Nanocrystals
Vol 48, No 7 (2017) Original Paper Single-Sequence Multi-Slice NMR in Strong Gradient Magnetic Fields
Vol 48, No 7 (2017) Original Paper Diagnostic Value of Short and Long Echo Time in 1H-MRS for Patients with Multiple Sclerosis
Vol 48, No 8 (2017) Original Paper Trinuclear Gd(III) Metal Complex with Amide Core Display Remarkable Enhancement in Relaxivity
Vol 48, No 8 (2017) Original Paper A Pulse EPR 25 mT Magnetometer with 10 ppm Resolution
Vol 48, No 8 (2017) Original Paper High-Field Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Reveals a Stable Glassy Fraction up to Melting in Semicrystalline Poly(dimethylsiloxane)
Vol 48, No 7 (2017) Original Paper The Calcium Carbonate Geological Samples Study by 3He NMR
Vol 48, No 7 (2017) Editorial New Aspects of Physics of Magnetic Resonance and Its Applications
Vol 48, No 7 (2017) Original Paper The 55Mn Spin Echo Test of Magnon BEC State in MnCO3
Vol 48, No 8 (2017) Original Paper Respiratory Motion Correction of Compressively Sampled Myocardial Perfusion Data by Using Robust Matrix Decomposition
Vol 48, No 9 (2017) Original Paper An Optimized Passive Shimming Method for Bi-planar Permanent MRI Magnets
Vol 48, No 7 (2017) Original Paper Reduction of Effect of Concomitant Gradients in Low Magnetic Field MRI via Optimization of Gradient Magnetic System
Vol 48, No 8 (2017) Original Paper Compressed Sensing MRI Using Sparsity Averaging and FISTA
Vol 48, No 9 (2017) Original Paper Resonance Frequency and NMR Relaxation Times in Two Inequivalent 133Cs in Cs2CuBr4 and Cs2ZnBr4 Single Crystals
Vol 48, No 9 (2017) Original Paper Superconducting Fluctuations Above the Critical Temperature in Bi2Sr2Ca1−xYxCu2O8+δ as Revealed by Microwave Absorption
Vol 48, No 9 (2017) Original Paper Structural and Metabolic Pattern Classification for Detection of Glioblastoma Recurrence and Treatment-Related Effects
Vol 48, No 9 (2017) Original Paper The Morpho-Functional Characteristics of Cerebral and Renal Arteries After Induced Arterial Hypertension in Rats Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Vol 48, No 8 (2017) Erratum Erratum to: Consistent Paradigm of the Spectra Decomposition into Independent Resonance Lines
Vol 48, No 9 (2017) Original Paper 13C Dynamic Nuclear Polarization Using Derivatives of TEMPO Free Radical
Vol 48, No 9 (2017) Original Article The Power of EPR Techniques in Investigating Functionalization and Penetration into Fibers of Cotton-Bound Antimicrobial Peptides
Vol 48, No 10 (2017) Original Paper NMR Study Conformations of Calcium Gluconate in the Aqueous Solution
Vol 48, No 9 (2017) Original Paper Joint Reconstruction of Multi-contrast Images and Multi-channel Coil Sensitivities
Vol 48, No 9 (2017) Original Paper Comparison of 12 Quadrature Birdcage Coils with Different Leg Shapes at 9.4 T
Vol 48, No 11-12 (2017) Original Paper Saturation Recovery EPR Spin-Labeling Method for Quantification of Lipids in Biological Membrane Domains
Vol 48, No 10 (2017) Review Article Internal Magnetic Field Gradients in Paramagnetic Shale Pores
Vol 48, No 10 (2017) Original Paper Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in Gaussian Stochastic Local Field
Vol 48, No 10 (2017) Original Paper A New Method for Determining Tight Sandstone Permeability Based on the Characteristic Parameters of the NMR T2 Distribution
Vol 49, No 1 (2018) Original Paper Dipolar Relaxation of Multiple Quantum NMR Coherences as a Model of Decoherence of Many-Qubit Coherent Clusters
Vol 48, No 10 (2017) Original Paper MRI Contrast Enhancement Using Ferritin Genes and Its Application for Evaluating Anticancer Drug Efficacy in Mouse Melanoma Models
Vol 48, No 11-12 (2017) Original Paper ELDOR-detected NMR at Q-Band
Vol 48, No 10 (2017) Original Paper A Rapid NMR T2 Inversion Method Based on Norm Smoothing
Vol 48, No 10 (2017) Original Paper Fluid Typing: Efficient NMR Well-Logging with Interleaved CPMG Sequence at Different Frequencies
Vol 48, No 11-12 (2017) Original Paper Q-Band Loop-Gap Resonator for EPR Applications with Broadband-Shaped Pulses
Vol 48, No 11-12 (2017) Original Paper Modes and Fields of Two Stacked Dielectric Resonators in a Cavity of an Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Probe
Vol 48, No 10 (2017) Original Paper GPU-Accelerated Self-Calibrating GRAPPA Operator Gridding for Rapid Reconstruction of Non-Cartesian MRI Data
Vol 48, No 11-12 (2017) Original Paper ODMR Spectroscopy of NV Centers in Diamond Under High MW Power
Vol 49, No 1 (2018) Original Paper Visualization of Digestion Process Using 19F MRI
Vol 48, No 11-12 (2017) Original Paper EPR Uniform Field Signal Enhancement by Dielectric Tubes in Cavities
Vol 48, No 11-12 (2017) Original Paper Analysis of Saturation Recovery Amplitudes to Characterize Conformational Exchange in Spin-Labeled Proteins
Vol 49, No 1 (2018) Original Paper Features of Exchange Interaction Between Cr3+ Ions in Compounds [Fe(phen)3][Cr2(OH)(Ac)(nta)2]·6,25H2O and [Fe(bpy)3][Cr2(OH)(Ac)(nta)2]·8H2O
Vol 49, No 1 (2018) Original Paper Room-Temperature Level Anticrossing and Cross-Relaxation Spectroscopy of Spin Color Centers in SiC Single Crystals and Nanostructures
Vol 49, No 1 (2018) Original Paper Magnetic Resonance of Impurity Spin in Slow Fluctuating Local Field
Vol 48, No 11-12 (2017) Original Paper Optimization Methods for the Design of Sensitive Surface ESR Resonators
Vol 49, No 2 (2018) Original Paper Tailored Nitroxide Radicals and Biradical Containing 13C Enriched Acetylene Groups: ENDOR and DFT Investigation
Vol 49, No 1 (2018) Original Paper Accelerating MRI Using GROG Gridding Followed by ESPIRiT for Non-Cartesian Trajectories
Vol 49, No 2 (2018) Original Paper Encoding Textual Information in Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Vol 48, No 11-12 (2017) Original Paper An X-Band Crossed-Loop EPR Resonator
Vol 49, No 2 (2018) Original Paper FMR Studies of Ultra-Thin Epitaxial Pd0.92Fe0.08 Film
Vol 48, No 11-12 (2017) Original Paper Resonators for In Vivo Imaging: Practical Experience
Vol 48, No 11-12 (2017) Original Paper High-Pressure EPR Spectroscopy Studies of the E. coli Lipopolysaccharide Transport Proteins LptA and LptC
Vol 48, No 11-12 (2017) Original Paper Unseen Coherences Can Be Felt
Vol 48, No 11-12 (2017) Original Paper Autobiography of James S. Hyde
Vol 49, No 2 (2018) Original Paper Optimizing Image Reconstruction in SENSE Using GPU
Vol 48, No 11-12 (2017) Original Paper Six Decades of Progress in Magnetic Resonance: The Contributions of James S. Hyde
Vol 48, No 11-12 (2017) Original Paper High-Bandwidth Q-Band EPR Resonators
Vol 49, No 1 (2018) Original Paper The Effect of Shape and Concentration on Translational Diffusion of Proteins Measured by PFG NMR
Vol 48, No 11-12 (2017) Original Paper The Current State of Measuring Bimolecular Spin Exchange Rates by the EPR Spectral Manifestations of the Exchange and Dipole–Dipole Interactions in Dilute Solutions of Nitroxide Free Radicals with Proton Hyperfine Structure
Vol 49, No 2 (2018) Original Paper Assessment of Combined Therapy of Histochrome and Nebivalol as Angioprotectors on the Background of Experimental Hypertension by Magnetic Resonance Angiography
Vol 49, No 3 (2018) Original Paper Electron Spin Polarization of Photo-Excited Copper Coproporphyrin I: From Monomers to Dimers
Vol 49, No 3 (2018) Original Paper Pulse EPR Study of Gas Adsorption in Cu2+-Doped Metal–Organic Framework [Zn2(1,4-bdc)2(dabco)]
Vol 49, No 2 (2018) Original Paper Multiple Parallel Round Leg Design for Quadrature Birdcage Coil in Ultrahigh-Field MRI
Vol 49, No 1 (2018) Original Paper Bayesian Modeling of NMR Data: Quantifying Longitudinal Relaxation in Vivo, and in Vitro with a Tissue-Water-Relaxation Mimic (Crosslinked Bovine Serum Albumin)
Vol 49, No 3 (2018) Original Paper Refining Spin–Spin Distance Distributions in Complex Biological Systems Using Multi-Gaussian Monte Carlo Analysis
Vol 49, No 1 (2018) Original Paper EPR Study of Sc2SiO5:Nd143 Isotopically Pure Impurity Crystals
Vol 49, No 1 (2018) Editorial Editor’s Preface
Vol 49, No 4 (2018) Original Paper The Study of the Magnetic Properties of a Fe(III) Complex Solution by the NMR Method of “Stationary Coaxial Ampoule”
Vol 49, No 2 (2018) Original Paper Theoretical Investigations of the Spin Hamiltonian Parameters for the Mononuclear Square Pyramidal [CuO5] Groups in Two Paddle Wheel Copper Complexes
Vol 49, No 3 (2018) Original Paper Research of the Spin-Hamiltonian Parameters and Defect Structure for the Trigonal Mn4+ Centers in Y2Ti2O7:Mn4+ Crystal
Vol 49, No 4 (2018) Original Paper A Variable Temperature X- and W-Band EPR Study of Fe-Doped SiCN Ceramics Annealed at 1000, 1100, and 1285 °C: Dangling Bonds, Ferromagnetism and Superparamagnetism
Vol 49, No 4 (2018) Original Paper Translational Mobility of Components and Structure of Water–Ethanol Solutions
Vol 49, No 6 (2018) Original Paper Can MRI Contribute to the Understanding and Therapy of Mental Diseases?
Vol 49, No 3 (2018) Original Paper Trigonal Distortions of the Cr3+ Octahedral Centers in Cr3+-Doped ABO3 (A = Sc, In, Lu) Crystals Obtained by Analyzing EPR Data
Vol 49, No 8 (2018) Original Paper Impact of the Characteristic Impedance of Coaxial Lines on the Sensitivity of a 750-MHz Electronically Tunable EPR Resonator
Vol 49, No 8 (2018) Original Paper Double Electron–Electron Resonance Between Trapped Electron and Hole in a Semiconductor
Vol 49, No 6 (2018) Original Paper Usage of Relative Differences of Experimental and Calculated Vicinal Constants 3JHH for Conformational Analysis of Rigid Molecules in Liquid
Vol 49, No 8 (2018) Original Paper Imaging Doxorubicin Free Radical in Mice with Overhauser Enhanced MRI and its Tumor Suppression Effect in Mice
Vol 49, No 8 (2018) Original Paper Electrically Controlled Dimensionality of Magnetic Systems in Organic Materials
Vol 49, No 8 (2018) Original Paper Local Structural Modification of Ca2+-Depleted Photosystem II Detected by Proton Matrix ENDOR
Vol 49, No 8 (2018) Original Paper Genotoxic Responses of Mitochondrial Oxygen Consumption Rate and Mitochondrial Semiquinone Radicals in Tumor Cells
Vol 49, No 6 (2018) Original Paper NMR Self-diffusion Study of Amino Acid Ionic Liquids Based on 1-Methyl-3-Octylimidazolium in Water
Vol 49, No 7 (2018) Original Paper Effect of NaCl Solution on Swelling Characteristics of Bentonite with Different Diffuse Double Layers
Vol 49, No 9 (2018) Original Paper Fractal Approach for 1H-NMR Spectra Simplification and Data Processing
Vol 49, No 6 (2018) Original Paper Aggregation Behavior of Monomeric Surfactants and a Gemini Cationic Surfactant by NMR and Computer Simulation Data
Vol 49, No 8 (2018) Original Paper Application of a Stopped-Flow EPR Method for the Detection of Short-Lived Flavonoid Semiquinone Radicals Produced by Oxidation Using 15N-Labeled Nitrosodisulfonate Radical (Fremy’s Salt)
Vol 49, No 9 (2018) Original Paper Alignment of Anisotropic Particles by Magnetic Field as Seen by NMR
Vol 49, No 7 (2018) Original Paper Exploring the Limits of Overhauser Dynamic Nuclear Polarization (O-DNP) for Portable Magnetic Resonance Detection of Low γ Nuclei
Vol 49, No 8 (2018) Original Paper Measurements for Addition Reaction Rate Constants of Organic Free Radicals to Maleic Anhydride by Means of Pulsed EPR Spectroscopy with Laser Excitation
Vol 49, No 7 (2018) Original Paper Flowing Liquids in NMR: Numerical CFD Simulation and Experimental Confirmation of Magnetization Buildup
Vol 49, No 9 (2018) Original Paper The Decrease of the ESEEM Frequency of \({\text{P}}_{700}^{ + } {\text{A}}_{1}^{ - }\) Ion-Radical Pair in Photosystem I Embedded in Trehalose Glassy Matrix at Room Temperature can be Explained by Acceleration of Spin–Lattice Relaxation
Vol 49, No 7 (2018) Original Paper 31P MRS Study of Hyperbaric Oxygenation Effects on Phosphate Metabolism of Normal Human Brain
Vol 49, No 9 (2018) Original Paper Planar Gradient Coil Design Using L1 and L2 Norms
Vol 49, No 6 (2018) Editorial From Current Researches to Future Applications
Vol 49, No 9 (2018) Original Paper Motion Adaptive Wavelet Thresholding for Recovery of Compressively Sampled Static and Dynamic MR Images
Vol 49, No 11 (2018) Original Paper Electron-Spin Relaxation of Triarylmethyl Radicals in Glassy Trehalose
Vol 49, No 10 (2018) Original Paper A New Method for Predicting Capillary Pressure Curves Based on NMR Logging in Tight Sandstone Reservoirs
Vol 49, No 8 (2018) Original Paper Solvation and Rotational Diffusion of Solutes in Room Temperature Ionic Liquids as Studied by EPR Spectroscopy with Nitroxide Spin Probing Method
Vol 49, No 10 (2018) Original Paper Plasma Dynamic Viscosity Determined by NMR
Vol 49, No 8 (2018) Original Article Development of Very-Low-Temperature Millimeter-Wave Electron-Spin-Resonance Measurement System
Vol 49, No 10 (2018) Original Paper Non-invasive Measurements of Oilseed Temperature in Soil and Soil Thermal Diffusivity Using Time-Domain NMR Relaxometry
Vol 49, No 10 (2018) Original Paper NMR Characterization of Pore Structure and Connectivity for Nano-self-assembly γ-Al2O3 and Precursor
Vol 49, No 10 (2018) Original Paper Impurities of [1-13C]Pyruvic Acid and a Method to Minimize Their Signals for Hyperpolarized Pyruvate Metabolism Studies
Vol 49, No 8 (2018) Original Paper Double Quantum Coherence EPR Reveals the Structure–Function Relationships of the Cardiac Troponin C–Troponin I Complex Regulated by Ca2+ Ions and a Phosphomimetic
Vol 49, No 11 (2018) Original Paper Characterization of the Lipid Binding Pocket in GM2AP and SapB with EPR Spectroscopy
Vol 50, No 1-3 (2019) Original Paper NMR Investigations of the Catalyst–Monomer Interaction and Stereochemistry of the Product in Catalytic Polymerization of 2-Hydroxyethyl Methacrylate
Vol 49, No 10 (2018) Original Paper Gas Flow Mapping in a Recorder: An Application of SPRITE MRI
Vol 49, No 8 (2018) Editorial Recent Developments in Electron Spin Science and Technology in Japan
Vol 50, No 1-3 (2019) Original Paper An Improved Calibration Framework for Iterative Self-Consistent Parallel Imaging Reconstruction (SPIRiT)
Vol 50, No 1-3 (2019) Original Paper A Hybrid Method for NMR Data Compression Based on Window Averaging (WA) and Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
Vol 50, No 1-3 (2019) Original Paper Pore Structure Evaluation of Bioclastic Limestone Using NMR and HPMI Measurements
Vol 49, No 12 (2018) Original Paper Rescaling of 2D ESEEM Data as a Tool for Inverse Problem Solving
Vol 49, No 11 (2018) Original Paper An Assessment of the Use of Mesoporous Silica Materials to Improve Pulsed Dipolar Spectroscopy
Vol 49, No 10 (2018) Original Paper Influence of Polarity and Ionic Strength on Intramolecular Spin Exchange in a Short Nitroxide Biradical, Containing Sulphur Atom in the Bridge
Vol 49, No 11 (2018) Original Paper Heterogeneity of Accelerated Photooxidation in Stabilized Bulk Commodity Polymers Studied by X-Band ESRI
Vol 50, No 1-3 (2019) Original Paper Improving Multi-contrast Imaging with Reference Guided Location and Orientation Priors on Edges
Vol 50, No 1-3 (2019) Original Paper Verification of Diffusion MRI Fiber Tracking Results In Vivo
Vol 49, No 9 (2018) Review Magnetic Resonance Imaging on Sodium Nuclei: Potential Medical Applications of 23Na MRI
Vol 49, No 10 (2018) Original Paper Analysis of the Regularization Parameters of Primal–Dual Interior Method for Convex Objectives Applied to 1H Low Field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Data Processing
Vol 49, No 11 (2018) Original Paper Measurement of T1e, T1N, T1HE, T2e, and T2HE by Pulse EPR at X-Band for Nitroxides at Concentrations Relevant to Solution DNP
Vol 50, No 1-3 (2019) Original Paper Multi-exponential Analysis of Water NMR Spin–Spin Relaxation in Porosity/Permeability-Controlled Sintered Glass
Vol 49, No 11 (2018) Original Paper Cu(II) EPR Reveals Two Distinct Binding Sites and Oligomerization of Innate Immune Protein Calgranulin C
Vol 50, No 1-3 (2019) Original Paper Characterization of the Initial Hydration Process of Ordinary Portland Cement Based on Low-Field NMR
Vol 50, No 6 (2019) Original Paper Application of EPR Spectroscopy in Studies of Soils from Destroyed Forests
Vol 49, No 12 (2018) Original Paper Uniaxial Diffusional Narrowing of NMR Lineshapes for Membrane Proteins Reconstituted in Magnetically Aligned Bicelles and Macrodiscs
Vol 49, No 12 (2018) Original Paper Orientation Selective 2D-SIFTER Experiments at X-Band Frequencies
Vol 50, No 6 (2019) Original Paper Modeling Spin Hamiltonian Parameters for Fe2+ (S = 2) Adatoms on Cu2N/Cu(100) Surface Using Semiempirical and Density Functional Theory Approaches
Vol 49, No 11 (2018) Editorial Jack Freed: On the Occasion of His 80th Birthday
Vol 50, No 1-3 (2019) Original Paper Portable Unilateral NMR Measuring System for Assessing the Aging Status of Silicon Rubber Insulators
Vol 50, No 1-3 (2019) Original Paper Accelerating Parallel Magnetic Resonance Imaging Using p-Thresholding Based Compressed-Sensing
Vol 50, No 1-3 (2019) Original Paper Complexes Based on Calix[4]arene Sulfonic Acid with Acetic Acid and Its Derivatives: NMR Analysis
Vol 50, No 1-3 (2019) Original Paper ESR Study of the Nature of Melanin from Micellar Fungi Nadsoniella Nigra
Vol 49, No 12 (2018) Original Paper Low-Temperature Dynamical Transition in Lipid Bilayers Detected by Spin-Label ESE Spectroscopy
Vol 50, No 1-3 (2019) Original Paper Study of Aliphatic Polyurethanes by the Low-Field 1H NMR Relaxometry Method with the Inversion of the Integral Transformation
Vol 50, No 6 (2019) Original Paper Spectroscopic Study of Mn2+ Doped PbS Nanocrystals
Vol 50, No 1-3 (2019) Original Paper Spin Diagnostics of Local Polytypic Composition of Silicon Carbide with Submicron Spatial Resolution
Vol 49, No 12 (2018) Original Paper Nucleotide Spin Labeling for ESR Spectroscopy of ATP-Binding Proteins
Vol 50, No 1-3 (2019) Original Paper Development of a Microfluidic NMR Device for Rapid and Quantitative Detection of Tumor Markers
Vol 50, No 1-3 (2019) Correction Correction to: Analysis of the Regularization Parameters of Primal–Dual Interior Method for Convex Objectives Applied to 1H Low Field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Data Processing
Vol 50, No 1-3 (2019) Original Paper Nitroxide Spin Labels—Magnetic Parameters and Hydrogen-Bond Formation: A High-Field EPR and EDNMR Study
Vol 49, No 12 (2018) Original Paper Peculiar Features of the Spectrum Saturation Effect When the Spectral Diffusion Operates: System with Two Frequencies
Vol 50, No 4 (2019) Original Paper Ultra-Narrow Low-Field Nuclear Spin Resonance in NV Centers in a Bulk Diamond Crystal
Vol 50, No 4 (2019) Original Paper NMR Spectra of 1-Vinylimidazole, Transformed by Paramagnetic Complexes
Vol 50, No 4 (2019) Original Paper Influence of Morphology of LaF3 Nano-crystals on Fluorine Dynamics Studied by NMR Diffusometry
Vol 50, No 1-3 (2019) Original Paper 250 MHz Rapid Scan Cross Loop Resonator
Vol 49, No 12 (2018) Original Paper EPR and Magnetization Studies of Polymer-Derived Fe-Doped SiCN Nanoceramics Annealed at Various Temperatures: Blocking Temperature, Superparamagnetism and Size Distributions
Vol 50, No 1-3 (2019) Original Paper Multinuclear Applications on 0.5 T Magnetic Resonance Scanner
Vol 50, No 1-3 (2019) Original Paper Interaction Kinetics of Sulfadiazine and N-Acetyl-sulfadiazine with Soil Humic Acid: ESR Investigations with Nitroxide Spin Label
Vol 50, No 4 (2019) Original Paper Multiplet-Matched Filtering of 103Rh Signal Using Information Contained in 31P Spectrum of AA′XX′ 31P–103Rh Spin System
Vol 50, No 4 (2019) Original Paper The Metabolic Profile of Stable Ischemic Heart Disease by Serum 1H NMR
Vol 50, No 1-3 (2019) Original Paper The Use of Strong Inductively Coupled Wireless Surface Coil and Transmit/Receive Volume Coil for 1H/19F MRI
Vol 50, No 1-3 (2019) Original Paper 63,65Cu NMR Study of the Short-Range Ordered State of Multiferroic CuFeO2
Vol 50, No 4 (2019) Original Paper Features of Development and Applications of Compact EPR Analyzers
Vol 50, No 1-3 (2019) Original Paper The Structure and Internal Dynamics of R6-p-C6H4-R6 Biradical: EPR, X-ray Crystallography and DFT Calculations
Vol 50, No 1-3 (2019) Original Paper Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and X-ray Reflectometry of Co/Cu Superlattices
Vol 50, No 1-3 (2019) Original Paper Photophysical Properties of Zinc Coproporphyrin I Tetraethyl Ester in Different Solvents Probed by TR EPR Spectroscopy
Vol 50, No 1-3 (2019) Original Paper Investigation on Unsaturated Hydraulic Conductivity with Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Technology and Instantaneous Profile Method
Vol 50, No 1-3 (2019) Original Paper Redox Status of a Metastatic Microenvironment in the Liver of Patients with Colorectal Cancer from EPR
Vol 50, No 1-3 (2019) Original Paper Simulation and Analysis of Irregular Multicoil B0 Shimming in C-type Permanent Magnets Using Genetic Algorithm and Simulated Annealing
Vol 50, No 6 (2019) Original Paper Site Symmetries of Cerium Ions in BaWO4 Single Crystals Codoped with Sodium Ions
Vol 50, No 4 (2019) Original Paper 63,65Cu NQR Spectra and Spin–Lattice Relaxation in Thermoelectric CuAlO2
Vol 50, No 1-3 (2019) Original Paper NMR on the Road: Non-destructive Characterization of the Crumb-Rubber Fraction in Asphalt
Vol 50, No 1-3 (2019) Original Paper Numerical Investigations of NMR T1T2 Map in Two-Phase Fluid-Bearing Tight Sandstone
Vol 50, No 1-3 (2019) Original Paper Design and Implementation of a Robust NMR Fluid Analyzer with Multiple Antennas
Vol 50, No 1-3 (2019) Original Paper Optimization of MR Signal Contrast of the Lumbar Cartilaginous Endplates Using Ultra-Short TE
Vol 50, No 1-3 (2019) Original Paper The Local Environment near a Neodymium Ion Doped in Y2SiO5
Vol 50, No 1-3 (2019) Original Paper A Novel Approach to Interpretation of the Time-Dependent Self-Diffusion Coefficient: Water-Mouse RBCs Suspension Study
Vol 50, No 4 (2019) Original Paper MR Relaxation Studies of Hemoglobin Aggregation Process in Sickle Cell Disease: Application for Diagnostics and Therapeutics
Vol 50, No 4 (2019) Original Paper Spin–Lattice Relaxation and Diffusion Processes in Aqueous Solutions of Gadolinium-Based Upconverting Nanoparticles at Different Magnetic Fields
Vol 50, No 5 (2019) Original Paper Spin Dynamics of Two-Dimensional Triangular-Lattice Antiferromagnet 3R-AgFeO2
Vol 50, No 5 (2019) Original Paper Measuring Flow Using a Permanent Magnet with a Large Constant Gradient
Vol 50, No 5 (2019) Original Paper Toward Automated Manufacturing of RF Coils: Microstrip Resonators for 4.7 T Using 3D-Printed Dielectrics and Conductors
Vol 49, No 3 (2018) Original Paper Viscosity Correlations with Nuclear (Proton) Magnetic Resonance Relaxation in Oil Disperse Systems
Vol 49, No 4 (2018) Original Paper Hyperfine Structure in the OD ESR Spectra of Recombining Charge Pairs in Doped Polyethylene Matrices
Vol 49, No 3 (2018) Original Paper Influential Factors of Internal Magnetic Field Gradient in Reservoir Rock and Its Effects on NMR Response
Vol 49, No 4 (2018) Original Paper FMR Investigation of the Magnetic Anisotropy in Films Synthesized by Co+ Implantation into Si
Vol 49, No 4 (2018) Original Paper ViP-CSI: Virtual Phantom Chemical Shift Imaging
Vol 49, No 4 (2018) Original Paper 31P NMR Manifestation of Metabolic Changes in Blood of Spinal Cord Injured Rats
Vol 49, No 4 (2018) Original Paper Secondary-Phase Formation in Spinel-Type LiMn2O4-Cathode Materials for Lithium-Ion Batteries: Quantifying Trace Amounts of Li2MnO3 by Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
Vol 49, No 4 (2018) Original Paper Impregnation of Polycarbonate by Paramagnetic Probe 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-4-Hydroxy-Piperidine-1-Oxyl (TEMPOL) in Supercritical CO2
Vol 49, No 6 (2018) Original Paper 77Se Low-Temperature NMR in the Bi2Se3 Single Crystalline Topological Insulator
Vol 49, No 5 (2018) Original Paper Compressed-Sensing MRI Based on Adaptive Tight Frame in Gradient Domain
Vol 49, No 5 (2018) Original Paper A Fast and Convenient Way to Predict Relaxation During a Frequency-Selective Adiabatic Hyperbolic Secant Pulse (HS1 Sech Pulse)
Vol 49, No 5 (2018) Original Paper Effect of Structural Disorder on Hydrodynamic Behavior of Alpha-Casein According to PFG NMR Spectroscopy
Vol 49, No 5 (2018) Review Article Improved Quantification of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Relaxometry Data via Partial Least Squares Analysis
Vol 49, No 5 (2018) Original Paper To the Precision of Measuring Concentrations of Nitroxide Radicals in Polymers by EPR Technique
Vol 49, No 7 (2018) Original Paper Rock-Type Definition and Pore Characterization of Tight Carbonate Rocks Based on Thin Sections and MICP and NMR Experiments
Vol 49, No 7 (2018) Original Paper Peculiarity of the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Method Application for the Liquid Medium Flow Parameters Control
Vol 49, No 7 (2018) Original Paper Enzymatic Activity Prediction Using Time-Domain Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (TD-NMR) and Multivariate Analysis: A Case Study Using Cassava Roots
Vol 49, No 6 (2018) Original Paper Magic-Angle Spinning NMR and Molecular Mobility in Heterogeneous Systems
Vol 49, No 5 (2018) Original Paper Simultaneous Recording of NMR Signals from Nuclei with Different Gyromagnetic Ratios Using Undersampling Technique
Vol 49, No 8 (2018) Original Paper Irradiation of Phenolic Compounds with Ultraviolet Light Causes Release of Hydrated Electrons
Vol 50, No 5 (2019) Original Paper In Situ FMR Study of the Selective H2S-Oxidation Stability of ε-Fe2O3/SiO2 Catalysts
Vol 50, No 5 (2019) Original Paper 15N–1H Transfer of Light-Induced Nuclear Hyperpolarization in Frozen Photosynthetic Reaction Centers
Vol 50, No 5 (2019) Original Paper Hydration and Water Molecules Mobility in Acid Form of Nafion Membrane Studied by 1H NMR Techniques
Vol 50, No 7 (2019) Original Paper EPR and Mössbauer Characteristics of Aqueous Solutions of 57Fe-Dinitrosyl Iron Complexes with Glutathione and Hydroxyl Ligands
Vol 50, No 5 (2019) Original Paper Properties and Edition of NMR Spontaneous Maser Emission Spectra
Vol 50, No 7 (2019) Original Paper ESEEM Reveals Bound Substrate Histidine in the ABC Transporter HisQMP2
Vol 50, No 7 (2019) Original Paper Substituent Influences on the NMR Signal Amplification of Ir Complexes with Heterocyclic Carbene Ligands
Vol 50, No 5 (2019) Original Paper Double-Tuned Surface 1H–23Na Radio Frequency Coils at 7 T: Comparison of Three Decoupling Methods
Vol 50, No 7 (2019) Original Paper Multi-frequency Dynamic Weighted Functional Connectivity Networks for Schizophrenia Diagnosis
Vol 50, No 4 (2019) Original Paper 1H and 93Nb Solid-State NMR and IR Study of Acidity of Nanodisperse Nb2O5·nH2O
Vol 50, No 7 (2019) Original Paper Characterization of the Distribution of Spin–Lattice Relaxation Rates of Lipid Spin Labels in Fiber Cell Plasma Membranes of Eye Lenses with a Stretched Exponential Function
Vol 50, No 7 (2019) Original Paper A Simple, Accurate Method to Determine the Effective Value of the Magnetic Induction of the Microwave Field from the Continuous Saturation of EPR Spectra of Fremy’s Salt Solutions. Representative values of \(T_{1}\)
Vol 50, No 4 (2019) Editorial Multeity of Magnetic Resonance and Its Applications
Vol 50, No 8 (2019) Original Paper Optimizing T1rho and T2 Values for Intervertebral Discs Obtained from the Combined T1rho and T2 Sequence
Vol 50, No 8 (2019) Original Paper EPR and DEER Characterization of New Mixed Weakly Coupled Nitroxide Triradicals for Molecular Three-Spin Qubits
Vol 50, No 9 (2019) Original Paper Occurrence of Mixed Phase in \(\text {Bi}_{0.5}\text {Sr}_{0.5}\text {Mn}_{0.9}\text {Cr}_{0.1}\text {O}_3\) Bulk Sample: Electron Paramagnetic Resonance and Magnetization Studies
Vol 50, No 8 (2019) Original Paper Golden-Angle Radial Sparse Parallel MR Image Reconstruction Using SC-GROG Followed by Iterative Soft Thresholding
Vol 50, No 8 (2019) Original Paper Computation of Resonance Magnetic Fields of CW-EPR Spectra by Reversion of Power Series
Vol 50, No 6 (2019) Editorial Magnetic Resonance in Poland
Vol 50, No 9 (2019) Original Paper Hyperfine Interaction Promoted Intersystem Crossing
Vol 50, No 8 (2019) Original Paper The Inter/Intra-brain Metabolite Concentration Change as Applying the Rehabilitate Treatment in Intra-cerebral Hemorrhage Rat Models: Pilot Study
Vol 50, No 9 (2019) Original Paper Spectral Convolution for Quantitative Analysis in EPR Spectroscopy
Vol 50, No 9 (2019) Original Paper Development of High-Field and High-Pressure ESR System and Application to Triangular Antiferromagnet \(\hbox {CsCuCl}_{3}\)
Vol 50, No 10 (2019) Original Paper Persistence of Nitroxide Radicals in Solution
Vol 50, No 10 (2019) Original Paper The In Situ Study of the Fe3O4/DMSO Ferrofluid Synthesis
Vol 50, No 10 (2019) Original Paper Hyperbaric Oxygenation Effects on Human Brain In Vivo: 1H MRS and Resting-State fMRI Study
Vol 50, No 10 (2019) Correction Correction to: Spin-label Order Parameter Calibrations for Slow Motion
Vol 50, No 10 (2019) Original Paper Proton Spin Relaxation in Aqueous Solutions of Self-assembling Gadolinium Endofullerenols
Vol 50, No 9 (2019) Original Paper An Improved NMR Permeability Model for Macromolecules Flowing in Porous Medium
Vol 50, No 9 (2019) Original Paper Design and Simulation of a Helmholtz Coil for Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Spectroscopy Experiments with a 3T MR Clinical Scanner
Vol 50, No 10 (2019) Original Paper Whole Body Sodium MRI at 0.5 Tesla Using Surface Coil and Long Echo Time Sequence
Vol 50, No 10 (2019) Original Paper Theoretical Treatment of Pulsed DNP Experiments: Effects of Spectral Exchange
Vol 50, No 10 (2019) Original Paper Studies of the Local Distortions for Cu2+ in Ba2Zn(HCOO)6·4H2O Single Crystal
Vol 50, No 11 (2019) Original Paper EPR Characterization of the Light-Induced Negative Polaron in a Functionalized Dithienylthiazolo[5,4-d]thiazole Acceptor for Organic Photovoltaics
Vol 50, No 11 (2019) Original Paper 1H NMR study of the effect of cucurbit[7]uril on the aquation of carboplatin in biologically relevant media
Vol 50, No 11 (2019) Original Paper Determination of Acrolein-Associated T1 and T2 Relaxation Times and Noninvasive Detection Using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
Vol 50, No 11 (2019) Original Paper Charge Transfer State in the Composite DTS(FBTTh2)2:PC71BM: Dynamics of Electron–Hole Distance Distribution After Light Absorption
Vol 50, No 11 (2019) Original Paper Supplemental Shimming for HR-μMAS NMR Spectroscopy
Vol 50, No 11 (2019) Original Paper On the Difficulties and Pitfalls with the Analysis of Solid-State 13C NMR Spectra in Graphitic Materials
Vol 50, No 12 (2019) Original Paper Study on the Structure of C-S-H Gels of Slag–Cement Hardened Paste by 29Si, 27Al MAS NMR
Vol 50, No 11 (2019) Original Paper De-noising Multi-coil Magnetic Resonance Imaging Using Patch-Based Adaptive Filtering in Wavelet Domain
Vol 50, No 12 (2019) Original Paper Investigations on Magnetization and Electron Magnetic Resonance Properties of Nd0.65Ca0.35Mn1–xZnxO3(x = 0, 0.1, 0.3) Nanomanganite
Vol 50, No 11 (2019) Original Paper Evidence of the Excitation of Mn2+ Spin-Dependent Photoluminescence in Manganese-Doped Yttrium Aluminum Garnets
Vol 50, No 12 (2019) Original Paper Efficient Referencing of FSLG CPMAS HETCOR Spectra Using 2D 1H–1H MAS FSLG
Vol 50, No 12 (2019) Original Paper Metabolomics Data Analysis Improvement by Use of the Filter Diagonalization Method
Vol 50, No 12 (2019) Original Paper Investigation of Multiple-Quantum NMR Coherence Growth and Intensity Profile in Silsesquioxanes
Vol 50, No 12 (2019) Original Paper Exchange Interactions in Heteronuclear Clusters Containing Dysprosium Ions: EPR Spectroscopy Possibility
Vol 50, No 12 (2019) Original Paper A Theoretical Study on Circular Wire and Flat Strip Conductor Inductance for Magnetic Resonance-Shielded Phased-Array Circular Coils
Vol 50, No 12 (2019) Original Paper 51V and 25Mg NMR Study of the Kagome Staircase Compound Mg3V2O8

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