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Vol 49, No 3 (2018)

Original Paper

Electron Spin Polarization of Photo-Excited Copper Coproporphyrin I: From Monomers to Dimers

Sukhanov A.A., Kandrashkin Y.E., Voronkova V.K., Tyurin V.S.


The results of the electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and transient EPR (TREPR) of copper complexes of coproporphyrin I in different solvents before and after the laser pulse photo-excitation have been presented. Continuous-wave EPR spectra of the CuCPP-1 complex in o-terphenyl indicate the presence of only monomer fragments, while in the solution of the chloroform and isopropanol mixture, the complexes dimerize and the amount of dimers is five times larger than that of monomer complexes. Parameters describing EPR spectra of monomer and dimer CuCPP-1 complexes have been determined. It was established that the fine structure tensor of the dimer complex is rotated with respect to the g-tensor, which coincides with the tensor of monomer complexes. TREPR spectra of CuCPP-1 complexes in o-terphenyl and in the chloroform and isopropanol mixture after the laser photo-excitation are mainly due to spin-polarized ground states of monomer and dimer complexes, respectively. The TREPR spectra of the monomer CuCPP-1 show the emissive spin-polarized signal of the ground state. For dimer fragments, the net polarization is observed in the form of absorption and there is a small contribution from the multiplet polarization, which decays fast in time. The time dependence of TREPR of CuCPP-1 complexes in the chloroform and isopropanol mixture is described with allowance for these contributions from the ground state of the dimer and the contribution from the ground state of the monomer, which is manifested at larger times. Differences in the spin polarization of ground states and their possible origin are discussed.

Applied Magnetic Resonance. 2018;49(3):239-253
pages 239-253 views

Pulse EPR Study of Gas Adsorption in Cu2+-Doped Metal–Organic Framework [Zn2(1,4-bdc)2(dabco)]

Poryvaev A.S., Sheveleva A.M., Demakov P.A., Arzumanov S.S., Stepanov A.G., Dybtsev D.N., Fedin M.V.


Gas separation and storage are the hot topics for addressing current challenges in energy and environmental science, including the air pollution problems and alternative fuels, and metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) have a great potential in these fields. Herewith, we present the electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) study of the adsorption of several gases (hydrogen D2, methane 13CH4 and CD4, and carbon dioxide 13CO2) in Cu2+-doped MOF [Zn2(1,4-bdc)2(dabco)]. The obtained compound of composition [Zn1.993Cu0.007(1,4-bdc)2(dabco)] is suitable for studying adsorption geometries at Cu2+ ions and in their closest environments using pulse EPR. In attempt to characterize D2, 13CH4, CD4, and 13CO2 adsorption sites, we applied echo-detected EPR along with hyperfine sublevel correlation spectroscopy and pulse electron-nuclear double resonance spectroscopy. Altogether, these methods demonstrated the preferred location of gas molecules in the framework being at least 6 Å away from the copper ions. In addition, EPR spectroscopy allowed determination of the proton environment of copper and confirmed its incorporation into the MOF lattice, which is hard to establish using other techniques.

Applied Magnetic Resonance. 2018;49(3):255-264
pages 255-264 views

Refining Spin–Spin Distance Distributions in Complex Biological Systems Using Multi-Gaussian Monte Carlo Analysis

Timofeev I.O., Krumkacheva O.A., Fedin M.V., Karpova G.G., Bagryanskaya E.G.


Pulse dipolar electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy provides means of distance measurements in the range of ~ 1.5–10 nm between two spin labels tethered to a biological system. However, the extraction of distance distribution between spin labels is an ill-posed mathematical problem. The most common approach for obtaining distance distribution employs Tikhonov regularization method, where a regularization parameter characterizing the smoothness of distribution is introduced. However, in case of multi-modal distance distributions with peaks of different widths, the use of a single regularization parameter might lead to certain distortions of actual distribution shapes. Recently, a multi-Gaussian Monte Carlo approach was proposed for eliminating this drawback and verified for model biradicals [1]. In the present work, we for the first time test this approach on complicated biological systems exhibiting multi-modal distance distributions. We apply multi-Gaussian analysis to pulsed electron–electron double resonance data of supramolecular ribosomal complexes, where the 11-mer oligoribonucleotide (MR) bearing two nitroxide labels at its termini is used as a reporter. Calculated distance distributions reveal the same conformations of MR as those obtained by Tikhonov regularization, but feature the peaks having different widths, which leads to a better resolution in several cases. The advantages, complications, and further perspectives of application of Monte-Carlo-based multi-Gaussian approach to real biological systems are discussed.

Applied Magnetic Resonance. 2018;49(3):265-276
pages 265-276 views

Research of the Spin-Hamiltonian Parameters and Defect Structure for the Trigonal Mn4+ Centers in Y2Ti2O7:Mn4+ Crystal

Cheng M., Wu X.X., Zheng W.C.


The high-order perturbation formulas founded on the two-mechanism model are applied in this paper to compute the spin-Hamiltonian parameters (g factors g//, g and zero-field splitting D) of the trigonal Mn4+ centers in Y2Ti2O7:Mn4+ crystal. In this model, besides the contributions from the traditional crystal-field (CF) mechanism (in the CF theory) related to CF excited states, those from the charge-transfer (CT) mechanism connected with CT excited states are contained. The calculated results are reasonably coincident with the observed values. The calculations show that the contributions of CT mechanism to spin-Hamiltonian parameters (in particular, the g factors) for (MnO6)8− clusters are large and cannot be neglected. The defect structure of trigonal (MnO6)8− clusters in Y2Ti2O7:Mn4+ crystals is also evaluated. The results are discussed.

Applied Magnetic Resonance. 2018;49(3):277-283
pages 277-283 views

Trigonal Distortions of the Cr3+ Octahedral Centers in Cr3+-Doped ABO3 (A = Sc, In, Lu) Crystals Obtained by Analyzing EPR Data

Peng R.M., Mei Y., Liu H.G., Zheng W.C.


The spin-Hamiltonian parameters (g factors g//, g and zero-field splitting D) of the trigonal Cr3+ centers in Cr3+-doped ABO3 (A = Sc, In, Lu) borate crystals are computed from both the complete diagonalization (of energy matrix) method and also the perturbation method based on the two-spin–orbit-parameter model, where the contributions to spin-Hamiltonian parameters due to both the spin–orbit parameter of central dn ion and that of ligands via covalence effect are considered. The calculated results are compatible with those available in experiments. The defect structures of the trigonal (CrO6)9− octahedral centers are also evaluated from the calculations. It is found that the trigonal (MO6)9− octahedra change from the elongation in the host crystals to the compression in the impurity centers because of the large size and nature mismatch substitution in these Cr3+-doped ABO3 crystals. The results are discussed.

Applied Magnetic Resonance. 2018;49(3):285-292
pages 285-292 views

Viscosity Correlations with Nuclear (Proton) Magnetic Resonance Relaxation in Oil Disperse Systems

Kashaev R.S.


Using nuclear (proton) magnetic resonance relaxometry (NMRR) was studied oil disperse systems. Dependences of NMR–relaxation parameters—spin–lattice T1i, spin–spin T2i relaxation times, proton populations P1i and P2i, and petrophysical correlations were received for light and heavy oils. Experimental results are interpreted on the base of structure-dynamical ordering of oil molecules with structure unit formation.

Applied Magnetic Resonance. 2018;49(3):309-325
pages 309-325 views

Influential Factors of Internal Magnetic Field Gradient in Reservoir Rock and Its Effects on NMR Response

Xing D., Fan Y., Deng S., Ge X., Liu J., Wu F.


Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) plays a significant role in porous media analysis and petroleum exploration, but its response is significantly influenced by the internal magnetic field gradient in fluid saturated porous medium, which obviously limits the accuracy of rock core analysis and logging interpretation. The influential factors of the internal magnetic field gradient in formation and its influences on NMR response are studied in this paper, based on NMR mechanism through one- and two-dimensional core NMR experiments. The results indicate that the internal magnetic field gradient is positively correlated with the static magnetic field strength and the magnetic susceptibility difference between pore fluid and solid grains, while it presents negative correlation with pore radius. The internal magnetic field gradient produces an additional diffusion relaxation in hydrogen relaxation system and accelerates the attenuation of magnetization vector. As a result, T2 spectrum shifts to the left and NMR porosity and diffusion coefficient of the fluid could be inaccurate. This research sets a foundation for the NMR porosity correction and fluid distribution on T2-G maps based on the internal magnetic field gradient correction.

Applied Magnetic Resonance. 2018;49(3):227-237
pages 227-237 views

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