
Legal transplants of Roman–Byzantine law in Ancient Rus in the context of Russian legal doctrine formation
Tarasevich I.
Vindication of a Share in the Right of Common Share Ownership and Some Features of the Reclamation of Common Property
Zarubin A.
Legitimation in the Context of the Mechanism of Self-Regulation of Law(for Example, the Law of Public Status of a Citizen)
Krupenya E.
Private and public law: mordern views on the problem of defenition and division
Guryanova V.
Pravovaya neopredelennost'printsipa spravedlivostiv ugolovnom sudoproizvodstve
Timoshenko A.
THe Constitution and the Employers: the Principle of Equality Before the Law
Eseva E.
Problems in the Legal Regulation of Mass Events
Lukmanov I., Pomazansky A.
Historical Aspect and Prerequisites for Amending the Constitution of the RF
Jilkin V.
Glimpses of history of Russian legal science of XIX c. N.M. Korkunov: hours of triumph in legal science and tragedy in private life
Ekimov A.
The right to a healthy environment: social purpose, content and protection
Danilova N.
Medicaments and law (scientific review of the monograph of I.V. Ponkin and A.A. Ponkina «Pharmaceutical Law» (Moscow, GEOTAR-Media, 2017, 144 p.)).
Chelpanova T.
Problems of Costitualization of Labour Legislation in Eurasian Economic Union Member-States
Tomashevski K.
The possibility of qualifying foreclosure of the mortgaged real estate as secondary rights
Bocharnikova K.
Protection of the Rights of Obligations
Zhmaeva E.
Modern problems of jurisprudence in the context of the social role of the law
Catzapava I.
On the Issue of Inadmissibility of Infringing the Right to a Fair Trial of Criminal Cases under the Guise of Protecting State Sovereignty
Timoshenko A.
The theory of law and their relationship to the realities of life
Lyneev V.
Interdisciplinary Research as an Important Direction of Development of Modern Russian Law
Kostrova M.
Doctrinal basis of the Soviet law science —epistemological and praxeological dimensions
Apolski E., Mordovtsev A., Mamychev A.
«Welfare state» versus ideological matrix of «monetary civilization» (about the problem of state construction in present-day Russia)
Abramova M.
Modern corporate law in modernization of civil legislation on legal entities
Fokov A.
The Civil Law Influence on the Tax Law Terminology and Legal Institutions
Smolitskaya E.
Conscientiousness in Private and Public Sectors of Russian Law
Fedin I.
The right of insurrection and «color» revolutions in the modern world
Romanovsky G.
The Criminalization of Acts in the Field of Disposal of a Person With His Body
Chernysheva Y.
State Interest in the Aspect of Modern International Relations
Motova E.
Conceptual Approaches to the Organization of Prosecutorial Activities in the Fight Against Global Corruption
Kakitelashvili M.
On the Impact of Digital Technologies on Modern Society
Kolesov M.
Ideology in the Main Law of Russia
Kalnoy I.
The impact of economic analysis of law on legal thinking
Koroleva E.
Subjective Attitude to the Injuryunder Circumstances Precluding the Criminality of the Act (Chapter 8 of the Criminal Code of the RF)
Pitetskiy V.
Review-Reflection on the Work Bochkarev S. A.«The Philosophy of Criminal Law: the Question»
Hilyuta V.
Socio-Cultural Foundations of the National Philosophy of Law: History and Modernity
Katsapova I.
The Dialectic of the General and Special as a Condition of Development of Local Self-Government
Akmalova A., Kapitsyn V.
Responsibility for Committing Accounting Offenses in the Criminal Law with Finland and Russia as an Example
Jilkin V.
The Problem of Determining the System of Private Law and the Model Law «On Entrepreneurship»
Bogustov A.
THe legal system of the planet Tranay unsuitable for Russia
Luneev V.
THe possibilities of the criminal code and criminal policy in overcoming the economic crisis
Kostrova M.
The revolutionary dimension of the right of integrity
Shultz V., Bochkarev S.
Russian legal archetype: essence and contents
Skorobogatov A., Krasnov A.
The problem of the legislative sentence to the death penalty in russia in the context of international obligations
Ivanov A.
Law reality of Russia: Philosophical-law analysis
Skorobogatov A., Krasnov A.
The Right to a Fair Trial in Civil Cases and Its Elements in the Light of the Ideas of the Rule of Law
Afanasiev S.
«State Law» as an Object of Scientific and Practical Comprehension
Shultz V., Bochkarev S.
Legal Entropy in International Law
Chipiga I.
Economic Losses of the Russian Budgetary System
Karaseva M.
The influence of the destructive internet content on the legal awareness of the youth
Gaivoronskaya Y., Karimova Y.
Islamic Law in the jurisdiction of International Financial Centers: comparative legal analysis
Didikin A.
Juridical thinking and evolution of semiotical remedies of constructing of law reality
Razuvaev N.
Professor A. S. Yaschenko as a Champion of Natural Law and a «World Reformer»
Kunitsyn A.
Information Wars and Sanctions of the International Olympic Committee as Means of Political Pressure on the Russian Sport and Public Opinion
Jilkine V.
New Sub-Sector of Criminal Law?
Rarog A.
Retsenziya na monografiyuA.D. Kerimova i I.N. Kuksina«Sil'noe gosudarstvo, kak opredelyayushchiy faktor obshchestvennogo progressa»(Izdatel'stvo Norma, 2017 g. 96 s.)
Klimenko A.
Filosofiya ugolovnogo prava v istorii evropeyskikh i anglo-amerikanskikh shkol
Bochkarev S.
Legal value of law in the context of the theory of the power (new approach)
Belyaev V., Horoshiltsev A.
Review of the monograph Tsybulevsky O. I., Racinos A. S. "Moral and evaluative category in the modern Russian law". - Saratov: Stolypin Volga Institute of management. P. A. Stolypin, 2015
Kerimov A.
Revolutionary upheavals destroy the right
Naryshkin S.
The duality in the understanding of the modern criminal policy
Shultz V., Bochkarev S.
The theoretical basis of the quality of labour legislation
Almaeva Y.
The Economic System as the Object of the Constitutional-Legal Research
Grigorieva V.
Asset Partitioning in Roman Law
Ibragimov K.
Towards the German Doctrine Interpretation and Criticism of the Construct of Comparative Criminal Law Studies
Kudratov M., Pechegin D.
About the Legal Nature of the Termination of Obligation in the Context of Modern Legislation
Ananiev A.
Convergence or conflict: about the influence of digital and information technology on culture
Gaivoronskaya Y., Martianov N.
Punishment and criminal impact: finding the best model for countering crime
Khilyuta V.
Social Orientation of the Prosecutor’s Supervision
Kolesov M.
Exceptions to Law as a Means of Ensuring Its Legitimacy
Sumenkov S.
On the Issue of a System of International-Legal Instruments in the Sphere of Regulation Intergovernmental Technology Transfer Cooperation for Sustainable Development
Shugurov M.
Realizatsiya printsipa samoopredeleniya narodov i nalogovoe pravo: opyt Gruzii
Shepenko R.
The International Legal Framework to Combat Criminal Extremism
Kunashev A.
Antropologiya prava v metodologicheskoy paradigme bogosloviya lichnosti:sub\"ekt pravootnosheniy i problema svobody
Fetisov T.
Administrativnoe pravo kak bytie
Yusupov V., Bratanovskiy S.
Acts of the Eurasian Economic Commission as a source of law EAEC
Bakaeva O.
THe scientific novelty of the public right : illusion or reality?
Ponomareva I.
Criminal procedure policy and criminal procedure law. Part 2
Shadrin V.
Perspectives of development of conception of international law policy
Shugurov M.
Complex branch of Russian law (military law)
Koryakin V.
The Role of Investment Cooperation Between Russia and China in the Global Economy in the Context of International Law
Farkhutdinov I.
Scenario Approach to the Study of the Directions of Regulation of the Sphere of Cryptocurrencies in the Russian Federation
Tymoshenko A., Feyzov V., Chernov I.
Philosophical Reflection of Law Branches (Report on S.A. Bochkarev's Thesis Review "Theoretical and Methodological Research of Criminal Law as a System of Scientific Study" Submitted to the Competition for the Degree of Doctor Habilitated in Law)
Shultz V.
Computer network attacks as an act of aggression in the context of the development of modern international relations: pros and cons
Lobach D., Smirnova E.
International law on the principle of non-use of force or the threat of force
Jilkine V.
Reflections on the monograph S.A. Bochkareva «The philosophy of criminal law: posing a question» (M.: Norma, 2019. 404 s.)
Pavlinov A.
The Sources of International Law Legitimacy
Petrova E.
Economic Crime or Offence: Search for Criteria of Distinction
Hilyuta V.
Constitutionalization of International Law in Light of Modern International Relations
Aznagulova G.
Nalogovoe i grazhdanskoe pravo: al'ternativy, vyravnivanie, transformatsiya
Sentsova (Karaseva) M.
The Role of International Criminal Justice in Fulfillment of the Tasks of the World Community - UN
Kostenko N.
Bibleyskaya pravovaya mysl'i istoriya sovremennogo prava
Fominskaya M.
Reformy Aleksandra IIi filosofiya Ivana Il'ini
Ryumin S.
On Some Issues of Constitutional-Legal Regulation of Rural Life
Afanasyev A., Golovachev S.
On some features of the modern legal technique in the mechanisms of the Environmental law norms setting
Klyukanova L.
Idea of law for XXI century (on some tasks of the modern philosophy of law
Shugurov M.
Institute investigating judge to the theory of the «lesser evil»
Tymoshenko A.
Quasi value of the modern theory of the object crime
Bochkarev S.
Globalization of law: philosophical and legal interpretation
Mescheryakova O.
Modernization of Medical Law: the Formation of a Branch of Law or Legislation?
Romanovsky G.
Justice as a Principle and Purpose of Law Enforcement
Chukin D.
Ensuring the Constitutional Rights and Freedoms of Man and Citizen in the Development of Modern Information and Communication Technologies
Kolesov M.
The Right to Be Forgotten: The Balance Between Public and Private Interests in the Practice of Constitutional Control Organs
Petrova D., Galchun E.
Bankruptcy of a citizen — problems of collecting information about the debtor
Gladysheva E.
Fair trial in criminal matters: un standards and factors of transformation of its Russian model
Timoshenko A.
Some questions of interaction of theology and jurisprudence in the knowledge of legal phenomena
Lavrov V.
Philosophy of globalization of criminal law
Khilyuta V.
Cross-Sectoral Nature of the Category «Damage» and Actual Problems of Interrelation of Civil, Criminal, Criminal Procedural, Arbitration and Budgetary Legislation of the RF
Kudratov M., Pechegin D., Trefilov A.
Legitimation of Law in Traditional Societies:the Institutional Aspect
Lomakina I.
Criminally-Legal Ways of Maintenance of Safety of Citizens in the Sphere of Housing and Communal Services
Kravchenko R.
System and Spatial Organization of the Existence of Administrative Law
Yusupov V., Bratanovsky S.
Aksiologiya trudovogo prava kak uchenieo tsennostyakh v sfere truda
Tomashevskiy K.
Sootnoshenie istoricheskogoi sovremennogo aspektov razvitiya obshchestvav protsesse globalizatsii
Katsapova I.
Russian tradition ensuring the right to a fair trial
Tymoshenko A.
Russia is in the grip of globalization, crisis and external pressure sanctioning
Okhotsky E.
Methodological bases of the modern theory of law: the issue of reviewing and searching of a new type of law
Trofimov V., Sviridov V.
The values and anti-values of the shadow economy
Panchenko P.
Protection of cross-border trafficking of intellectual property in the context of the economic and legal integration of the Russian Federation
Inshakova A.
History, current status and perspectives of criminal-legal protection of property relations in law
Heluta V.
Problems of the Theory of Interpretation of the Will of the Legislator
Zhigitov A.
Features of Recognition of Citizenship of the Russian Federation
Piryazeva N.
Law of Digital Society: Actual Problems and the Way of Development (the Ending)
Razuvaev N.
Paradoxes of economic theory in the perception of justice
Bochkarev S.
Legal thinking in the context of linear and cyclical politogenesis
Romashov R.
Philosophy of law in the system of philosophy and jurisprudence
Meshcheryakova O.
Formation of Real Legal Regulationin the Practice of Criminal Procedure Law
Shadrin V.
Fair Judgment as a Method of Countering the Color Revolutions
Tymoshenko A.
Individual Law as the Basis of Legal Behavior of an Individual
Krasnov A., Skorobogatov A.
K voprosu o sovremennom ponyatii nravstvennosti v kontekste realizatsii kontseptsii pravovogo gosudarstva
Karabaeva K.
Political and Legal Aspects of Public Management in Crisis - the Global Dimension
Okhotsky E.
Gegelevskaya filosofiya grazhdanskogo prava
Ryzhenkov A.
Dialektika v gosudarstvennom prave
Ponomareva I.
The problems of delineation of hierarchical systemic-structural divisions of civil law
Luneva E.
Criteria, procedure and evaluation of results of dissertational researches on the theory and history of law, government and jurisprudence in Russia (1802-2014)
Yakushev A., Komarov S.
Axiologycriminal law: introduction to the topic and problems of its formation
Bochkarev S.
Globalization of the world and supranational law
Luneev V.
Current State and Prospects of the Russian Theory of Law and State Part 2
Lapaeva V.
Legal Nihilism and Its Foundation
Kalnoy I.
Functions of Legal Symbols
Goncharova N.
A Proposed Classification of Legal Symbols
Goncharova N.
Law of Digital Society: Actual Problems and the Ways of Development
Razuvaev N.
A systematic approach as a methodological basis for the knowledge of the reception of law
Aznagulova G., Mustafin I.
The importance of information in modern society
Kolesov M.
Legal fiction in copyright
Efremova V.
Anti-dogmatic: a new understanding of the criminal process and law
Aleksandrov A., Vlasova S.
Features of the Legalization of Judicial Practice in the Russian Federation
Kulik O.
Ob inklyuzivnom mekhanizme regulirovaniya avtorskikh otnosheniy v Rossiyskoy Federatsii
Budnik R.
Kenoticheskoe pravo v Svyashchennom Pisanii Vetkhogo i Novogo Zavetov
Fetisov T.
Implementation of the Objectives of Environmental Policy in the Framework of the State-Private Partnership as a Factor of Sustainable Development of Russia
Baev V., Kalinina I.
Dinamika sootnosheniya mezhdunarodnogo prava i mezhdunarodnoy morali:teoreticheskiy i metodologicheskiy aspekty
Shugurov M.
Dlya poznaniya prava predlagaetsya komprekhendnyy podkhod
Zakhartsev S., Sal'nikov V.
Constitutional issues of russian federalism
Kochetkov V.
The Problem of State Responsibility for the Organization of «Color Revolutions» and Opposition Support Abroad
Sazonova K.
1 - 150 的 173 信息 1 2 > >> 


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