Justice as a Principle and Purpose of Law Enforcement

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The preservation of an individual’s personal and species identity depends on their affiliation with specific forms of cooperation. Living together deprives individuals of certain freedoms and promises, such as compensation, security, and the possibility of self-realization. However, such a guarantee can only be provided by a specially organized society that, due to the correct organization of relations between parts and the whole, achieves a synergistic effect. The generalized indicator of such a society is justice, which accumulates other values that are significant for individuals, such as freedom, equality, and solidarity. The historical experience of human communities shows that the most reliable of the known instances of justice is positive (state) law. This article provides an argument supporting the thesis that justice, as the objective of law, is achieved during its application, especially when it acts as one of its guiding principles.

About the authors

Dmitry S. Chukin

Saratov Military Order of Zhukov Red Banner Institute of National Guard Troops

Author for correspondence.
Email: dchukin@yandex.ru
SPIN-code: 3772-9561

senior lecturer

Russian Federation, 158, st. Moskovskaya, 410023 Saratov


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