Criminally-Legal Ways of Maintenance of Safety of Citizens in the Sphere of Housing and Communal Services

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The article considers the issues of security of citizens in the implementation of capital repair of premises by the application of a crime under article 216 of the Criminal Code of the RF. The relevance of this topic is ref lected in the statistics of the state of housing conditions in the Russian Federation, as well as the potential danger of works on capital repair of premises. This fact is indirectly ref lected in the clarifications of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the RF concerning the issues of qualification of crimes under article 216 of the Criminal Code. However, a law enforcement official is often faced with serious difficulties in the legal assessment of the facts of the injury as a result of unsafe work in the sphere of housing and communal services. This fact also expresses the relevance of the study of issues of qualification unsafe in the conduct of capital repair of premises.The article analyzes the statistical indicators of housing conditions in the Russian Federation, as well as volume of works on capital repair of premises. Also, the paper examines the provisions of the housing and civil legislation governing the execution of works in the field of housing legislation. Based on the results of the analysis of the findings, relevant to the application of the criminal law in this field.In the study discussed the issues of indicators of public danger of the unsafe performance of works in the sphere of housing and communal services and their impact on the qualification of socially dangerous acts in this sphere. The author makes conclusions about the final time of the acts associated with the violation of safety rules during performance of works on capital repairs of residential premises.

About the authors

R M Kravchenko

Academy of the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation



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