Fair Judgment as a Method of Countering the Color Revolutions

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In the article, based on an analysis of the mechanisms of committing «soft coups» or color revolutions, their main reason is revealed - the artificial intensification of the atmosphere of intolerance and hysteria in society. Under these conditions, the only way to avoid escalation of tensions is to build a truly fair court system. In particular, this statement is true for the organization of criminal proceedings, since it is when identifying, investigating and resolving them that reveal the most intimate thing that a person has - his life, health, personal integrity, the need for normal socialization and economic well-being.The author analyzed the key conditions for creating in the eyes of the public the authority that judges need to assess them as a center for making decisions necessary for society.Only legal methods can achieve the creation of a welfare state.

About the authors

A A Tymoshenko

The University of the Prosecutor General of the RF

Email: antim1@yandex.ru


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