Philosophy of law in the system of philosophy and jurisprudence

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The article seeks to substantiate the philosophical and legal approach to the law. The article deals with the problems of jurisprudence from the standpoint of the philosophy of law. The author considers historical-methods aspects of development of philosophy of law as the most important moment of formation of the European liberalism conditioned by the genesis thereof.

The aim of the article is to describe the influence of the philosophy of law on the formation and development of a legal worldview.

In the present article author researches questions of philosophy of law impact on the law. Among the philosophical and jurisprudential schools and disciplines, which significantly affected the establishment and transformation of legal philosophy the decisive role belonged to the entire philosophical system of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, including philosophy of law, history, religion, and logic. The question of what was the impact of philosophical system of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel for the formation of teaching on law is considered in the article.

That is why, “Philosophy of Law” by Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel is of high value in the history of political and legal though, and Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel should take a worthy place among the patriarchs of the philosophy of law.

These problems identified the subject of the study conducted in the article. The identification of certain features of succession with regard to Hegelian philosophy allowed us to indicate ways of enriching jurisprudence with the philosophy of law.

The methodological basis of the research is a set of methods of scientific knowledge, among which the main place is occupied by the methods of historicism, comparative-legal, as well as formal-legal and systemic approach.

Its provisions can be used in further studies on issues of philosophy of law and jurisprudence.

About the authors

Olga M. Meshcheryakova

Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia

Author for correspondence.

Doctor of Law, Professor of the Department of International Law

Russian Federation, Mosсow


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