Political and Legal Aspects of Public Management in Crisis - the Global Dimension

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The article examines the legal framework, characteristics and main components of politics and public administration in the context of globalization and the crisis of the negatives of modern Russia, economic, organizational and informational integration frameworks of the state policy in the globalization processes and the practical implementation of anti-crisis state policy and contractional orientation. Analyzes General, special and private in the process of managing anticyclonic specific action based on the opportunities and prospects out of the country on the path of sustainable socio-economic and political development; represented basic components of the mechanism of public crisis management, the most effective forms, methods and means for effective political and managerial activities in crisis and unprecedented external unfriendly to Russia sanctions pressure.

About the authors

E V Okhotsky

MGIMO under the MFA of Russia

Email: e.ohotskii@mail.ru


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