Fair trial in criminal matters: un standards and factors of transformation of its Russian model

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Based on an analysis of international standards in the field of justice discussed at the 13 UN Congresses on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice since 1950, the article examines the characteristics of the “ideal” model of a fair criminal process from the point of view of the world community. In the context of a fairly broad understanding of the sign of justice, both at the level of national law enforcement bodies and in the context of the application of international acts by various intergovernmental organizations, it is quite important to isolate the key signs of justice.

The author studied not only the International Conventions and Declarations discussed at the Congresses, but also their working documents, which made it possible to more accurately determine the desired vector of development of national legislation in its movement toward building a more just criminal process.

The conclusions drawn in the work based on the results of the study can be used in lawmaking, as well as be the subject of scientific discussion of the acceptability of the recommendations of the international community for the purposes of effective lawmaking and law enforcement.

The author also proposes to take into account the identified factors affecting the fairness of legal proceedings when building scenario analysis models regarding the future transformation of the judicial system in connection with its global digitalization.


About the authors

Andrey A. Timoshenko

University of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation, Moscow

Author for correspondence.
Email: antim1@yandex.ru

PhD in Law, Associate Professor, Professor of the University of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation

Russian Federation, 117638, Moscow, st. Azovskaya, 2, building 1.


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