Conceptual Approaches to the Organization of Prosecutorial Activities in the Fight Against Global Corruption

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On the basis of analysis of international acts, national legislation, and law enforcement practice, the article shows the conceptual approaches in the organization and activities of prosecutorial authorities in the fight against corruption. This article aims to determine optimal ways to improve the legal status of the prosecutor’s office to improve its effectiveness against corruption.

The objectives of the study are to identify international principles in the organization of international anti-corruption bodies; to identify the problems of organization in the activities of specialized anti-corruption prosecution services; to determine the main directions of prosecutorial activities in the fight against corruption; to identify the role of international cooperation of prosecutors in the fight against corruption.

The object of the study were public relations formed in the process of the prosecutor’s office in the fight against corruption, and the subject — the rules of law governing the activities of prosecutorial authorities and the practice of their application.

The methodology of research is general scientific methods of knowledge (dialectical, analysis and synthesis, modeling, and so on).

The article contains a comparative legal analysis of the legislation of foreign countries regulating the activities of prosecutors in the fight against corruption. Particular attention is paid to the organization and activities of prosecutorial authorities of CIS countries. Proceeding from the specifics of organization and activity, prosecutorial authorities of foreign countries are endowed with different volumes of powers in combating corruption. The engagement of prosecution authorities worldwide in combating corruption has led to the creation of specialized units within their structure. In many countries, however, an inter-agency opposition exists between specialized anti-corruption bodies and prosecutors’ offices due to overlapping responsibilities.

The prosecution authorities of Belarus, Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and other countries have the greatest powers in the criminal and non-criminal spheres. Prosecutor’s offices in these countries are empowered to supervise the implementation of anti-corruption legislation and coordinate anti-corruption activities of the entire law enforcement system. A promising direction to improve the effectiveness of prosecution is the introduction of SWOT-analysis in its activities. Moreover, based on interstate training centers, a need for the advanced training of prosecutors persists. Considering the positive experience of creating the European Public Prosecutor’s Office, the expediency of granting the Coordinating Council of Prosecutors General of the CIS countries with additional powers to coordinate the activities of prosecution authorities in the fight against corruption was substantiated.

About the authors

Mikhail M. Kakitelashvili

University Prosecutor’s Office of Russian Federation

Author for correspondence.
SPIN-code: 7026-3219

Candidate of Science in Law, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of International Cooperation in the Field of Prosecutorial Activity, ensuring representation and protection of the Interests of the Russian Federation in interstate bodies, foreign and international (interstate) courts, foreign and international arbitration courts (arbitrations)

Russian Federation, 117638, Moscow, Azovskaya str., 2, room 1.


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