Legal Nihilism and Its Foundation

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Ontological bases of legal nihilism are being considered in this article. Methodology of anthropological direction is claimed. Nihilism sources as one of the forms of protest consciousness are rooted in man`s nature. Myth culture adapted biological instincts. It declared about itself as a cradle of people generation. Man went through his formation and development in conditions of different culture but myth culture didn`t vanish. It found its status of man eternal satellite. Man in his development went the way through anthroposociogenesis from protoman till modern man. He preserved the connection with nature at the level of will to life development. He will to life realizes itself through the instinct of self-preservation. Positive and negative aspects of man behavior are laid in this instinct which is the indirect cause of legal nihilism, conflict and «not right».

About the authors

I I Kalnoy

Crimean Federal University V.I. Vernadsky



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