A systematic approach as a methodological basis for the knowledge of the reception of law

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The study analyzed the principles of interaction between the national legal system such as the reception of law. The reception of law, being a cultural phenomenon of social progress, occurs in a specific social environment backed up by the growing political, economic, social, and legal integration. It serves as a significant factor of mutual enrichment with universal human values. The process is governed by certain methodological prerequisites, such as principles validated by the objective evolution of nature and society.

The research is based on the systemic approach to legal phenomena and the dialectical method, which calls for their study in being, functioning, and development. The meaning and significance of the widely used categories of the legal discourse of social phenomena, such as methodology, interaction, and movement, have been analyzed. Among the variety of movement interpretations, the most fruitful one in the legal science is the extended interpretation by Hegel and its identification with sublation in the dialectical method, emphasizing the unity of movement and legal matter. Such understanding of movement necessitates permanent improvement of the legal system and search for conditions and ways of its stable functioning in the existing external environment.

The author notes the possible applications of natural sciences principles, such as Le Chatelier’s principle and Prigogine’s principle of minimum entropy production, reflecting the facts of stability and directionality of the establishment of a new stability in the reviewed system and other open system interactions.

A set of methodological principles of interaction between national legal systems have been formulated based on the systemic approach and the natural sciences achievements that allow to understand the stability factors of a legal system and the internal reaction of a legal system and its external environment during the reception of law.

About the authors

Guzel M. Aznagulova

Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation

Email: agm09@mail.ru

Doctor of Law, Associate Professor, Professor

Russian Federation

Ilmir R. Mustafin

Bashkir State University

Author for correspondence.
Email: ilm67228749@yandex.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-5220-8768

Postgraduate student of Law and History of State Department at the Institute of Law

Russian Federation


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Copyright (c) 2021 Aznagulova G.M., Mustafin I.R.

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