Social Orientation of the Prosecutor’s Supervision

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The article examines one of the possible ways to optimize the activities of the prosecutor’s office in one of the most priority areas of prosecutorial activity - the protection of small and medium-sized businesses, as well as labor rights of workers, in particular, the right to timely and full payment of labor. The social importance of observance of labor rights and the orientation towards the development of small and medium-sized businesses are not subject to challenge and are emphasized by the President of the Russian Federation. The author justifies the need to introduce new approaches in the activity of the prosecutor’s office in these branches of legal relations, proposes a fundamentally new socially-oriented model for the implementation of prosecutorial supervision and the adoption of measures for prosecutorial response.The prevalence and scale of violations committed by controlling bodies in relation to small and medium-sized businesses, and the latter - with respect to their employees should be identified as one of the most important problems of modern Russia, which has an extremely negative impact on the country’s economic development and the social well-being of the population. Taking into account this vector, it is justified to make proposals on changing and improving the current legislation, which can contribute to the timely elimination of the revealed violations of the law, and also effectively carry out the preventive function. Apart from this, what is especially important, the proposed novels take into account the individual characteristics of small and medium-sized businesses, in particular their reputation as employers for a wide range of people in respect of the observance of the rights of employees in the course of their commercial activities for timely and full pay. The recommendations also help to save budget funds and improve the social and economic situation in the country.

About the authors

M V Kolesov

Academy of the General Prosecutor’s Office of the RF



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