Law of Digital Society: Actual Problems and the Way of Development (the Ending)

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The author believes that attempts to oppose the postmodern society to digital society are scientifically inappropriate for several reasons. First, according to the consensus adopted in the relevant literature, post-industrial society is a stage of sociocultural evolution, at a point when sophisticated technologies, including information technologies, begin to play a leading cultural role, determining the direction of the development of human civilization. Secondly, the cultural, social, political, and legal uncertainties of the Postmodern Era are not encouraged and are rather exacerbated during the digitalization of society and law enforcement. In his conclusion, the author discusses the digitalization of law enforcement as the most important trend of the development of the post-Russian society. Thus, according to the author, the right of digital society develops tendencies, which, in general, are inherent in postmodern civilization and act as a natural manifestation.

As demonstrated in the article, the current stage of digital society is the development of legal communication, as characterized by a greater focus, compared with the preceding stages, on the general accuracy of the means of communicating the law, including digital media, as well as their further extraction from objects acting as referred signs. Consequently, digital design of law enforcement generates several problems that have not received an adequate solution.

The most important problems of this kind include anonymization of the subjects of legal interactions — first, states and legal entities and, in part, individuals also — as well as divorcing objects on which these relationships are being addressed. These trends generate a crisis of confidence among communication participants, which is a key problem of post-industrial law enforcement. To overcome such a crisis, the author offers the reconstruction of the rule of law based on human rights and freedoms, which means ensuring the stability and coherence of legal reality.

About the authors

Nicolay V. Razuvaev

North-Western Institute of RANEPA under President Russian Federation

Author for correspondence.

doctor of law, extraordinary professor

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg


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