Paradoxes of economic theory in the perception of justice

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The article considers the economic theory at the main stages of its formation in relation to the phenomenon of justice. A variant of the topic disclosure is implemented through: a) distancing from existing and widespread practices of its knowledge; b) using the experience of these practices as a source and empirical material for diagnosing points of contact and discrepancies between the economic and legal approaches to justice, existing trends and distortions in economic and legal thought; c) extracting the desired understanding of what the “justice economy” is through analyzing and solving the problems of the research process devoted to it.

Following this methodological course, we found that justice in economic theory is in a paradoxical state. And this state is not accidental. It is caused, as it was found out, by a number of circumstances. First of all, the impact of the negative experience of the knowledge of justice and the organization of its work in practice that underlies economic knowledge. Then the influence of stereotypes and biases that arose on its basis. Under the weight of a combination of these factors, science has removed justice from its sphere of competence and scientific and practical development.

At the same time, the study found that the contradictions identified in the economic idea are the property, and their struggle provides its Genesis. The main achievement of science is that it, despite its negative experience, gave this very experience. Its reinterpretation and verification in the modern socio-economic context makes it possible to make sure that justice can and should be considered as an economic enterprise.

About the authors

Sergey A. Bochkarev

The Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Author for correspondence.
SPIN-code: 9962-3002

PhD in Law, Senior Researcher

Russian Federation, Moscow


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