Editorial Policies

Aims and Scope

RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF LEGAL STUDIES is an interdisciplinary and scientific-practical publication for a wide circle of authors and readers, experts from various fields of knowledge and branches of law.

The journal publish both original articles as well as analytical materials (including reviews, overview of law enforcement agencies practical experience, statistical data). The journal is purposed for practitioners and researchers, professors, postgraduates and student of socio-humanitarian faculties of universities.

The mission of the journal is in thematic consolidation of lawyer views from various areas of law, also economists, philosophers, political scientist, sociologists and cultural studies on general and actual problems of Russian and worldwide legal science and practice.

The Journal does not simply collect various scientific articles, but create a common thematic space in which authors could speak from different perspectives on one common theme. At the same time, authors are not obliged to adhere strictly to conceptual unity by consideration of the problems interesting to them. Authors may have different points of view and fundamentally different ways of solving problems.

Within the journal articles are united thematically, but not necessarily matching on the conceptual content and an ideological orientation of work. Invited authors list is not permanent and is created usually in the situational way. Therefore, this group of authors has no leaders that define in advance its content and regulate the degree of conceptual novelty. Nevertheless, it has Scientific editors and Editorial


Peer Review Process

The journal choose content for publication from submitted manuscripts. Selection process is based on peer-review:

  1. All the manuscripts submitted to the journal undergo peer-review.
  2. Editori-in-Chief invite reviewers for each manuscript from among the members of the Editorial Council, Editorial Board or leading experts on a profile of this work, not affiliated with the manuscript’s author.
  3. Standart peer-review lasts no more than 2 weeks from the submission, but can be extended in aproriate reasons.
  4. Editorial board asks reviewers to make reasoned decision within the revie: to «recommend» or to «not recommend» the manuscript for publication.
  5. Each reviewer has the right to refuse the review in case of a clear conflict of interest affecting the perception and interpretation of the manuscript. Following the review of the manuscript, the reviewer gives recommendations on the future of the manuscript (each decision of the reviewer must be justified):
    • to accept the manuscript for publication in the present form;
    • to accept the manuscript for publication after correcting the shortcomings noted by the reviewer;
    • to reject the manuscript;
    • to submit the manuscript to the journal of another profile.
  6. The editorial Board of the journal sends the text of reviews to the author. If there are recommendations for revision of the manuscript, the editorial Board proposes to take them into account when preparing a new version of the manuscript.
  7. In case of disagreement with any recommendations (comments) in the response letter to the reviewers, the authors need to clearly argue the reason for the refusal to make the appropriate corrections (additions).
  8. Revision of the article should not take more than two months from the date of sending an electronic message to the authors about the need to make changes. The manuscript modified by the author will be re-sent for review.
  9. The authors make out the answers to the reviewers in separate files and upload them to the site as additional ones on the "summary" tab at the User page. In the case of absence of such a file, further work with the manuscript is suspended, and the authors are notified accordingly.
  10. In case of refusal of the authors to finalize the materials, they must notify the editorial Board in writing of their refusal to publish the article. If the authors do not return the revised version after three months from the date of sending the review, the editorial Board removes it from the account even in the absence of information from the authors with the refusal to finalize the article. In such situations, the authors will be notified of the withdrawal of the manuscript from registration in connection with the expiration of the period allotted for revision.
  11. The editorial Board conducts no more than three rounds of review for each manuscript. If after double revision of the manuscript the reviewers or the editorial Board still have significant comments, the editorial Board rejects the manuscript and removes it from registration. In this case, the authors are notified accordingly.
  12. If the author and reviewers have any unsolvable contradictions regarding the manuscript, the editorial Board has the right to send the manuscript for additional review.
  13. The decision to refuse to publish the manuscript is made at a meeting of the editorial Board in accordance with the recommendations of the reviewers. The message about refusal in the publication goes to the author by e-mail, in the letter reviews and the bases for refusal in the publication are given. The manuscript, not recommended by the decision of the editorial Board for publication, is not accepted for re-consideration.
  14. The presence of a positive review is not a sufficient basis for the publication of the article. The final decision on the publication is made by the Editor-in-Chief and the Editorial Board. In conflict situations, the decision is made by the Editor-in-Chief.
  15. After the Editorial Board of the journal decides on the admission of the manuscript for publication, the editorial Board informs the author and indicates the date of publication.
  16. Originals of reviews are kept in editorial office not less than 5 years.
  17. Reviews of manuscripts are not published in the public domain and are used only in the internal document circulation of the editorial Board, as well as in communication with the authors.


Publication Frequency

The journal publishes quarterly, four timea per year.


Author Self-Archiving

The journal is compliant with Green Open Access mode (formerly known as Open Self-Archiving) for articles distribution.

Terms and definitions

We use the following terms and definitions:

  • Preprint: An early version of an article prior to the version submitted for publication in a journal. Theses and dissertations are considered to be preprints.
  • SMUR (Submitted Manuscript Under Review): The version of the article that is under formal review for inclusion in the journal.
  • AM (Accepted Manuscript): The version of the article that has been accepted for publication. This version may include revisions resulting from peer review but may be subject to further modification by Pharmarus Print Media (for example, copyediting and typesetting).
  • VoR (Version of Record): The version that is formally published. This not includes any Online First article that is formally identified as being published online before the compilation of a journal issue. The VoR includes any post-publication corrections.
  • Personal webpage: Web pages created by you, about you and your research which are hosted on a non-commercial website (such as your institute’s website). Personal profile pages in commercial sharing sites (such as ResearchGate, Academia.edu and Facebook) are not considered to be personal web pages.
  • Department or institutional repository: Web pages hosted by an academic or research institute or department to provide access to the work to promote and the activities of the institute or department, always operating for a non-commercial purpose.
  • Subject repository: Web pages hosted by an organization to provide access to the work from researchers working in a subject or range of subjects, always operating for a non-commercial purpose.
  • Commercial and non-commercial: Commercial means any activity for direct or indirect financial gain. When considering whether a use is commercial or non-commercial, we look at the nature of the activity rather than the nature of the site or organization performing the activity.


What can be self-archived, where, and when



Personal web page

Department or institutional repository

Non-commercial subject repository

(e.g. PubMed Central)

Commercial repository or social media site

(e.g. ResearchGate, Academia.edu, SSRN)

Preprint, SMUR

At any time

At any time

At any time

At any time


On acceptance

On acceptance

On acceptance

Abstract only plus link to VoR on journal site


Abstract only plus link to VoR on journal site

Abstract only plus link to VoR on journal site

Abstract only plus link to VoR on journal site

Abstract only plus link to VoR on journal site


Plan S compliance

Our Green OA policy is not compatible with Plan S, and our License to Publish agreements with authors may conflict with authors' agreements with their cOAlition S funders. Authors should publish as Gold OA to be compliant with Plan S.

Creative Commons and other end-user licenses

Preprints and SMURs can be made publicly accessible under any license terms the authors choose. We recommend a Creative Commons CC-BY or a more restrictive CC license.

Accepted Manuscripts can be made accessible under a Creative Commons CC-BY-NC-ND license or equivalent, but not a more permissive license. We do not allow AMs to be made accessible under a CC-BY license, for example.

Third-party material

Before posting articles online, authors should ensure they have the appropriate permission to include any third-party content. When posting articles under a Creative Commons license, the permission should allow the third-party material to be included either (i) under the Creative Commons license or (ii) clearly indicated as being protected by third party copyright, with a clear notice that it cannot be reused without further permissions clearance from the identified third-party rights holder.

Closed deposits and embargo periods

Articles can be deposited in repositories before publication provided the content is only accessible to repository administration staff. This is sometimes referred to as ‘closed deposit’.

Metadata about the article (for example the article title, abstract, and journal citation) can be made public as soon as the article is published. The full text must not be made public before the embargo ends.

Any applicable embargo period starts from the date the Version of Record is first published online as part of a journal’s issue.

Posting content in repositories

We require repositories to include:

  • If an article has not yet been published, a clear statement that the material has been accepted for publication in a revised form, with a link to the journal’s site
  • For all published articles, a link to the article’s Version of Record in journal site – for example, via a DOI-based link.
  • A clear statement about the license terms under which the posted version of the article is deposited.

Example statements are:

  • This article has been published in a revised form in ………[http://doi.org/XXX]. This version is free to view and download for private research and study only. Not for re-distribution or re-use. © copyright holder.
  • This article has been published in a revised form in ……….[http://doi.org/XXX]. This version is published under a Creative Commons CC-BY-NC-ND. No commercial re-distribution or re-use allowed. Derivative works cannot be distributed. © copyright holder.

Citing content in repositories

When citing an Accepted Manuscript or an earlier version of an article, we request that readers also cite the Version of Record with a DOI link, for example: Subsequently published in revised form in ………[http://doi.org/XXX].



The journal uses the PKP Preservation Network (PKP PN) to digitally preserve all the published articles. The PKP PN is a part of LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) program offers decentralized and distributed preservation, seamless perpetual access, and preservation of the authentic original version of the content.

Also, the journal makes full-text archives on the Russian Science Electronic Library (http://elibrary.ru/) platform.



The journal is indexed in:

  • Russian Science Citation Index (eLibrary.ru);
  • Google Schoolar
  • Ulrich's Perodicals Directory
  • WorldCat


Publishing Ethics and Standarts

When considering the received author's materials the editorial Board is guided by the following documents:

  • Rules for authors published on the official Journal website;
  • International ethical standards for the work of the editorial boards of research journals developed by COPE;
  • Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly work in Medical Journals as approved by ICMJE – (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors).

Authors of manuscripts that do not meet our requirements receive a template email without detailing the claims.

If the manuscript is received again and again does not meet all the requirements for registration, it will be rejected without consideration.

After deciding on the proper design of the manuscript to all the requirements, the editorial Board decides on compliance or non-compliance of the manuscript to the profile of the journal.

The accepted manuscript will be sent to reviewers. Publication of the article is possible only after receiving positive reviews.

Authors who have decided that their research meets the profile of the journal and agree with the policy of the Editorial Board should prepare a manuscript in accordance with all the "requirements for manuscripts" and submit the manuscript to the editor through the electronic system of submission of articles on the journal's website.

The journal "Russian Journal of Legal Studies" publishes manuscripts that meet international standards of publication ethics in research journals

The manuscript will be retracted from publication if at any stage of consideration or prepress Editorial Board found a violation of the requirements of publication ethics.

If such a violation is found by readers after the publication of the article, it will be rertracted. This will also entail a one-year ban on future publications in our journal for members of the authors team.

Violations of publication ethics include:

  • plagiarism;
  • simultaneous submission of manuscripts to several journals;
  • concealment of conflict of interest;
  • assessment of professional qualities of reviewers;
  • illegal co-authorship.


Plagiarism can take many forms, from presenting someone else's work as an author's work, to copying or rephrasing essential parts of someone else's work (without attribution), or to claiming ownership of someone else's research. Plagiarism in all forms is unethical and unacceptable.

The manuscript authors should submit entirely original work. References to the results of the works of other authors should be accompanied by references to the relevant primary sources (which should be included in the list of references).

Citation of the text, previously published somewhere, should be framed as a DIRECT SPEECH (the text should be enclosed in quotation marks) with the obligatory indication of the source. The inclusion of large fragments of borrowed text in the manuscript is unacceptable.

The contribution of others to the study should always be recognized. Authors should refer to publications that were of great importance in the performance of scientific work covered in the manuscript.

Data obtained informally (e.g. during a conversation, correspondence or discussion with third parties) should not be used or presented without the written permission of the original source.

Information obtained from confidential sources (for example, grant for research) should not be mentioned in the manuscript without the Express written permission of the author of the manuscript, who is directly related to these confidential sources.

Identification of plagiarism is carried out:

  • in the process of the peer review;
  • using the ANTIPLAGIAT software;
  • after the publication of manuscripts-upon the treatment of readers with the relevant statements.

In establishing the fact of plagiarism of the data (results of scientific work) or ideas, the manuscript (article) will be withdrawn and rejected from publication, even if it has already been published. An official notice will be posted on the journal's website.

Simultaneous submission of a manuscript to several journals or submission of already published data under a different title

Identification of the fact of submission of the same manuscript to more than one journal at the same time will be regarded as a violation of publication ethics. The manuscript will be rejected.

Publication of a certain type of articles (for example, translated articles) in some cases is permissible under certain conditions. When submitting a manuscript for secondary publication, the authors should notify the Editorial Board and justify the expediency of such publication in detail. In the case of a secondary publication, the resolution of issues related to copyright for publication is decided on a case-by-case basis. The General rules of the manuscript for the "secondary" publication are:

  • full bibliographic reference to the primary publication;
  • preservation of the original bibliography of the primary work.

More information on acceptable forms of secondary (repeated) publications can be found on the ICMJE page.

Concealing a conflict of interest

All authors are required to disclose (declare in the relevant section of the manuscript) financial or other obvious or potential conflicts of interest that may be perceived as having an impact on the results or conclusions presented in the work.

Examples of potential conflicts of interest to be disclosed:

  • receiving financial reward for participation in research or writing a manuscript;
  • any connection (work under the contract, consulting, availability of joint-stock property, receipt of fees, provision of expert opinions) with organizations that have a direct interest in the subject of research or review;
  • patent application or registration of a patent for the results of research (copyright, etc.);
  • obtaining financial support for any stage of research or manuscript writing (including grants and other financial support).

Information on conflicts of interest received from the authors of the manuscripts will be available only to the Editorial Board when deciding on the publication of the manuscript. Also, information about conflicts of interest is published in the full text of the article.

Assessment of the reviewer's competence

Evaluation of professional qualities of the reviewer is the exclusive prerogative of the Editorial Board.

Attempts by authors to assess the competence of reviewers will lead to rejection of the manuscript.

Unfairly co-authorship

The authors of the publication can be only those persons who have made a significant contribution to the formation of the idea of the work, development, execution and/or interpretation of the results of the study, as well as to the process of writing the manuscript (including conducting scientific and stylistic editing and design in accordance with the requirements of the journal).

Authors should ensure that:

  • all participants who have made a significant contribution to the study are presented as co-Authors;
  • those who did not participate in the study are not listed as co-Authors.

Access and storage of raw data

The editors reserve the right to request the Authors of the original (raw) data of the study, including for reviewers and editors. The authors should be ready to provide this kind of information to the editorial staff (according to ALPSP-STM Statement on Data and Databases (link)), as well as to store this data.

Significant errors in published works

In case of significant errors or inaccuracies in the publication, the author should inform the Editorial Board or the Publisher and interact with the Editorial Board in order to remove the publication or correct errors as soon as possible. If the editorial Board or publisher has received reasonable information from a third party that the publication contains significant errors, the author is obliged to withdraw the work or correct errors as soon as possible or to refute the statement of errors by submitting the necessary evidence to the editor.


Publication Fee

Articles in the journal "Russian Journal of Legal Studies" are published free of charge for all authors.

The editorial Board does not charge the authors for placing articles in open access, reviewing, preparing the journal for publication, as well as the content of the site and electronic depositing of manuscripts.


Editorial team


KERIMOV, Alexander Dzhangirovich
Doctor of Law, ProfessorProfessor of Constitutional Law Department at the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration Faculty of Law;
Professor of Theory and History of State and Law Department at Modern Humanitarian Academy;
Member of dissertation boards for Legal Sciences: Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Tyumen State University;
Member of the Public scientific and methodological Advisory Council at the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation.

Deputy Editors-in-Chief

BOCHKARYOV Sergey Aleksandrovich
PhD of Law, Senior Research Associate of the Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ISL RAS)

TYMOSHENKO Andrey Anatolyevich
PhD of Law, Docent, Professor at the Academy of the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation

International editorial board 
Dov Lynch (Ireland)Research Fellow at the European Institute for Security Studies, ISS-EU, Paris, France directing research on the former Soviet Union
Peter Paul Anatol Lieven (United Kingdom)Professor at Georgetown University School of Foreign Service, Qatar, visiting professor in the War Studies Department of King’s College London, and a senior fellow of the New America Foundation in Washington DC, Orwell prize-wining journalist and policy analyst
Deshun Li 李德顺 (China)Professor of Philosophy, China University of Political Science and Law
Albert Bergesen (USA)Professor and Head, School of Sociology and, by courtesy, Professor of Government and Public Policy, and Professor of Sociology in the McGuire Center for Entrepreneurship, Eller School of Management, at the University of Arizona
Lucius Calfish (Switzerland)Honorary Professor of International Law at the Geneva Graduate Institute
Kechler Hans (Austria)Professor of Philosophy of the Innsbruck University, the President of the International Organization for Progress
Keryan Garik Mishayevich (Armenia)Head of the Department of Political Institutions and Processes of the Yerevan State University
Reshetnikov Sergey Vasilievich (Belarus)Head of the Department of Political Science at the Law Faculty of the Belarusian State University
Sakwa Richard (United Kingdom)Professor, University of Kent at Canterbury
Tuka Lackcone Agnes (Hungary)Docent, Head of the Department of Political Sciences, Faculty of Humanities, University of Pécs
Claus von Beime (Germany)Honorary Professor at the Lomonosov Moscow State University (2010), Professor of the Heidelberg University
Patelis Dimitrios (Greece)Professor of Technical University of Crete
Mohanti Arun Kumar (India)Head of the Center for Russian and Central Asian Studies at the School of International Relations of the Nehru University, Professor
Sanai Mehdi (Iran)Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Russia, Professor of the Faculty of World Studies of the Teheran University, Head of the Department of Russian Studies
Mezzetti Luca (Italy)Professor at the University of Bologna
Dutkevich Peter (Canada)Professor of Carleton University
Moshnyaga Valery (Moldova)Head of the Department of Political Science of the Moldova State University
Adamovsky Janusсh (Poland)Dean of the Faculty of Journalism and Political Science at the University of Warsaw
Vyatr Jezhy (Poland)Professor, Honorary Rector of the European School of Law and Administration
Sulovsky Stanislav (Poland)Director of the Institute of Political Science at the University of Warsaw
Prokorovich Dušan (Serbia)Executive Director, Center for Strategic Alternatives (Belgrade), Doctor of Political Sciences
Cvorovic Zoran (Serbia)Doctor of Law (University in Kragujevac, Serbia), specialist in legal history, Member of the Legal-political Council of the Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija
Firamonte Rum (Thailand)Director of the Master’s Program in Russian Studies of the Higher School of Chulalongkorn University
Schulze Peter (Germany)Head of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation in Russia (1992—2003); Professor of the Institute of Political Science, University of Göttingen
Ilmyarv Magnus (Estonia)Director of the History Institute of Tallinn University
Matsuzato Kimitaka (Japan)Professor of the Law Faculty of the University of Tokyo
Legal Science 
Vinokurov A.Yu.Doctor of Law, Professor, Chief Researcher at the Research Institute of the Academy of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation
Eremeev S.G.Doctor of Economics, Professor, Co-chairman of the Russian Society of Political Scientists, Chairman of the St. Petersburg Department of the Russian Society of Political Scientists, Head of the Department of the Russian Policy of St. Petersburg State University, Dean of the Faculty of Political Science of St. Petersburg State University
Zakhartsev S.I.Doctor of Law, Professor of the Organization of Law Enforcement and Human Rights Activities Department at the Pskov State University
Zotova E.S.PhD of Economics, Leading Researcher of Economic Faculty at the Lomonosov Moscow State University, Deputy editor of «Philosophy of Economy» journal
Kerimov A.D.Doctor of Law, Professor of Constitutional Law Department at the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration Faculty of Law, Member of the Public Scientific and Methodological Advisory Council at the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation
Kovtun N.N.Doctor of Law, Professor of the Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure Department at the National Research University Higher School of Economics, City of Nizhny Novgorod (HSE — Nizhny Novgorod)
Kolesnikov V.V.Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the General Humanities and Social and Economic Sciences Department at the St. Petersburg Law Institute of Academy of the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation, Senior Counsellor of Justice, Honored Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation
Krasinskiy V.V.Doctor of Law, Professor, Expert of the Russian Public Institute of Electoral Law, Member of the Public Scientific and Methodological Advisory Council affiliated to the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation
Kurbanov R.A.Doctor of Law, Professor, Head of the Civil and Labor Law Department at the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation
Lapaeva V.V.Doctor of Law, Counsellor of the Russian Federation Constitutional Court, Chief Researcher of the Theory of State and Law Sector at the Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Member of the Scientific and Methodological Council of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation
Luneev V.V.Doctor of Law, Professor, Chief researcher of the Criminal Law and Criminology Sector at Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Science, Laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation for Science and Technology
Maximov S.V.Doctor of Law, Professor, Head of the Criminal law and Criminology Sector at the Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Science
Marchenko M.N.Doctor of Law, Professor, Head of the Theory of State and Law and Political Science Department at the Lomonosov Moscow State University, Honored Worker of Science of the Russian Federation
Maslovskaya E.V.Doctor of Sociology, Professor, Leading Researcher of the History of Russian Sociology Sector at the Sociological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Head of the Center for Sociology and Legal Studies of the Sociological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Nosov S.I.Doctor of Law, Professor of the Constitutional Law Department at the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
Osipov Yu.M.Doctor of Economics, Professor, Chairman of the Scientific
Council «Center for Social Sciences at Moscow State University», Head Research Laboratory of Economic Philosophy Faculty of Economics of the Moscow State University Lomonosov, President of the Academy Economic Philosophy, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation
Okhotsky E.V.Doctor of Sociology, Professor, Head of the Public Administration and Law Department at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation
Ponyatovskaya T.G.Doctor of Law, Professor of the Criminal Law Department at the Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL)
Rastoropov S.V.Doctor of Law, Professor of the Prosecutorial Supervision over Execution of Laws in the Operational-Search Activities and Prosecution Participation in Criminal Proceedings Department at the Academy of the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation, Senior Counsellor of Justice
Saulyak O.P.Doctor of Law, Professor of the Theory and History of State and Law Department at the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia
Sentsova (Karasyova) M.V.Doctor of Law, Professor, Head of the Financial Law Department of the Law Faculty at the Voronezh State University, Deputy Dean for International Cooperation at the Voronezh State University, Honored Worker of Higher School of the Russian Federation
Tambovtsev V.L.Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Laboratory of Institutional Analysis at the Lomonosov Moscow State University Economics Department
Halipova E.V.Doctor of Law, Doctor of Sociology, Professor, Dean of the Higher School of Cultural Policy and Management in the Humanitarian Sphere (Faculty) at the Lomonosov Moscow State University
Chestnov I.L.Doctor of Law, Head of the Theory and History of State and Law Department at the St. Petersburg Law Institute of Academy of the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation, Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation
Shadrin V.S.Doctor of Law, Professor of Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics Department at the St. Petersburg Law Institute of Academy of the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation, Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation, Senior Counsellor of Justice
Shcherba S.P.Doctor of Law, Professor, Head of the International Cooperation and Comparative Law Department at the Academy of the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation, Member of Advisory Council on Law of the Higher Attestation Commission under the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Honored Worker of Science of the Russian Federation
Ekimov A.I.Doctor of Law, Professor, Head of the Department of Civil Law Disciplines at the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
Political Science 
Vasilenko I.A.Doctor of Political Science, Professor of the Department of Russian Policy of the Lomonosov Moscow State University Faculty of Political Science
Kochetkov A.P.Doctor of Political Science, Professor of the Department of Russian Policy of the Lomonosov Moscow State University Faculty of Political Science
Lebedeva M.M.Doctor of Political Science, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Global Political Processes of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Member of Advisory Council on Political Science of the Higher Attestation Commission under the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the Scientific and Methodological Council for Political Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
Martinenko V.V.Doctor of Political Science, Professor, Chief Researcher of the Institute of Socio-Political Studies of Russian Academy of Science
Mikhaylyonok O.M.Doctor of Political Science, Professor, Head of the Research Department of Social and Political Relations and Head of the Sector for the Studies of Social and Political Development Problems at the Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Popova O.V.Doctor of Political Science, Professor, Head of the Department of Political Institutions and Applied Political Studies of St. Petersburg State University
Soloviev A.I.Doctor of Political Science, Professor of the Department of State Policy of the Lomonosov Moscow State University Faculty of Political Science
Shiriniantz A.A.Doctor of Political Science, PhD, Professor, Honored Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation, Head of the Faculty of Political Science of the Lomonosov Moscow State University
Gutorov V.A.Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Vice-President of Russian Political Science Association (RPSA), Head of the Department of Theory and Philosophy of Policy of St. Petersburg State University
Dmitriev A.V.Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Science, Chief Researcher at the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Science
Kalnoi I.I.Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of the Political Science and International Relations Department at the V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University
Kovalenko V.I.Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Head of the Department of the Russian Policy of the Lomonosov Moscow State University Faculty of Political Science
Lektorsky V.A.Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Science, Head of the Theory of Cognition Sector at the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Science
Toshchenko Z.T.Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Science, Head of the Theory and History of Sociology Department at the Russian State University for the Humanities
Shestopal E.B.Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Honored Worker of Higher School, Head of the Department of Sociology and Psychology of Politics of the Lomonosov Moscow State University Faculty of Political Science
Tsygankov P.A.Doctor of Philosophy, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Professor of the Department of Comparative Political Science of the Faculty of Political Science of the Lomonosov Moscow State University

Editorial council

Golichenkov A.K.Doctor of Law, Honored worker of science of the Russian Federation, Dean of Law Department of the Lomonosov Moscow State University
Dmitriev A.V.Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Science, Chief researcher at the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Science
Lektorsky V.A.Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Science, Head of theory of cognition sector at the Russian Academy of Science
Lisitsyn-Svetlanov A.G.Doctor of Law, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Science, Director of the Institute of State and Law at the Russian Academy of Science
Stepashin S.V.Doctor of Law, Professor, Co-chairman of the Russian Lawyers Association, State Counselor of Justice of the Russian Federation
Toshchenko Z.T.Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Science, Head of the Theory and History of Sociology Department at the Russian State Humanitarian University
Shultz V.L.Doctor of Philosophy, Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Science, Vice-President of the Russian Academy of Science
Shutov A. U.Doctor of Historical Science, Professor, Head of the History and Theory of Politics Department, Dean of the Political Science faculty of the Lomonosov Moscow State University, Chairman of subject commission in political science of the Higher Attestation Committee of Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
Ebzeev B.S.Doctor of Law, Professor, Chairman of the Expert Council at the Higher Attestation Commission of Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Honored Worker of Science of the Russian Federation, Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation
Yakunin V.N.Doctor of Political Science, Professor, Government of Russian Federation award winner in Science and Technology, Head of the Department of State Policy of the Lomonosov Moscow State University Faculty of Political Science

Scientific-practical committee

Avdeyko A.G.Chief of Legal Department at the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation
Kurovskaya L.NPhD of Law, Head of methodical and analytical support for supervision of procedural activities of bodies of preliminary investigation and operational-search activities Department at the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation, Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation
Manoylo A.V.Doctor of Political Science, Professor of the Department of Russian Politics of the Lomonosov Moscow State University Faculty of Political Science
Chumakov A.V.PhD of Law, Director of Organization and Control Department at the Ministry of justice of the Russian Federation
Yudin V.P.Head of the Department for supervision over investigation of especially important cases at the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation, Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation

Executive secretary of the editorial board

Pechegin Denis Andreevich 
PhD of Law, senior researcher of  Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation

Yuzhin Andrey Andreevich 
PhD of Law, leading specialist of Lomonosov Moscow State University


Adverticement and reprint policy

Our advertising policy is consistent with the principles mentioned in the Recommendations on Publication Ethics Policies for Medical Journals which issued by the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME).


  1. The Eco-Vector’s journals generate revenue from advertising, which creates a potential conflict of interest. Editors’ decisions do not depend on the cost of advertising or producing reprints. Advertisers and sponsors have no influence over the editor’s decisions, regardless of the terms of advertising or other agreements.
  2. All advertisements are subject to the approval of the Eco-Vector’s staff, which reserves the right to reject or cancel any advertisement at any time.
  3. The functions of editors and advertising managers in Eco-Vector’s journals are separate.
  4. In Eco-Vector’s journals professional (physician-directed) publications and web sites, the intentional placement of advertising adjacent to articles discussing the company or product that is the subject of the advertisement is prohibited. Advertising content must be distinguished from editorial and other materials so that the difference between them is obvious.
  5. Eco-Vector will not publish “advertorial” content, and sponsored supplements must be clearly indicated as such. If a supplement did not undergo peer review or underwent a peer review-process different from the rest of the journal that should be explicitly stated.
  6. All Eco-Vector’s journals have the right to refuse any advertisement that, in its sole discretion, is incompatible with its mission or inconsistent with the values of members, the publication/web site or the organization as a whole, and to stop accepting any advertisement previously accepted. Advertisements are subject to review by the editors and others at the Eco-Vector’s journals. In no case shall separate agreements with Eco-Vector’s journals or its subsidiaries supersede this policy.
  7. Once an advertisement has been deployed online, it will be withdrawn from the journal site at any time if the Editor(s)-in-Chief or Eco-Vector’s staff request its removal.
  8. Advertising for the following categories is prohibited:
    • Alcohol
    • Tobacco
    • Weapons, firearms, ammunition
    • Fireworks
    • Gambling and lottery
    • Pornography or related themes
    • Political and religious advertisements
    • Advertisements that claim to have a “miracle” cure or method
    • Advertisements that make unsubstantiated health claims for the products advertised
    • Advertisements directed at children
  9. Advertisements may not be deceptive or misleading, and must be verifiable. Advertisements should clearly identify the advertiser and the product or service being offered. Exaggerated or extravagantly worded copy will not be allowed. Advertisements will not be accepted if they appear to be indecent or offensive in either text or artwork, or if they relate to content of a personal, racial, ethnic, sexual orientation, or religious nature.
  10. All advertisements are accepted and published by Eco-Vector on the warranty of the advertisement agency and advertiser that both are authorized to publish the entire contents and subject matter of the advertisement.
  11. In consideration of publication of an advertisement, the advertiser and the advertisement agency, jointly and severally, agree to indemnify and hold harmless Eco-Vector, its officers, agents and employees against expenses (including legal fees) and losses resulting from the publication of the contents of the advertisement, including, without limitation, claims or suits for libel, violation of privacy, copyright infringement, or plagiarism.
  12. Any references to Eco-Vector or its products or services in advertisements, promotional material, or merchandising by the advertiser or agency is subject to Eco-Vector’s written approval for such use.
  13. All advertisements for drug-specific campaigns must comply with the relevant Russian legislation that regulates advertising. Advertisers should make available to Eco-Vector the marketing authorization and summary of product characteristics when submitting their advertisement. In the case of drug advertisements, proprietary names of pharmaceutical products must be accompanied by the chemical, generic, or official name; the quantity of all active substances must be stated along with the recommended dosage. Each page of an advertisement for a prescription-only medicine should be clearly labeled as intended for health professionals.
  14. Advertisements for products not approved by the FDA or the Ministry of Health of Russian Federation that make any kind of health claims must carry the following disclaimer: “These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and/or the Ministry of Health of Russian Federation. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.”
  15. While Eco-Vector’s journals welcomes and encourages information-rich advertising, advertisements, advertising icons and advertiser logos must be clearly distinguishable from editorial content and may require special labeling to distinguish them as such. All advertisements must clearly and prominently identify the advertiser by trademark or signature.
  16. Reprints should be published only in the form in which they were originally published in the journal (including subsequent corrections), so there should be no additions or changes in them.
  17. Publisher is not responsible for incidental or consequential damage for errors in displaying or printing an advertisement.
  18. Advertisements may not imply endorsement by the Eco-Vector’s journals or its publications/web sites except as may be provided for under a separate agreement — in which case advertising must be pre-approved to ensure adherence to the letter and spirit of that separate agreement.
  19. The full rules for any market research or promotion associated with an advertisement must be displayed in the advertisement or available via a prominent link.
  20. The following online advertising formats are prohibited:
    • Pop-ups and floating advertisements.
    • Advertisements that collect personally identifiable information from visitors without their knowledge or permission.
    • Advertisements that extend across or down the page without the visitor having clicked or rolled-over the advertisement.
    • Advertisements that send visitors to another site without the visitor having clicked the advertisement.

Eco-Vector’s journals published advertising policies are not exhaustive and are subject to change at any time without notice.

We partner with third-party advertising companies to serve ads and/or collect certain information when you visit our website. These companies may use cookies or web beacons to collect non-personally identifiable information [not including your name, address, email address or telephone number] during your visit to this website to help show advertisements on other websites also likely to be of interest to you.

For contact with the Advertisement department of the Publisher, please, follow the link https://eco-vector.com/

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