Law of Digital Society: Actual Problems and the Ways of Development

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The article discusses the digitalization of law enforcement as the most important trend of post-Russian social development. The author believes that attempts to oppose the transition of postmodern society to digital society are scientifically insolvent for several reasons. First, according to the current consensus, post-contemporary (or post-industrial) society is a stage of sociocultural evolution, when advanced technologies, including information technology, begin to play a leading role, determining the further direction of the development of human civilization. Second, the cultural, social, political, and legal uncertainties of the Postmodern Era are not only not permitted but to some extent are exacerbated by the digitalization of society and law enforcement. Thus, according to the author, the rights of digital society develop tendencies, which, in general, are inherent and natural manifestations of postmodern civilization.

As shown in the work, the rights of digital society in the current stage of legal communication development are characterized by a generally greater (compared to preceding stages) accuracy of the iconic means, among which include digital media, as well as their further extraction from objects acting as referred signs. As a result, digital design of the law enforcement generates several problems that have not received adequate solutions.

The most important of those solutions include anonymization of the subjects of legal interactions (primarily states and legal entities, but also physical individuals), as well as the divorce from objects to which these relationships are addressed. These trends generate a crisis of confidence for communication participants, which is a key problem of post-hour law enforcement. In order to overcome such a crisis, the author offers the reconstruction of the rule of law based on human rights and freedoms that protect the fundamental identity and ensure the stability and coherence of legal reality.

About the authors

Nicolay V. Razuvaev

North-Western Institute of RANEPA under President Russian Federation

Author for correspondence.

doctor of law, extraordinary professor

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg


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