System and Spatial Organization of the Existence of Administrative Law

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In the scientific article through the analysis of philosophical categories the system organization of existence of administrative law is researched. To understand the systemic organization of the existence of administrative law, the work identifies the main elements of this system and analyzed the functional relationships between them. It is established that the structure of the existence of administrative law has two interdependent centers. It is argued that the norm of administrative law as a collective will can not fail to take into account, not to be guided by the will of the individual. The presence in the systemic organization of the existence of the administrative law of a «plastic» element in the form of administrative procedural (procedural) norms is ascertained. A conclusion is made about the criterion-forming essence of the administrative law environment for delineating administrative law with other legal and social systems. The essence of spatial existence of administrative law is defined. It is set that that the space of legal life, including administrative and legal life, is implemented as life is right, the spiritual beginning having in the fundamental principle which has a certain expansion in time. The internal dialectics of the system of administrative and legal norms that fulfill one social function - the regulation of public life by administrative and legal means having a functional connection between themselves is revealed. It is established that the subjects of legal relations, their behavior, subjective assessment of circumstances, the objective conditions of an action may be different, but the content of the rule of law in all situations forms certain single defining principles. The role of the individual in the space of administrative and legal existence has been studied. A discussion scientific position is proposed, containing a judgment that the most important property of the space of administrative and legal existence is its four-dimensionality.

About the authors

V A Yusupov

The Russian Academy of National Economy and State Service under the President RF


S N Bratanovsky

The Russian Economics University named G.V. Plekhanov



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