Professor A. S. Yaschenko as a Champion of Natural Law and a «World Reformer»

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In the article, on the basis of the analysis of works, attraction of memoirs, periodicals, a wide range of scientific literature, application of various methods of legal knowledge, an attempt is made to reconstruct the creative way of the outstanding jurist A.S. Yaschenko, to determine his place in the history of domestic legal science, to assess the state and prospects for further research of his personality and creativity. The main directions and results of his scientific activity, the core direction of which was the search for social and legal ideal, are revealed. It is noted that this ideal was found by him in the idea of social solidarity, arising from the law of mutual dependence of society and expressed in the requirement of its reasonable organization, including the construction of a system of law based on respect and implementation of this idea. It is emphasized that the principle of public solidarity was put A.S. Yaschenko’s approach to the scientific development of various political and legal problems, especially the problem of natural law, in which he just saw the system of norms arising from the principle of social solidarity and can serve as a criterion for assessing positive legislation. The evidence of his merits in the understanding of the idea of social solidarity, in the development of Russian natural law thought, in the substantiation of the synthetic theory of law and the state, as well as a synthetic approach to the study of legal problems, in the identification of the objective relationship of law and morality, in the development of conceptual and methodological foundations of the Attention is paid to the growth of public interest in the idea of natural law and the need to return to it at a new level of understanding and adaptation to modern realities. As a result of the study, the author makes a reasonable conclusion about the modernity and relevance of A.S. Yaschenko’s scientific heritage for the successful solution of modern problems facing the Russian society and the science of law.

About the authors

A S Kunitsyn

The Branch of the Moscow Institute of Public Administration and Law, Kursk Region



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