Some questions of interaction of theology and jurisprudence in the knowledge of legal phenomena

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The purpose of this work is an attempt to outline some issues of possible interaction of theology and jurisprudence in the knowledge of modern legal phenomena. Interaction with Christian theology enables jurisprudence to fill its theoretical models and practical methods by referring to the Christian vision of man and interpersonal relations. The worldview revolution produced by Christianity consists largely in the assertion of the absolute importance and absolute value of the individual. At the same time, personality (a person as a subject of law, which is the bearer of subjective legal rights and obligations) is one of the key concepts in legal science and legislation. In the works on Christian anthropology special attention is paid to the understanding of human creative activity. The term “spirituality” used by the Russian legislation is closely connected with the theme of creative activity of the person.

At the same time, the “spiritual sphere” is the main focus of theological research. Theological studies of the question of “conscience”, a single moral law, can enrich the modern philosophy of law in solving the problem of the relationship between morality and law. The doctrine of the origin of evil (ponerology) developed in Christian theology may be of some interest in the development of criminological theories explaining the causes and origin of crime. The issues of interaction between theology and jurisprudence discussed in this paper cannot claim to be the final solution. Each of these problems can itself be the subject of independent research.

About the authors

Veniamin V. Lavrov

Saint-Petersburg law institute (branch) of Federal Establishment of Higher Education «University of the Office of the Prosecutor of the Russian Federation»

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-2634-7278

Head of the Department of State and Law Disciplines, PhD in Law, PhD in History, Associate Professor

Russian Federation, Saint-Petersburg


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Copyright (c) 2019 Lavrov V.V.

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