Legitimation in the Context of the Mechanism of Self-Regulation of Law(for Example, the Law of Public Status of a Citizen)

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In the article the phenomenon of legitimization is investigated in the context of the law self-regulation mechanism. According to the author, he is the first and basic level of the social and psychological mechanism of the law, ensuring its effective functioning in the society (reality). The methodological basis of such ref lection is chosen by the type of doctrinal worldview (legal understanding), which interprets it as a regulatory complex with a complex ontological structure: normative and psychological-value. For such a regulatory complex as the right through is the subject of the subject, and the unique subjective reality of the person, its structures, their states.This approach in the analysis of the phenomenon of legitimization law-the process of giving the right of its strength, the establishment of its authority and prestige through recognition, which is the reason for the legitimacy of the law, causes it to life, determines, produces this ontological the property allows, first, the problematize of the subject itself and the interaction of the subjects in the process of the right; secondly, take into account in the analysis that legitimation manifests itself in mass practices of legitimate behavior of the subjects, the motivational sphere of which includes the metaphysical-value bases of the right; third, to analyze the modern interpretations of the legal consciousness in the structures of which the image of the actor is formed, exposing the criticism established in the scientific discourse opinion about the «purity» rational in the structure of the consciousness and its isolation from others. Elements of the psyche, in particular from the unconscious components (on the example of suggestion). The theoretical aspects of the topic of legitimation in the context of the self-regulation mechanism of the law acquire heuristic appeal, due to the access to the material of public law branches and research of social-legal phenomenon status public law in the national legal system.

About the authors

E M Krupenya

Law Institute of Moscow Pedagogical University

Email: krupenyaem@yahoo.com


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