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Issue Section Title File
No 4 (118) (2023) Articles The EU approach towards China in the context of countering hybrid threats
No 4 (118) (2023) Articles Evolution of the “digital sovereignty” concept in the EU: constants and dichotomies
No 4 (118) (2023) Articles Migration policy in Albania: institutional aspects
No 4 (118) (2023) Articles French-speaking jewish community in contemporary Israel: sociological and political profile
No 4 (118) (2023) Articles The french nuclear challenge to the eu green energy governance
No 4 (118) (2023) Articles UE - US: new barriers to trade
No 4 (118) (2023) Articles Comparative analysis of the silver economy capacity in Russia and the EU
No 4 (118) (2023) Articles Living standards and quality of life in the EU: challenges of “new” reality
No 4 (118) (2023) Articles Ecumenism in modern Europe: adaptation to secular society
No 4 (118) (2023) Articles Features of hybrid identity of the second/third generation of european muslims
No 4 (118) (2023) Articles A.A. Gromyko and security policy: setting up for Helsinki
No 4 (118) (2023) Articles The first post-war electoral campaign in the modern statehood of Bosnia and Herzegovina
No 4 (118) (2023) Articles Common fisheries policy in the light of Brexit
No 5 (119) (2023) Articles The turning point: new foreign policy concept of Russia
No 5 (119) (2023) Articles Crisis of values’ convergence in relations between Central Europe and Brussels
No 5 (119) (2023) Articles Turkey - The West: exemplary antagonism?
No 5 (119) (2023) Articles The UK’s role in shaping the anti-russian policy of The West
No 5 (119) (2023) Articles German food security in times of crisis
No 5 (119) (2023) Articles Nicolas Sarkozy and the Eurozone crisis: federalisation of the EU budget and finance sector
No 5 (119) (2023) Articles Denmark: portfolio allocation in the government and parliament in the sphere of foreign policy
No 5 (119) (2023) Articles Alternative economic relations under sanctions
No 5 (119) (2023) Articles International labor migration policy of the European Union
No 5 (119) (2023) Articles Features of social protection by implementing the right to disconnect
No 5 (119) (2023) Articles New religious movements as an object of scientific study in modern Italy
No 5 (119) (2023) Articles Traditional social institutions in Romanian youth policy
No 5 (119) (2023) Articles Kingdom of saudi arabia in the late 1920-s - early 1930-s: lessons from the soviet - british competition
No 5 (119) (2023) Articles Russia and Japan: the beginning of the hard journey
No 5 (119) (2023) Articles Latvia and Estonia: the soviet period of economic development
No 5 (119) (2023) Articles A.A. Gromyko and Security Policy: Strategic Detente Project
No 5 (119) (2023) Articles Model of “soft” and “hard” euroscepticism: Estonian case
No 2 (116) (2023) Articles Italy in the Rome – Paris – Berlin Triangle
No 2 (116) (2023) Articles Arctic science diplomacy of the Nordic Countries
No 2 (116) (2023) Articles Iceland and China: Strategic Partnership in the Arctic and Euro-Atlantic
No 2 (116) (2023) Articles The Central Asian Direction of French Foreign Policy (1992-2022)
No 2 (116) (2023) Articles Modernisation of crisis response at global and regional levels
No 2 (116) (2023) Articles The phenomenon of unfriendly multilateralism inside the “collective” West
No 2 (116) (2023) Articles French Defense Policy: “The Copernican Revolution” or Business as Usual?
No 2 (116) (2023) Articles Federal spending planning in Germany: accuracy of projections
No 2 (116) (2023) Articles The role of inflation in the UK economy in the post-pandemic era
No 2 (116) (2023) Articles Reformatting the Russian monetary system in modern conditions
No 2 (116) (2023) Articles Russia and European Countries: statistical assessment of differences in the level of gender differentiation
No 2 (116) (2023) Articles Meritocracy in focus of scientific controversy: catholic church and italian intellectuals
No 2 (116) (2023) Articles Challenges to freedom of religion or belief in the European multicultural context (the case of religious education)
No 2 (116) (2023) Articles Where is the world heading? The chronicle of grand transformation
No 2 (116) (2023) Articles Well-being of immigrants in Germany: country of origin and income convergence
No 2 (116) (2023) Articles Ethnic factor in electoral behavior in Latvia: spatial effect
No 3 (117) (2023) Articles The impact of the EU enlargement on the speed of decision-making
No 3 (117) (2023) Articles EU travel restrictions for russian citizens: political and legal issues
No 3 (117) (2023) Articles "Strategic sovereignty" and "Strategic autonomy" in the EU’s official discourse: a morphological analysis of ideology
No 3 (117) (2023) Articles Russia in public discourse and public opinion of citizens of the Italian Republic
No 3 (117) (2023) Articles The Kosovo problem: Serbia faces a decisive choice
No 3 (117) (2023) Articles The EU assistance in solving the problem of scientific and technological development of Jordan
No 3 (117) (2023) Articles The support of small and medium enterprises for sustainable development in the EU
No 3 (117) (2023) Articles Spanish economy on the trajectory of the modernisation process
No 3 (117) (2023) Articles Accelerated universities: European and Asian experience
No 3 (117) (2023) Articles State and civil society: peculiarities of the german approach
No 3 (117) (2023) Articles Political mediageography: consumption of feminism in Northern Europe
No 3 (117) (2023) Articles Theology and politics. political attempts to subordinate the Church
No 3 (117) (2023) Articles Migration and islamic fundamentalism in the context of discourse of postmodernism
No 3 (117) (2023) Articles Europeans in Japan: from trade to knowledge
No 3 (117) (2023) Articles Geopolitics’ past and future: negation of the negation
No 3 (117) (2023) Articles Russian view on the political landscape of Latin America
No 3 (117) (2023) Articles Portrayal of Russian Foreign Policy towards Georgia in 2008 and Ukraine in 2014 in the Western and Russian Academia
No 3 (117) (2023) Articles Pages of the Struggle of Soviet Diplomacy for the Membershipof the Ukrainian SSR and the BSSR in the UN
No 1 (115) (2023) Articles Institutu Evropy RAN - 35 let
No 1 (115) (2023) Articles "failing forward": freedom of movement reforms in the European Union during crises
No 1 (115) (2023) Articles Innovations in the EU communication policy
No 1 (115) (2023) Articles Evolution of the arctic strategy of the Federal Republic of Germany
No 1 (115) (2023) Articles The new political crisis in Northern Ireland
No 1 (115) (2023) Articles Evolution of the EU Economic and Monetary Union
No 1 (115) (2023) Articles Monetization of emissions reductions in the EU in the context of carbon border adjustment mechanism
No 1 (115) (2023) Articles Some aspects of food security in the countries of Central and South-Eastern Europe
No 1 (115) (2023) Articles Regulation of preferential territorial regimes in the EU countries
No 1 (115) (2023) Articles Prospects for Greenland's economic autonomy
No 1 (115) (2023) Articles Genesis and evolution of the polish geopolitical concept of Intermarium
No 1 (115) (2023) Articles The prospects for CSTO activities after the end of the peacekeeping operation in Kazakhstan
No 1 (115) (2023) Articles Islamic radicals in Europe: between religion and politics
No 1 (115) (2023) Articles The Russia-ukraine conflict and the state of affairs for the Ukrainian orthodox church
No 1 (115) (2023) Articles The peace of Westphalia and religion in the context of the evolution of public law in Europe
No 1 (115) (2023) Articles The battle on the river Somme and the historical politics in Britain
No 1 (115) (2023) Articles "The world is more than five", or turkish justice
No 1 (115) (2023) Articles Pozdravleniya
No 1 (115) (2023) Articles Reportazh pod pulyami
No 1 (115) (2023) Articles Vitaliy Vladimirovich Zhurkin - moy direktor i drug
No 1 (115) (2023) Articles V.V. Zhurkinu - 95
No 1 (115) (2023) Articles Znakomy uzhe polveka
No 1 (115) (2023) Articles Ot yubileya k yubileyu - primer novym pokoleniyam
No 1 (115) (2023) Articles Nauchnaya shkola akademika Zhurkina
No 6 (120) (2023) Articles Freezing of russia's arctic chairmanship
No 6 (120) (2023) Articles Habit, Arguing and Emotions in Russia-EU Relations pre-2022: Concepts of Social Actions
No 6 (120) (2023) Articles Belarus as an object of Poland's foreign policy
No 6 (120) (2023) Articles Priorities of Poland’s policy towards Ukraine
No 6 (120) (2023) Articles The norway's policy in the context of the Russia's special military operation in Ukraine
No 6 (120) (2023) Articles The Balkan vector of Italy's current foreign policy
No 6 (120) (2023) Articles Depopulation of the Balkans: how the EU periphery is hollowing out
No 6 (120) (2023) Articles Too Little, Too Late: the Catalan Debacle in Light of the Slovenian Attainment of Independence
No 6 (120) (2023) Articles Soft power in Turkey's foreign policy in Europe
No 6 (120) (2023) Articles European Union transregional cooperation with Latin America: perspectives, opportunities, constraints
No 6 (120) (2023) Articles Factors of foreign trade resilience on the example of the North Europe countries. Ability to recover
No 6 (120) (2023) Articles Analysis of the regional integration theory on the example of the EAEU
No 6 (120) (2023) Articles Trade unions in Germany: challenges and solutions
No 6 (120) (2023) Articles Western churches and politics: frontiers of ideologic divergence
No 6 (120) (2023) Articles Islam in Yamal: features of integration in the Arctic zone
No 6 (120) (2023) Articles Finnish-Estonian defence cooperation. Lessons of 1939-1940 for the USSR and their modern interpretation
No 6 (120) (2023) Articles Europe in the crisis world: pressing issues, unobvious solutions
No 6 (120) (2023) Articles China's investment in EU member-states’ seaports
No 1 (122) (2024) Articles K 96-letiyu akademika V.V. ZhURKINA
No 1 (122) (2024) Articles Yuri Borko – a Founder of European Integration Studies in Russia
No 1 (122) (2024) Articles In Search of a New Strategy of the Franco-German Tandem: Domestic Political Factors
No 1 (122) (2024) Articles Strategy on China in the Foreign Policy of Germany: Correlation of Values and Interests
No 1 (122) (2024) Articles NATO Public Diplomacy in the Mediterranean‒Black Sea Region
No 1 (122) (2024) Articles French Centrism after the 2022 Elections: Strategy and Prospects
No 1 (122) (2024) Articles The Permeability of the “Cordon Sanitaire” against Eurosceptics in the European Parliament
No 1 (122) (2024) Articles Brexit, Science and Higher Education: Legal Problems and Regulatory Dilemmas of Disintegration
No 1 (122) (2024) Articles The Position and Political Discourse of Russian Parties in Latvia and Estonia in the New Geopolitical Reality
No 1 (122) (2024) Articles The Eastern Mediterranean Pipeline (EastMed) as an Element of Supply Diversification
No 1 (122) (2024) Articles Africa in British Security Strategy after Brexit: Risks, Instruments, Prospects
No 1 (122) (2024) Articles Trends in the Evolution of the European City
No 1 (122) (2024) Articles Russia and Japan: Shaping Images
No 1 (122) (2024) Articles Russian Orthodoxy in Spain: a Look through History
No 1 (122) (2024) Articles Direct and Digital Democracy in the Ideology and Politics of the Five Star Movement
No 1 (122) (2024) Articles Turkish Gas Hub: Opportunities for Europe and Turkey
No 7 (121) (2023) Articles EU trade with China: the problem of scarcity
No 7 (121) (2023) Articles The model of interaction of the European Union with partner countries: Swiss experience
No 7 (121) (2023) Articles Europe in search of new foreign policy strategies: German, French and British think tanks' approaches
No 7 (121) (2023) Articles Methods of improving the competitiveness of eu space activities
No 7 (121) (2023) Articles Dynamics of the political situation in the V4 countries against the background of the special military operation
No 7 (121) (2023) Articles Emerging and recurrent problems in Hungary and Poland's conflicts with brussels
No 7 (121) (2023) Articles Czech-Taiwan relations: a turn to the east?
No 7 (121) (2023) Articles Freedom of navigation in the Baltic (risks and challenges for the Russian Federation)
No 7 (121) (2023) Articles German-Chinese economic relations in the context of current geopolitical challenges
No 7 (121) (2023) Articles Convergence of the welfare of EU countries in the context of integration: hypothesis testing
No 7 (121) (2023) Articles The role of small and medium enterprises in the development of high-tech production in the european union
No 7 (121) (2023) Articles EU interests in Northern Europe and the Arctic: challenges for Russia
No 7 (121) (2023) Articles UK-Japan strategic partnership in defence and security
No 7 (121) (2023) Articles Social inequality: the modern risc society
No 7 (121) (2023) Articles Approaches to inequality in eu social policy
No 7 (121) (2023) Articles A.A. Gromyko and security policy: contours of Helsinki
No 7 (121) (2023) Articles Italian military presence in the Adriatic-Ionian macroregion
No 2 (123) (2024) Articles Specifics of Bilateral US-EU Relations under J. Biden Administration
No 2 (123) (2024) Articles The EU Public Diplomacy in Latin America: State of Affairs, Challenges and Prospects
No 2 (123) (2024) Articles Results of Maritime Spatial Planning in the EU
No 2 (123) (2024) Articles Features of Intergovernmental Consultations.The case of Germany
No 2 (123) (2024) Articles Impact of the Russian-Ukrainian Crisis on the Approaches of German Parties towards Energy Transition
No 2 (123) (2024) Articles EU Railways: Contribution to Decarbonisation Solution
No 2 (123) (2024) Articles Effectiveness of Regional Insurance Networks and the European Stability Mechanism
No 2 (123) (2024) Articles Digital Markets and Digital Services: A New Stage of the EU Internal Market Regulation
No 2 (123) (2024) Articles Externalisation of Asylum Policy in the UK after Brexit
No 2 (123) (2024) Articles A.A. Gromyko and Security Policy: Сonceptual Tactics of Diplomacy (to the 115th Anniversary of A.A. Gromyko)
No 2 (123) (2024) Articles Memory of Colonial Crimes in Belgium
No 2 (123) (2024) Articles The Shrinking of the Slavic Cultural and Linguistic Space in the Southern Balkans (1st half of XX c.)
No 2 (123) (2024) Articles Significance of Cultural-Historical Approach for Modern Political Consciousness
No 2 (123) (2024) Articles Constructive Approaches to Analysis of Constructed Identity
No 2 (123) (2024) Articles Euroscepticism in the Russian-Speaking Community of Estonia: Modern Trends and Prospects
No 2 (123) (2024) Articles The Union State in the Conditions of Digital Transformation
No 2 (123) (2024) Articles Prospects of Cooperation in the Commonwealth of Independent States
No 2 (123) (2024) Articles The State Theory of Money
No 3 (124) (2024) Articles Countering the Instrumentalization of Migrants as an Element of the External Dimension of EU Immigration Policy
No 3 (124) (2024) Articles Foreign Policy of Emmanuel Macron and Prospects of France as a Great Power
No 3 (124) (2024) Articles Britain’s Policy of Socio-Cultural Influence: the Current State and Recent Developments
No 3 (124) (2024) Articles Belarusian-Lithuanian Relations: How Politics Beats the Economy
No 3 (124) (2024) Articles Positions of the Leading European Parties on the Eve of the European Parliament Elections 2024
No 3 (124) (2024) Articles The Left Party: Crisis of Ideas or Inherited Defect?
No 3 (124) (2024) Articles EU Energy Crisis and the European Energy Market
No 3 (124) (2024) Articles Transatlantic Relations in the Perception of the American Ruling Elite: the Economic Aspect
No 3 (124) (2024) Articles How Beneficial is EU Membership for CEE Countries: an Attempt of Critical Analysis
No 3 (124) (2024) Articles Problems of Distance Learning in EU Countries During the COVID-19 Pandemic
No 3 (124) (2024) Articles Defense and Security Issues in the Arctic in the Context of the Ukrainian Crisis
No 3 (124) (2024) Articles Challenges of Interference and Disinformation in Italy: Countering New Threats to National Security
No 3 (124) (2024) Articles Centrifugal Processes and Divisions as a Megatrend of Crisis Geopolitics
No 3 (124) (2024) Articles A.A. Gromyko and Security Policy: Helsinki compromise (to the 115th anniversary of A.A. Gromyko)
No 3 (124) (2024) Articles Preliminary Results of the Development of the European Direction of China's “Polar Silk Road” Initiative
No 3 (124) (2024) Articles Intellectual Property Rights Protection Mechanisms Harmonization in the EAEU Preferential Trade Agreements

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