Spanish economy on the trajectory of the modernisation process



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The experience of Spain indicates that in the actual conditions of decomposition of global and European economic growth, the promotion of modernisation processes involves reforming and structural rebooting of the economy, highlighting and systemic support for high-tech sectors of the economy. These and other problems of modernization are solved on the basis of the existing scientific and technical potential and international competitive advantages of Spanish business leaders in certain sectors of the world economy. As an example, the article demonstrates that in the changing European environment Madrid has tried to seize the initiative in the critical energy field. In this regard, the Spanish authorities predictably focused on relations with neighboring countries: Portugal and France, the creation of an energy system's interconnectivity, which has become one of the main tasks of the reform. Among other key areas are reindustrialisation, innovatisation programme digitalisation of small and medium-sized enterprises, creating conditions for the growth of technological unicorn startups. With the assistance of scientific methods of systemic, comparative, historical, content and statistical analysis, case study, the article reveals the concept of Spanish modernisation and gives its periodisation, defines the goals, tools, risks and challenges of the current stage of modernisation.

Sobre autores

Petr Yakovlev

Institute of Latin American Studies Russian Academy of Sciences;Institute of Scientific Information for the Social Sciences Russian Academy of Sciences

Moscow, Russia;Moscow, Russia


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