Intellectual Property Rights Protection Mechanisms Harmonization in the EAEU Preferential Trade Agreements

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In this article, the subject of scientific interest is the need to harmonize the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) legal frameworks on the protection of intellectual property rights as the rapid economic development of states cannot be achieved without effective international cooperation. The theoretical significance of this work is comprised by establishing how effective the mechanism for protecting intellectual property rights in the EAEU is at the moment, and the practical significance is in suggesting ways to increase the effectiveness of such protection so that investors have additional guarantees of their rights’ protection. The research methodology is based on the formal dogmatic approach to the interpretation of existing regulatory material with elements of socio-legal research, which consists of evaluating the proposed legal novels at the viewpoint of their practical application, in particular, given the scale of international trade cooperation between the EAEU and the country in question, expressed by the means of the statistical data on foreign trade turnover for 2021. The main results of this study are proposals for drafting the preferential agreements of the EAEU, which is considered as a contribution to the scientific base of research on improving the regulatory frameworks of the EAEU and, from a practical point of view, will help to maximize the potential for cooperation between the EAEU and the states with which preferential agreements are concluded.

About the authors

K. V Onufrienko


Postgraduate Moscow, Russia


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