Italy in the Rome – Paris – Berlin Triangle




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In November 2021 Italy and France signed the Quirinal Treaty for a Strengthened Bilateral Cooperation. The document suggested the emergence of the Rome - Paris - Berlin triangle following the Aachen Treaty concluded in 2019 between France and Germany. The Quirinal Treaty has a high significance for Italy. Firstly, it secures its place among the leaders of the EU. Secondly, the Treaty strengthens Rome's credibility, portraying Italy as a trustworthy country. Thirdly, the agreement lays the basis for regular bilateral interaction. In the absence of hard commitments fulfillment of the Treaty depends on domestic affairs and international agenda of the political leaders. The volatility of Italian politics may affect the integrity of the alliance. There has been a dramatic change of attitude to the Quirinal Treaty under the premiership of G. Meloni, which has a direct impact on its implementation. At the same time the Quirinal Treaty fails to resolve some serious differences between the two countries, including the Libyan case and the migration issue. Moreover, this bilateral agreement threatens to place Rome in a subordinate position. In the current political configuration France is at an advantage in light of concluded treaties with both Italy and Germany.


Elena Maslova

MGIMO University;Institute of Europe Russian Academy of Sciences

Moscow, Russia;Moscow, Russia

Ekaterina Shebalina

MGIMO University

Moscow, Russia


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