Russia and Japan: Shaping Images

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Until 1853, when the decision was made to “open” the country, relations between Russia and Japan, or rather their absence, were determined primarily by Japanese policy, which closed the country to foreigners, making an exception for the Dutch and Chinese. An important role in these relations was also played by the per- ception of each other, formed under conditions of Japanese opposition to the Russian desire to establish trade relations with the neighboring country. In Russia there were several sources of knowledge about it (first of all, from European and Chinese). With few exceptions, information from the Japanese, who came to Russia because of to shipwreck in the 17th century, was of little interest. The vast majority of the Japanese were sailors or fishermen and their knowledge of the country was not extensive. In addition, despite the efforts of Peter the Great to prepare translators from Japanese, their level of knowledge did not always meet the necessary standards. As an exception can be considered the information about Japan received from Daikoku Kodayu during his stay in Russia from 1787 to 1791. However, unlike in Japan, where knowledge about Russia was carefully collected and documented, what Kodayu told about his country did not become a source of systematised study of the neighboring country. Japan received knowledge about Russia from the Chinese, Portuguese and Dutch, as well as from some Japanese. Among them, first of all, it is necessary to note Kodayu, who told in detail to Shogun Ienari and his advisers about Russia. All this information was systematised and classified for many years.

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About the authors

M. G Nosov

Institute of Europe Russian Academy of Sciences

Corresponding Member Moscow, Russia


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