The EU Public Diplomacy in Latin America: State of Affairs, Challenges and Prospects

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The article addresses the public diplomacy of the EU in Latin America in the context of the geopolitical confrontation between Brussels and Moscow, as well as the growing influence of China in the region. The EU's efforts to reduce Russia’s political influence in Latin America through public diplomacy tools increases the need for a comprehensive study of interaction of EU diplomats with the Latin American public. Using social constructivism and normative power theory as a methodological basis, the authors identify the features of the EU public diplomacy in the region and the challenges faced by European officials in their practice. The specifics of public diplomacy of the EU in Latin America are outlined: emphasis on advocacy, cultural diplomacy and academic exchanges as key instruments of interaction with the local community; functioning in conditions of a positive attitude of the majority of the population of the region to the EU; focus on the monologue communication in digital diplomacy. The key challenges for Brussel’s public diplomacy in Latin American include a shortage of financial and human resources, effective media policy of Russia and China differentiation of Latin American countries in the eyes of the EU in terms of democratic development that reduces the ability of Brussels to promote its value-normative agenda. The authors forecast the development of the EU public diplomacy in the region, assuming that it is unlikely to improve in the coming years.

About the authors

G. I Kutyrev

HSE University

Candidate of Sciences (Politics), Associate Professor Moscow, Russia

A. N Marchukov

HSE University

Candidate of Sciences (Politics), Research Fellow Moscow, Russia


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