
Comparative efficacy of a combination of undenatured type II collagen, Boswellic acids, methylsulfonylmethane, vitamins C and D3 and a combination of chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine hydrochloride in the treatment of primary osteoarthritis of the knee joint
Mazurov V.I., Belyaeva I.B., Trofimov E.A., Itskovich I.E., Burulev A.L.
Role of intestinal microbiota in the formation of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
Akhmedov V.A., Gaus O.V.
Immune system in patients with metabolic syndrome
Zabelina V.D., Zemskov V.M., Mkrtumyan A.M., Balabolkin M.I., Antonova O.A.
Severova M.M., Saginova E.A., Gallyamov M.G., Ermakov N.V., Rodina A.V., Fomin V.V., Mukhin N.A.
Association of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome with the signs of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and calculated glomerular filtration rate in metabolic syndrome
Severova M.M., Fomin V.V., Lebedeva M.V., Sorokin Y.D., Saginova E.A., Minakova E.G., Gallyamov M.G., Mukhin N.A.
Epicardial adipose tissue as a marker of visceral obesity and its association with metabolic parameters and remodeling of the left chambers of the heart in young people with abdominal obesity
Blinova N.V., Azimova M.O., Zhernakova Y.V., Zheleznova E.A., Yarovaya E.B., Orlovskiy A.A., Azimova M.R., Dobrovolskaya S.V., Ternovoy S.K., Chazova I.E.
The importance of the bacterial overgrowth syndrome in the development of disorders metabolic functions of the liver in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
Vakhrushev Y.M., Lukashevich A.P.
A new look at dietary fibers in metabolic syndrome
Onuchina E.V.
Involvement of the hepatobiliary system and pancreas in obesity
Akhmedov V.A., Gaus O.V.
Associations of the prevalence of cardiovascular diseases with a high level of depression in the open population of an average urbanized Siberian town
Akimova E.V., Kuznetsov V.A., Kaiumova M.M., Gafarov V.V., Kaiumov R.K., Gakova E.I., Smaznov V.I.
Relationships between serum lipid composition and acetylator status as markers of energy metabolism in women with coronary heart disease, metabolic syndrome, and type 2 diabetes mellitus
Matveeva S.A.
The role of the small intestine in the development of metabolic syndrome
Vakhrushev I.M., Liapina M.V.
Low-dose combination of perindopril arginine with indapamide in correction of metabolic syndrome
Kseneva S.I., Borodulina E.V., Semiglazova T.A., Kulakova N.V., Tarasova I.V., Udut V.V., Kseneva S.I., Borodulina E.V., Semiglazova T.A., Kulakova N.V., Tarasova I.V., Udut V.V.
Cerebrovascular complications in metabolic syndrome: possible approaches to a lower risk
Chazova I.E., Mychka V.В., Mamyrbaeva К.М., Gornostaev V.V., Dvoskina I.M., Sergienko V.B.
Hyperuricemia and kidney damage in patients with cardiovascular disease: A review
Mironova O.I.
Gallbladder polyps: modern approaches to diagnostics and treatment
Onuchina E.V.
Vitamins in diet of patients with metabolic syndrome
Kodentsova V.M., Risnik D.V., Sharafetdinov K.K., Nikityuk D.B.
New aspects of Helicobacter pylori infection: Association with metabolic disturbances
German S.V., Bobrovnitsky I.P.
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease concurrent with metabolic syndrome: Pathophysiological and clinical features
Budnevsky A.V., Ovsyannikov E.S., Labzhania N.B.
Pulmonary rehabilitation as an effective method for optimizing therapeutic and preventive measures in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease concurrent with metabolic syndrome
Budnevsky A.V., Isaeva Y.V., Malysh E.Y., Kozhevnikova S.A.
Efficacy of metformin in abdominal obesity
Mkrtumian A.M., Markova T.N., Kichigin V.A., Podachina S.V., Zhuchkova S.M.
Cerebrovascular diseases and metabolic syndrome
Tanashian M.M., Lagoda O.V., Orlov S.V., Telenkova N.G., Maksiutkina L.N., Petrukhina S.I.
Taurin in combined treatment of metabolic syndrome and diabetes mellitus
Ametov A.S., Kochergina I.I., Doskina E.V., Abaeva B.S., Elizarova E.P., Ametov A.S., Kochergina I.I., Doskina E.V., Abaeva B.S., Elizarova E.P.
Hyperfiltration is an early sign of evolving chronic renal disease in males with metabolic syndrome
Novikova M.S., Shilov E.M., Borisov V.V., Novikova M.S., Shilov E.M., Borisov V.V.
Genetic aspects of type 1 glucagon peptide agonists clinical efficacy: A review
Golovina E.L., Grishkevich I.R., Vaizova O.E., Samoilova I.G., Podchinenova D.V., Matveeva M.V., Kudlay D.A.
Treatment of metabolic syndrome in young patients with vitamin D deficiency
Alekseeva N.S.
The prevalence of components of metabolic syndrome in the patients with diabetes melitus type 2 and mody diabetes in young people of Novosibirsk
Mustafina S.V., Ovsyannikova A.K., Voevoda M.I., Denisova D.V., Sherbakova L.V., Rymar O.D.
Chronic constipation in the practice of a therapist: Features of therapy for comorbidity
Svistunov A.A., Osadchuk M.A., Butorova L.I., Tokmulina G.M.
Population characteristics of metabolic syndrome components in 25—64-year-old males of an average urbanized Siberian town
Akimova E.V., Kayumov R.K., Gakova E.I., Zagorodnykh E.Y., Gafarov V.V., Kuznetsov V.A.
Clinical features of chronic hepatitis B in the presence of metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance
Tkachenko L.I., Maleev V.V.
Prothrombotic state in patients with metabolic syndrome: an association with inflammation
Kaliuzhin V.V., Sibireva O.F., Bespalova I.D., Kaliuzhina E.V., Tkalich L.M., Milovanova T.A., Osikhov I.A., Murashev B.I.
Quality of life in patients with coronary heart disease associated with metabolic syndrome: Results of factor analysis
Kaliuzhin V.V., Tepliakov A.T., Riazantseva N.V., Bespalova I.D., Kamaev D.I., Kaliuzhina E.V.
The role of lipid disbolism in kidney disease in metabolic syndrome associated with obesity
Kryachkova A.A., Savel'eva S.A., Kutyrina I.M., Kryachkova A.A., Savelyeva S.A., Kutyrina I.M.
Affection of target organs in hypertensive patients with and without metabolic syndrome
Sharipova G.K., Saidova M.A., Balakhonova T.V., Mychka V.B., Chazova I.E., Sharipova G.K., Saidova M.A., Balakhonova T.V., Mychka V.B., Chazova I.E.
A comprehensive assessment of metabolic parameters in obese patients on xenical
Ametov A.S., Demidova T.Y., Tselikovskaya A.L.
The risk of developing cardiovascular disease in bipolar disorder. Clinical and social factors
Mosolov S.N., Fedorova E.Y.
Abnormal values of trace elements and blood metals in patients with metabolic syndrome, depending on its components
Podzolkov V.I., Korolyova T.V., Kudryavtseva M.G.
The role of systemic inflammation in the pathogenesis of insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome in patients with chronic hepatitis C
Tkachenko L.I., Maleev V.V.
Enteral failure and metabolic syndrome: Common neurohormonal mechanisms of development, possibilities of their rational therapy
Vakhrushev Y.M., Lyapina M.V.
Clinical features of osteoarthritis in patients with metabolic syndrome
Vasilyeva L.V., Lakhin D.I.
Evaluation of cardiovascular remodeling and epicardial fat thickness in patients with chronic heart failure and metabolic syndrome
Drapkina O.M., Zyatenkova E.V.
Comparative evaluation of the impact of four-week therapy with amlodipine and atenolol on quality of life and blood lipid composition in patients with coronary heart disease associated with metabolic syndrome
Kaliuzhin V.V., Tepliakov A.T., Pushnikova E.I., Bespalova I.D., Kaliuzhina E.V., Kolesnikov R.N.
Pharmacogenetic features of the effect of metformin in patients with coronary heart disease in the presence of metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes mellitus in terms of PPAR-γ2 gene polymorphism
Lavrenko A.V., Shlykova O.A., Kutsenko L.A., Mamontova T.V., Kaĭdashev I.P.
The role of thyroid hypofunction in development of metabolic syndrome
Demidova T.Y., Galieva O.R., Demidova T.Y., Galieva O.R.
Role of polymorphism of angiotensinconverting enzyme gene in development of metabolic syndrome
Roitberg G.E., Tikhonravov A.V., Dorosh Z.V.
The value of mucosal small intestine microbiota in digestion and absorption disorders in metabolic syndrome
Lyapina M.V., Vakhrushev Y.M.
Inhibition of HIF-prolyl 4-hydroxylases as a promising approach to the therapy of cardiometabolic diseases
Aitbaev K.A., Murkamilov I.T., Fomin V.V.
Associations between metabolic syndrome and reduced lung function in young people
Kovalkova N.A., Ragino Y.I., Travnikova N.Y., Denisova D.V., Shcherbakova L.V., Voevoda M.I.
Gut microbiota and obesity: Pathogenetic relationships and ways to normalize the intestinal microflora
Drapkina O.M., Korneeva O.N.
Asthma and metabolic syndrome: Clinical and pathogenetic relationships
Budnevsky A.V., Malysh E.Y., Ovsyannikov E.S., Drobysheva E.S.
Evaluation of endothelial function and estimation of the degree of apoptosis in patients with metabolic syndrome and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
Drapkina O.M., Deeva T.A., Ivashkin V.T.
Hormonal aspects of the development of obesity and metabolic syndrome in ethnic groups (by the population of the Chuvash Republic)
Markova T.N., Kichigin V.A., Madianov I.V., Semakina S.M., Diomidova V.N.
Metabolic correction of dyslipidemia in patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease as a new therapy policy
Stel'makh V.V., Kozlov V.K.
Saginova E.A., Gallyamov M.G., Balatsky A.V., Kolotvin A.V., Severova M.V., Samokhodskaya L.M., Fomin V.V., Krasnova T.N., Mukhin N.A.
Metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance in patients with chronic hepatitis C
Bayzhanova Z.Z., Ignatova T.M., Nekrasova T.P., Baizhanova Z.Z., Ignatova T.M., Nekrasova T.P.
Clinico-immunological disorders in patients with ischemic heart disease and metabolic syndrome: correction with nebivolol
Teplyakov A.T., Bolotskaya L.A., Vdovina T.V., Stepacheva T.A., Kuznetsova A.V., Teplyakov A.T., Bolotskaya L.A., Vdovina T.V., Stepacheva T.A., Kuznetsova A.V.
A lipid profile of blood plasm inpatients with metabolic syndrome and manifest disorder ofcarbohydrate metabolism
Medvedeva I.V., Dorodneva E.F., Pugacheva T.A., Bekhikova L.N., Zhuravleva T.D.
Respiratory diseases and obesity: special phenotype or independent events: Review
Shchepikhin E.I., Shmelev E.I., Zaytseva A.S.
Comorbidity in gout and hyperuricemia: prevalence, causes, prospects of urate lowering therapy
Eliseev M.S., Novikova A.M.
Stress in the family - association with prevalence of cardiovascular diseases in men of the open city population
Akimova E.V., Akimov M.J., Gakova E.I., Kayumova M.M., Gafarov V.V., Kuznetsov V.A.
Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis and biliary sludge in people with metabolic syndrome
Radchenko V.G., Seliverstov P.V., Ledentsova S.S., Manyakov A.V.
Specific features of neurological complications developing in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and metabolic syndrome: Possibility for correction and prevention
Shishkova V.N.
Chronic cerebrovascular diseases, metabolic syndrome, and the hemorrheological and hemostatic systems
Tanashyan M.M., Ionova V.G., Orlov S.V., Omel'chenko N.G., Shabalina A.A., Kostyreva M.V., Tanashyan M.M., Ionova V.G., Orlov S.V., Omelchenko N.G., Shabalina A.A., Kostyreva M.V.
The role of hypersympathycotony in development of arterial hypertensionin patients with metabolic syndrome: potential of pathogenetically sound therapy
Ametov A.S., Demidova T.Y., Smagina L.V.
Pathogenesis of arterial hypertension within the metabolic syndrome
Ryazanov A.S., Arakelyants A.A., Yurenev A.P.
Obesity in metabolic syndrome, as well as kidney dysfunction
Sadulaeva I.A., Vasyuk Y.A., Trofimenko O.S., Yushchuk E.N., Ivanova S.V., Shupenina E.Y., Nesterova E.A.
Correction of small bowel function as a new direction for treating patients with metabolic syndrome
Vakhrushev Y.M., Lyapina M.V.
Motor-evacuatory function of the gastrointestinal tract in metabolic syndrome
Vakhrushev Y.M., Lyapina M.V.
Current approaches to diagnosing and treating nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
Drapkina O.M., Deeva T.A., Volkova N.P., Ivashkin V.T.
The clinical efficacy of a succinate-containing infusion drug during pharmacotherapy for hepatic lesions of varying genesis: results of meta-analysis
Mazina N.K., Mazin P.V., Sukhanov D.S.
Specific dynamic action of food in patients with chronic pancreatitis accompanied with metabolic syndrome
Vakhrushev Y.M., Volkova A.A., Vakhrushev Y.M., Volkova A.A.
Autonomic imbalance in patients with metabolic syndrome: role in the development of hyperfiltration, an early marker of renal lesion
Gornostayeva E.Y., Novikova M.S., Beloborodova A.V., Akarachkova E.S., Shilov E.M., Shvarkov S.B.
Arterial hypertension in adolescents with different physical constitution including those with signs of metabolic syndrome
Rovda Y.I., Kazakova L.M., Rovda T.S., Rovda E.Y.
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: aspects of management of a comorbid patient. A review
Demidova T.Y., Ushanova F.O.
Pathogenetic aspects of the development of cholelithiasis in patients with metabolic syndrome
Uspenskiy Y.P., Fominykh Y.A., Nadzhafova K.N., Vovk A.V., Koshcheev A.V.
Effects of metabolic syndrome on the phenomenon of electrophysiological atrioventricular conduction curve gap in the course of programmed transesophageal pacing
Provotorov V.M., Glukhovskiy M.L., Provotorov V.M., Glukhovsky M.L.
Prevalence of metabolic syndrome in 25—45-year-old Novosibirsk dwellers
Voevoda M.I., Kovalkova N.A., Ragino Y.I., Travnikova N.Y., Denisova D.V.
Blood fatty acids in the development and correction of metabolic syndrome
Novgorodtseva T.P., Denisenko Y.K., Antonyuk M.V., Yubitskaya N.S., Lobanova E.G., Zhukova N.V.
Association of adiponectin gene G276T polymorphism with the development of metabolic syndrome in ethnic Kyrgyz patients
Isakova J.T., Lunegova O.S., Talaibekova E.T., Asambaeva D.A., Kerimkulova A.S., Aldashev A.A.
Melatonin and metabolic syndrome: Is there their association?
Dzherieva I.S., Volkova N.I., Rapoport S.I.
Lozartan potential in hyperuricemia correction
Nedogoda S.V., Nedogoda S.V.
Metabolic syndrome of insulin resistance: basic conception and consequences (a review)
Starkova N.Т., Dvoryashina I.V.
1 - 82 of 82 Items

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