Hormonal aspects of the development of obesity and metabolic syndrome in ethnic groups (by the population of the Chuvash Republic)

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AIM: To study the specific features of the hormonal status in the development of obesity and metabolic syndrome (MS) in different ethnic groups. Materials and methods. The prevalence of obesity and MS was studied in Russian and Chuvash people, the relationship of MS to body mass index (BMI), the levels of insulin, dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS), and testosterone, and insulin resistance (IR) was assessed/RESULTS: The prevalence of obesity and MS depends on ethnicity and gender (these are more common in the Russians than in the Chuvashes, in the women than in the men). Overweight and obesity versus normal weight are characterized by the higher rate of MS, hyperinsulinemia, and low DHEAS concentrations. The obese men have decreased testosterone levels. The lower DHEAS levels are associated with the presence of MS (association factor +0.36) rather than with the development of obesity (association factor +0.07). In the Russians versus the Chuvashes, the development of MS is more frequently associated with the fall of DHEAS levels and less frequently with the development of IR/CONCLUSION: The incidence of MS increases with higher BMI, accompanies by IR and hyperinsulinemia. MS in the Russians is associated with the lower DHEAS concentration.

About the authors

T N Markova

ФГБОУ "Чувашский государственный университет им. И.Н. Ульянова" Минобрнауки России; БУ "Республиканский эндокринологический диспансер" Минздрава Чувашской Республики, Чебоксары

Email: markovatn18@yandex.ru

V A Kichigin

ФГБОУ "Чувашский государственный университет им. И.Н. Ульянова" Минобрнауки России; БУ "Республиканский эндокринологический диспансер" Минздрава Чувашской Республики, Чебоксары

I V Madianov

ФГБОУ "Чувашский государственный университет им. И.Н. Ульянова" Минобрнауки России; БУ "Республиканский эндокринологический диспансер" Минздрава Чувашской Республики, Чебоксары

S M Semakina

ФГБОУ "Чувашский государственный университет им. И.Н. Ульянова" Минобрнауки России; БУ "Республиканский эндокринологический диспансер" Минздрава Чувашской Республики, Чебоксары

V N Diomidova

ФГБОУ "Чувашский государственный университет им. И.Н. Ульянова" Минобрнауки России; БУ "Республиканский эндокринологический диспансер" Минздрава Чувашской Республики, Чебоксары


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