Clinical features of chronic hepatitis B in the presence of metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance

  • Authors: Tkachenko LI1, Maleev VV2
  • Affiliations:
    1. ГБОУ ВПО "Ставропольский государственный медицинский университет" Минздрава России
    2. Центральный НИИ эпидемиологии Роспотребнадзора, Москва
  • Issue: Vol 86, No 8 (2014)
  • Pages: 18-22
  • Section: Editorial
  • URL:
  • ID: 31528

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AIM. To assess the relationship of different components of metabolic syndrome (MS), viral load, and HBeAg status to the risk for cirrhosis of the liver in patients with chronic hepatitis B (CHB). MATERIALS AND METHODS. Fifty-three patients with CHB were examined according to the conventional criteria for patients with chronic hepatitis (the 2012 EASL guidelines). Analysis is made in relation to the degree of liver fibrosis (LF), the presence of MS, abdominal obesity, and insulin resistance (IR). RESULTS. MS was detected in 22.6% of the patients with CHB. The duration of the latter in MS was noted to be longer; the patients with MS were accordingly older than those without MS. The patients of this category were significantly more frequently observed to have type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2), and IR, hepatic steatosis, and >3 METAVIR scores for LF, and elevated activity of hepatic enzymes (alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase). Marked LF was associated with a high viral load, obesity, DM2, patient age, and MS. The patients with MS showed a higher activity of hepatic enzymes than those with abdominal obesity without MS. CONCLUSION. The percentage of CHB patients with MS increases with disease duration and patient age. High viral load, disease duration, MS, obesity, and DM2 are associated with score >3 METAVIR scores for significant LF.

About the authors

L I Tkachenko

ГБОУ ВПО "Ставропольский государственный медицинский университет" Минздрава России

V V Maleev

Центральный НИИ эпидемиологии Роспотребнадзора, Москва



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