Specific features of neurological complications developing in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and metabolic syndrome: Possibility for correction and prevention

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The prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) and preceding metabolic disturbances has reached epidemic proportions. Oxidative stress plays a significant role in the development of micro- and macrovascular complications in patients with DM. The accumulation of free radicals is responsible for the development of systemic and vascular inflammation, endothelial dysfunction, and hypercoagulable and ischemic states. Since vascular and nervous system damages do not level off even under adequate glycemic control, there is a need for complex pathogenetic treatment strategies. Antioxidant therapy using mexidol is one of the compulsory components of combination therapy for complications of DM.

About the authors

V N Shishkova

ГБУЗ "Центр патологии речи нейрореабилитации" ДЗ Москвы, Москва, Россия


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