
Clinical features of coronary artery disease and 5-year survival of patients after myocardial infarction against the background of depressive disorders
Nonka T.G., Lebedeva E.V., Repin A.N.
Biochemical markers of endothelial dysfunction in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease concurrent with hypertensive disease or coronary heart disease
Akhmineeva A.K.
Cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and coronary artery disease: Diagnosis and severity assessment
Beshlieva D.D., Kalashnikov V.Y., Smirnova O.M.
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and comorbidities
Chuchalin A.G.
Albuminuria as a marker of atherosclerosis burden and a possible predictor of adverse events in patients with polyvascular disease
Shakhmatova O.O., Komarov A.L., Krivosheeva E.N., Dobrovolsky A.B., Titaeva E.V., Amelyushkina V.A., Gomyranova N.V., Panchenko E.P.
Efficiency of vaccine prophylaxis concentrated pneumococcal vaccine in patients with chronic obstructive lung disease and chronic heart failure
Ignatova G.L., Antonov V.N.
Psychovegetative relations and clinical course of ischemic heartdisease in females and males
Vein A.M., Syrkin A.L., Ibatov A.D., Syrkina E.A.
Cardiovascular and chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases: pathophysiological processes and treatment tactics
Ambatiello L.G., Chazova I.E.
Endothelial dysfunction in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in combination with coronary heart disease
Karoli N.A., Rebrov A.P.
Type 2 diabetes mellitus and coronary artery disease: features of perfusion volume computed tomography of the heart in a pharmacological test with adenosine triphosphate
Soboleva G.N., Minasyan A.A., Gaman S.A., Rogoza A.N., Molina L.P., Soboleva T.V., Shariya M.A., Ternovoy S.K., Karpov Y.A.
The course of coronary heart disease concurrent with peptic ulcer disease: Clinical and pathogenetic aspects
Simonova Z.G., Martusevich A.K., Tarlovskaia E.I.
Vasilyev A.P., Senatorov Y.N., Streltsova N.N., Malishevsky M.V., Dubova T.V., Zykova E.L.
Comorbidity and polymorbidity of the patient with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and cardiovascular diseases
Grigoryeva N.Y., Maiorova M.V., Korolyova M.E., Samolyuk M.O.
Aortic stiffness in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease concurrent with coronary heart disease
Nevzorova V.A., Shekunova O.I., Brodskaya T.A., Nevzorova V.A., Shekunova O.I., Brodskaya T.A.
Digestive system pathology in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease concurrent with coronary heart disease
Shoykhet Y.N., Klester E.B., Shoikhet Y.N., Klester E.B.
The combined drug ascoril in the treatment of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease concurrent with coronary heart disease
Grigor'eva N.I., Kuznetsov A.N., Koroleva T.V., Koroleva M.E.
Some problems of pathogenesis and clinical symptoms of atherosclerosis (coronary heart disease, hypertension) in the Far North
Tikhonov D.G., Nikolaev V.P., Sedalishchev V.I., Tikhonov D.G., Nikolaev V.P., Sedalischev V.I.
Beta-adrenoblockers use in combination of cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases
Makolkin V.I., Ovcharenko S.I., Litvinova I.V.
The clinical efficiency and safety of iodide-bromine balneotherapy in patients with coronary heart disease concurrent with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Zunnunov Z.R., Zunnunov Z.R.
Impact of summer heat waves on key parameters of oxidative stress in patients with coronary artery disease
Osyaeva M.K., Tikhaze A.K., Konovalova G.G., Heimets G.I., Martynyuk T.V., Lankin V.Z.
Safety and clinical-cost effectiveness of percutaneous coronary interventions with overnight hospitalization
Basinkevich A.B., Matchin Y.G., Ageev F.T.
Cardiogenic shock in patients with acute coronary syndrome (data from Russian Federal Acute Coronary Syndrome Registry)
Sagaydak O.V., Oschepkova E.V., Chazova I.E.
Assessment of the role of matrix metalloproteinase-2 gene polymorphism in the development of chronic heart failure
Teplyakov A.T., Berezikova E.N., Shilov S.N., Grakova E.V., Torim Y.Y., Efremov A.V., Safronov I.D., Pustovetova M.G., Karpov R.S.
Comparative evaluation of the impact of four-week therapy with amlodipine and atenolol on quality of life and blood lipid composition in patients with coronary heart disease associated with metabolic syndrome
Kaliuzhin V.V., Tepliakov A.T., Pushnikova E.I., Bespalova I.D., Kaliuzhina E.V., Kolesnikov R.N.
Effects of anomalous rise of air temperature on population mortality
Chazov E.I., Boytsov S.A., Chazov E.I., Boitsov S.A.
Coronary heart disease in Russia: incidence rate and treatment (according to epidemiological data)
Shal'nova S.A., Deev A.D., Shalnova S.A., Deev A.D.
ACE inhibitors in the treatment of ischemicheart disease and prevention of its complications (review)
Schekotov V.V.
Efficacy and safety of hydrogen sulfide balneotherapy in ischemic heart disease in the arid zone
Zunnunov Z.R.
Mechanism of biotropic effects of regional electromagnetic fields in patients with left ventricular ischemic dysfunction
Bardak A.L., Kalyuzhin V.V., Kamaev D.Y., Borodin A.S., Pobachenko S.V., Kolesnik L.I.
Possibilities of cardioselective beta - blocker bisoprolol therapy in patients having coronary artery disease and bronchial asthma
Grigorieva N.Y., Ilyushina T.P., Yashina E.M.
Stress in the family - association with prevalence of cardiovascular diseases in men of the open city population
Akimova E.V., Akimov M.J., Gakova E.I., Kayumova M.M., Gafarov V.V., Kuznetsov V.A.
Association of ITGB3, P2RY12, and CYP2C19 gene polymorphisms with platelet functional activity in patients with coronary heart disease during dual antiplatelet therapy
Muslimova E.F., Afanasiev S.A., Rebrova T.Y., Sergienko T.N., Repin A.N.
Role of measurement of fractional flow reserve in coronary artery atherosclerosis
Kopylov F.Y., Bykova A.A., Vasilevsky Y.V., Simakov S.S.
Association of cognitive impairments with carbohydrate and lipid metabolic parameters in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus to undergo coronary bypass surgery
Trubnikova O.A., Mamontova A.S., Tarasova I.V., Maleva O.V., Kuz'mina A.A., Barbarash O.L.
Multislice spiral computed tomography of coronary arteries: procedure development stages and clinical application
Likov I.V., Morozov S.P.
Optimal rehabilitation of patients with coronary heart disease in outpatient setting
Korzhenkov N.P., Kuzichkina S.F., Shcherbakova N.A., Kukhaleishvili N.R., Yarlykov I.I., Korzhenkov N.P., Kuzichkina S.F., Scherbakova N.A., Kukhaleishvili N.R., Yarlykov I.I.
Impact of Gly389Arg 1-adrenoceptor polymorphism on the risk of chronic heart failure, the nature of its course, and on the efficiency of its treatment with carvedilol
Teplyakov A.T., Shilov S.N., Berezikova E.N., Torim Y.Y., Efremov A.V., Safronov I.D., Mayanskaya S.D., Popova A.A., Voronina E.N., Karpov R.S., Teplyakov A.T., Shilov S.N., Berezikova E.N., Torim Y.Y., Efremov A.V., Safronov I.D., Mayanskaya S.D., Popova A.A., Voronina E.N., Karpov R.S.
Multislice computed tomography of the coronary arteries: current opportunities and perspectives
Ternovoy S.K., Morozov S.P., Nasnikova I.Y., Sil'chenko N.S., Sinitsyn V.E., Likov V.F., Sal'nikov D.V., Ternovoi S.K., Morozov S.P., Nasnikova I.Y., Silchenko N.S., Sinitsyn V.E., Likov V.F., Salnikov D.V.
Comparative characteristics of stress tests (bicycle exercise and psychoemotional test) in patients with ischemic heart disease
Smakotina S.A., Bernes S.A., Mineeva E.V., Barbarash O.L.
Syndrome ofnon-thyroid pathology in patients with cardiovascular diseases (review)
Ametov A.S., Balashova N.V., Gilyarevsky S.R.
Modern methods of assessment of physiological significance of coronary lesions: A review
Mironova O.I., Isaev G.O., Berdysheva M.V., Shakhnovich R.M., Fomin V.V.
Do the patients with peripheral atherosclerosis need to a medical therapy before the revascularization?
Barbarash O.L., Kashtalap V.V.
The marker of adverse prognosis 1.5-anhydroglucitol in patients with coronary heart disease in the long-term period after planned myocardial revascularization
Ignatova Y.S., Karetnikova V.N., Horlampenko A.A., Gruzdeva O.V., Dyleva Y.A., Barbarash O.L.
Gender features of comorbidity in patients with coronary artery disease
Sumin A.N., Korok E.V., Shcheglova A.V., Barbarash O.L.
Impact of angiotensionogen and angiotensin II receptor type 1 gene polymorphisms on the development and course of chronic heart failure
Tepliakov A.T., Shilov S.N., Berezikova E.N., Efremov A.V., Safronov I.D., Pustovetova M.G., Maianskaia S.D., Torim I.I., Karpov R.S.
Clinicofunctional assessment of electric cardiac unstability in diastolic dysfunction of the left ventricle in patients with coronary heart disease
Tatarchenko I.P., Pozdnyakova N.V., Morozova O.I., Petrushin I.A., Solov'eva K.V., Tatarchenko I.P., Pozdnyakova N.V., Morozova O.I., Petrushin I.A., Solovyeva K.V.
New aspects of using dihydropyridine calcium antagonists during coronary bypass surgery
Vecherskiy Y.Y., Andreev S.L., Murashev B.Y., Vechersky Y.Y., Andreyev S.L., Murashev B.Y.
Long-term results of coronary endovascular revascularisation with eluting sirolimus-stents in patients with coronary heart disease comorbid with type-2 diabetes mellitus: evidence from 18-month prospective study
Teplyakov A.T., Torim Y.Y., Kuznetsova A.V., Rybal'chenko E.V., Krylov A.L., Karpov R.S., Teplyakov A.T., Torim Y.Y., Kuznetsova A.V., Rybalchenko E.V., Krylov A.L., Karpov R.S.
Exercise and nicotinic acid delayed action drug - enduracin: application in outpatient rehabilitation of patients with ischemic heart disease
Oganov R.G., Aronov D.M., Krasnitsky V.В., Perova N.V., Olferyev A.M., Smolensky A.V., Novikova N.K., Vygodin V.A.
Influence of combined use of nitricbaths and 6-month exercise training on physical performance and extrasystole in patients suffering from coronaryheart disease with stable angina pectoris
Klemenkov S.V., Razumov A.N., Yavisya A.M., Voronin S.S., Kubushko I.V.
Vascular remodeling with violations of intracardiac hemodynamics in patients older age category, combined with the clinical-cluster, neurocognitive and biomarker heterogeneity in multifocal atherosclerosis
Khasanov A.K., Bakirov B.A., Davletshi R.A., Novikova L.B., Kudlay D.A.
Psychosocial factors and coronary heart disease
Kubareva M.I., Ibatov A.D.
Clinical effectiveness of pioglitazone in the combination treatment of patients with asthma concurrent with coronary heart disease
Byelan O.V., Borzykh O.A., Mamontova T.V., Kaidashev I.P.
Associations of the prevalence of cardiovascular diseases with a high level of depression in the open population of an average urbanized Siberian town
Akimova E.V., Kuznetsov V.A., Kaiumova M.M., Gafarov V.V., Kaiumov R.K., Gakova E.I., Smaznov V.I.
Value of exercise electrocardiography and other current instrumental studies in the evaluation of percutaneous coronary interventions and in the detection of restenosis
Lupanov V.P., Lupanov V.P.
N-terminal fragment of the brain natriuretic peptide and proinflammatory cytokines in patients with coronary heart diseas
Shalaev S.V., Volkova S.Y., Shalaev S.V., Volkova S.Y.
A clinical courseof coronary heart disease after pacemaker implantation andoptimization of the pacing regime
Iskenderov B.G., Minkin A.A., Vakina T.N.
Practical aspects of "Heart Protection Studies"
Susekov A.V.
New opportunities of antithrombotic therapy in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and stable coronary heart disease for reducing the cardiovascular risk and cardiovascular complications: THEMIS, THEMIS-PCI trials
Kalashnikov V.I., Michurova M.S.
Intravascular ultrasound with virtual histology in assessment of atherosclerotic plaque composition in patients with coronary artery disease and type 2 diabetes mellitus
Zakharov A.S., Michurova M.S., Terekhin S.A., Kalashnikov V.Y., Smirnova O.M., Shestakova M.V., Dedov I.I.
Somatic mutation of the V617F JAK2 gene in patients of the cardiovascular diseases
Olkhovskiy I.A., Gorbenko A.S., Stolyar M.A., Grischenko D.A., Tkachenko O.A., Martsinkevich T.L.
Implantable cardioverter defibrillators in the prevention of sudden cardiac death
Bockeria L.A., Neminushchiy N.M., Mikhaylichenko S.I., Novichkov S.A., Achkasov E.E.
Trends in hospitalizations of patients with acute coronary syndrome and indicators of the atmospheric state in Moscow in 2009-2012
Kozlovskaia I.L., Bulkina O.S., Lopukhova V.V., Kolmakova T.E., Karpov I.A., Starostin I.V., Baratashvili V.L., Rubinshteĭn K.G., Emelina S.V., Borovikov V.P.
Quality of life in patients with coronary heart disease associated with metabolic syndrome: Results of factor analysis
Kaliuzhin V.V., Tepliakov A.T., Riazantseva N.V., Bespalova I.D., Kamaev D.I., Kaliuzhina E.V.
Acardioprotective drug nikorandil in coronary heart disease
Malysheva A.M., Martsevich S.Y., Ginzburg M.L., Malysheva A.M., Martsevich S.Y., Ginzburg M.L.
Blood levels of nitric oxide and affection of coronary vessels in women under 55 years of age with ischemic heart disease
Vardugina N.G., Volkova E.G., Orlova N.S.
Endothelial dysfunction, nitric monooxide, and coronary heart disease
Mazur N.A.
Remote electrocardiogram telemonitoring after endovascular interventions on the coronary arteries
Danilushkin Y.V., Basinkevich A.B., Shamrina N.S., Bubnov D.S., Silvestrova G.A., Ageev F.T., Matchin Y.G.
Contrast-induced acute kidney injury in chronic coronary artery disease patients with diabetes mellitus and obesity
Mironova O.I., Staroverov I.I., Sivakova O.A., Deev A.D., Fomin V.V.
Diabetic macroangiopathy
Verbovoy A.F., Pashentseva A.V., Verbovaya N.I.
Arterial stiffness as a predictor of cardiovascular events in coronary heart disease
Orlova Y.A., Ageev F.T., Orlova Y.A., Ageyev F.T.
Prognostic role of ST2 in patients with chronic heart failure of ischemic etiology and carbohydrate metabolism disorders
Grakova E.V., Kopeva K.V., Teplyakov A.T., Ogurkova O.N., Garganeeva A.A., Garmaeva O.V.
The levels of osteoprotegerin, transforming growth factor-β, and some cytokines in women with coronary heart disease concurrent with severe osteoporosis
Tsarenok S.Y., Gorbunov V.V.
Comparative characteristics of carotid atherosclerosis in patients with hypertension concurrent with chronic coronary heart disease among the indigenous and non-indigenous population of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomic District
Gapon L.I., Sereda T.V., Leont'eva A.V., Gul'tiaeva E.P.
Relationships between serum lipid composition and acetylator status as markers of energy metabolism in women with coronary heart disease, metabolic syndrome, and type 2 diabetes mellitus
Matveeva S.A.
Pharmacogenetic features of the effect of metformin in patients with coronary heart disease in the presence of metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes mellitus in terms of PPAR-γ2 gene polymorphism
Lavrenko A.V., Shlykova O.A., Kutsenko L.A., Mamontova T.V., Kaĭdashev I.P.
The extent of coronary stenosis and the level of antibodies to atherogenic lipoproteins in patients with coronary heart disease
Urazgil'deeva S.A., Titkov A.Y., Vasina L.V., Tsaregorodtseva V.V., Gurevich V.S., Urazgildeeva S.A., Titkov A.Y., Vasina L.V., Tsaregorodtseva V.V., Gurevich V.S.
Clinico-immunological disorders in patients with ischemic heart disease and metabolic syndrome: correction with nebivolol
Teplyakov A.T., Bolotskaya L.A., Vdovina T.V., Stepacheva T.A., Kuznetsova A.V., Teplyakov A.T., Bolotskaya L.A., Vdovina T.V., Stepacheva T.A., Kuznetsova A.V.
Structum in combined treatmentof low back pain syndrome
Mazurov V.I., Belyaeva I.B.
Comparative efficacy of lotensin vs Capoten in patients with chronic cardiac failure
Zodionchenko V.S., Timofeeva N.Y., Li V.V., Suvorova S.S.
Performance of the left ventricular myocardium in patients with a negative test result during exercise stress echocardiography
Alekhin M.N., Radova N.F., Leshchinskaia S.P., Ivanov S.I.
Gastric mucosa condition in patients with coronary artery disease and high risk of gastrointestinal bleeding (register REGATTA-1)
Komarov A.L., Shahmatova O.O., Korobkova V.V., Kurilina E.V., Shuleshova A.G., Panchenko E.P.
Atherosclerosis of peripheral arteries in patients with coronary artery disease and type 2 diabetes mellitus
Genkel V.V., Salashenko A.O., Shamaeva T.N., Sumerkina V.A., Nikushkina K.V., Shaposhnik I.I.
Influence of visceral obesity on the secretion of adipokines with epicardial adipocytes in patients with coronary heart disease
Gruzdeva O.V., Borodkina A.D., Akbasheva O.E., Dileva Y.A., Antonova L.V., Matveeva V.G., Uchasova E.G., Ivanov S.V., Belik E.V., Fanaskova E.V., Karetnikova V.N., Kokov A.N., Barbarash O.L.
A retrospective historical study evaluating the safe use of current antidepressants in cardiology practice
Ivanov S.V., Volel B.A., Syrkina E.A., Ternovaya E.S., Troshina D.V., Grubova M.V., Tolkacheva I.A., Rozhkov A.N., Simonov A.N.
Role of soluble Fas ligand in myocardial remodeling, severity and outcomes of chronic heart failure
Teplyakov A.T., Berezikova E.N., Shilov S.N., Grakova E.V., Torim Y.Y., Efremov A.V., Popova A.A., Pustovetova M.G., Sabirova A.Y., Kopyeva K.V.
The current diagnosis and clinical prognostic value of kidney dysfunction in patients with coronary heart disease
Shafranskaia K.S., Bykova I.S.
Efficacy of transesophageal pacing for correction of newly diagnosed atrial fibrillation of type I in patients with coronary heart disease
Olesin A.I., Smolin Z.Y., Konovalova O.A., Shabrov A.V., Olesin A.I., Smolin Z.Y., Konovalova O.A., Shabrov A.V.
Diagnosis of coronary atherosclerosis using stress echocardiography with bicycle exercise
Duplyakov D.V., Emelyanenko V.M., Svetlakova L.P., Goleva S.V., Sysuenkova E.V.
Outlook from the past to the future
Chazov E.I.
Effects of trimetazidine and perindopril on myocardialfunction and metabolism in postmyocardial infarction patients with cardiac failure
Shabrov A.V., Arkharov I.V., Burbello А.Т., Makhnov A.P.
Clinicomorphological characteristics of acute gastroduodenal erosions and ulcers in unstable course of ischemic heart disease and contribution of microcirculatory,hemostatic and gastric functional disorders to their development
Chernin V.V., Bazhenov D.V., Osadchy V.A.
Detection of left ventricular systolic dysfunction in patients with ischemic heart disease using spatial and frontal QRS-T angles of the electrocardiogram
Sakhnova T.A., Blinova E.V., Dotsenko Y.V., Uskach T.M., Drozdov D.V.
Relationship of visceral obesity and coronary calcinosis in ischemic heart disease
Brel N.K., Gruzdeva O.V., Kokov A.N., Masenko V.L., Dyleva Y.A., Belik E.V., Barbarash O.L.
The relationship between the combined use of various proton pump inhibitors with antiplatelet drugs and the risk of cardiovascular complications
Ostroumova O.D., Kochetkov A.I., Pereverzev A.P., Kravchenko E.V., Kazjulin A.N., Andreev D.N., Pavleeva E.E.
Inhibition of HIF-prolyl 4-hydroxylases as a promising approach to the therapy of cardiometabolic diseases
Aitbaev K.A., Murkamilov I.T., Fomin V.V.
Results of circulatory disease detection during prophylactic medical examination of the adult population: the first two years’ experience
Kalinina A.M., Ipatov P.V., Kushunina D.V., Egorov V.A., Drozdova L.Y., Boytsov S.A.
Discrete plasmapheresis for coronary heart disease
Solov'eva I.N., Mikhaĭlov I.E., Andrianova M.I.
Physical exercise in combined outpatient rehabilitation of coronary patients with biliary dysfunction
Aronov D.M., Gulyaeva S.F., Shikhova E.V., Vedernikov V.A., Aronov D.M., Gulyaeva S.F., Shikhova E.V., Vedernikov V.A.
Familial hypercholesterolemia in Russia: genetic and phenotypic characteristics
Meshkov A.N., Malyshev P.P., Kukharchuk V.V., Meshkov A.N., Malyshev P.P., Kukharchuk V.V.
A course of coronary heart disease and quality of life in patients with varying depressivestates
Ibatov A.D., Syrkin A.L., Vein A.M., Syrkina E.A., Sulimov V.A., Lomakin V.V.
Clinicohemodynamic efficacy of a selective beta-blocker bisoprolol and cytoprotector trimetazidine in the treatment of chronic cardiac failure in patients with ischemic heart disease
Fedorova Т.A., Ilyina Y.V., Sotnikova Т.I., Rybakova M.К., Loschits N.V.
Pirazidol treatment ofdepressions in patients with ischemic heart disease
Ivanov S.V., Syrkin A.L., Drobizhev M.Y., Poltavskaya M.G., Baturin K.A., Burlakov A.V.
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