The course of coronary heart disease concurrent with peptic ulcer disease: Clinical and pathogenetic aspects

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AIM: To make a comprehensive evaluation of the efficiency of eradication therapy in patients with coronary heart disease (CHD) concurrent with peptic ulcer disease (PUD)/MATERIAL AND METHODS: The results of treatment were studied in 112 patients with CHD concurrent with PUD who were randomized into 3 groups: 1) adequate eradication therapy during treatment for CHD; 2) antisecretory therapy; 3) treatment for CHD only. The trend in the clinical symptoms of the diseases and the results of an exercise test were assessed/RESULTS: After eradication therapy, Group 1 patients displayed a reduction in the frequency of angina attacks by 62.6% and weekly nitroglycerin needs by 70.4% and an increase in exercise tolerance by 45.3%. In Group 2 patients on antisecretory therapy, the similar indicators changed by 30.7, 21.2, and 26.5%, respectively. Group 3 patients showed no significant change in the study indicators/CONCLUSION: The findings suggest that eradication therapy has a positive impact on the course of CHD, which manifests itself as an antianginal effect and hence a change in the clinical picture.

About the authors

Zh G Simonova

Кировская государственная медицинская академия Минздрава России

A K Martusevich

Нижегородский НИИ травматологии и ортопедии Минздрава России


E I Tarlovskaia

Кировская государственная медицинская академия Минздрава России


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