Structural-functional properties of the vascular wall in hypertensive patients with coronary heart disease: effects of felodipin and perindopril

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Aim. To study endothelial function and vascular elasticity in hypertensive patients with coronary heart disease (CHD) and approaches to correction of the impairments with felodipin and perindopril.
Material and methods. The trial included 34 hypertensive patients with CHD and 17 controls free of cardiovascular diseases. The above cardiovascular patients were randomized into two groups: 15 patients of group 1 received felodipin, 19 patients of group 2 were given perindopril. If the target blood pressure was not achieved after 4 weeks of treatment, 12.5 mg hydrochlorotiazide was added. 24-h monitoring of blood pressure, reactive hyperemia and nitroglycerin tests were made initially and after 8-week treatment. Also, calculations were made of pulse wave velocity (PWV) on the carotid-femoral and carotid-radial segments (Ve and Vm), of elastic modulus for arteries of the elastic and muscular types (Ee and Em).
Results. Baseline endothelium-dependent and non-endothelium-dependent vasodilations (EDVD and NEDVD) in cardiovascular patients were lower than in the controls while Ve and Ee were higher. Systolic blood pressure (SBP), pulse blood pressure (PBP), stress SBP and EDVD correlated. The treatment led to reduction of mean circadian, diurnal and nocturnal SBP, diastolic blood pressure (DBP), PBP, Ve and Ee, to elevation of EDVD.
Conclusion. EDVD in hypertensive patients with CHD is related with SBP and PBP. Felopidin had both an antihypertensive and vasoprotective effects due to improved endothelial function and better elasticity of the major arteries comparable to effects of perindopril.

About the authors

Natal'ya Alekseevna Musikhina

Филиал ГУ НИИ кардиологии ТНЦ СО РАМН "Тюменский кардиологический центр"

с.н.с., отд. неотложной кардиологии; Филиал ГУ НИИ кардиологии ТНЦ СО РАМН "Тюменский кардиологический центр"

Ol'ga Vasil'evna Yuferova

Филиал ГУ НИИ кардиологии ТНЦ СО РАМН "Тюменский кардиологический центр"

м.н.с., отд. неотложной кардиологии; Филиал ГУ НИИ кардиологии ТНЦ СО РАМН "Тюменский кардиологический центр"

Lyudmila Ivanovna Gapon

Филиал ГУ НИИ кардиологии ТНЦ СО РАМН "Тюменский кардиологический центр"

руководитель отд., отд. артериальной гипертонии; Филиал ГУ НИИ кардиологии ТНЦ СО РАМН "Тюменский кардиологический центр"

Elena Andreevna Makhneva

Филиал ГУ НИИ кардиологии ТНЦ СО РАМН "Тюменский кардиологический центр"

аспирант, отд. артериальной гипертонии; Филиал ГУ НИИ кардиологии ТНЦ СО РАМН "Тюменский кардиологический центр"

Elena Alekseevna Belikova

Филиал ГУ НИИ кардиологии ТНЦ СО РАМН "Тюменский кардиологический центр"

аспирант, отд. артериальной гипертонии; Филиал ГУ НИИ кардиологии ТНЦ СО РАМН "Тюменский кардиологический центр"

Tat'yana Ivanovna Petelina

Филиал ГУ НИИ кардиологии ТНЦ СО РАМН "Тюменский кардиологический центр"

с.н.с., отд. артериальной гипертонии; Филиал ГУ НИИ кардиологии ТНЦ СО РАМН "Тюменский кардиологический центр"

Viktor Viktorovich Todosiychuk

Филиал ГУ НИИ кардиологии ТНЦ СО РАМН "Тюменский кардиологический центр"

зав. отд., отд. функциональной диагностики; Филиал ГУ НИИ кардиологии ТНЦ СО РАМН "Тюменский кардиологический центр"

N A Musikhina

O V Yuferova

L I Gapon

E A Makhneva

E A Belikova

T I Petelina

V V Todosiychuk


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