Evaluation of the efficiency of combined pharmacotherapy with the use of trimetazidine with prolonged release in patients with stable angina in outpatient practice

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Objective. To evaluate the effectiveness of complex pharmacotherapy with the inclusion in the treatment regimen of trimetazidine with a prolonged release in patients with stable angina. Materials and methods. The pilot study included 22 patients aged 45-75 years with combined cardiovascular pathology. In addition to the received therapy, all patients were prescribed the original trimetazidine with a prolonged release at a dose of 80 mg/day (Preductal® OD, Servier, Russia). The observation period was 2 months. The survey included the double implementation of the following methods: the number of strokes per week, the frequency of use of short - acting nitrates per week, blood pressure, heart rate, echocardiography, daily ECG monitoring, assessment of the quality of life (questionnaire SF-36, questionnaire of patients with stable angina SAQ). Results and discussion. When assessing the effect of ongoing pharmacotherapy on clinical and echoCG indicators in patients of the study group, significant positive dynamics was registered in the form of reducing the number of angina attacks and the number of short - acting nitrates used per week, a slight positive dynamics of EF on echoCG, episodes of pain and painless ischemia were eliminated according to the results of Holter monitoring), a significant positive dynamics of quality of life indicators was noted. Conclusion. Combined pharmacotherapy of patients with stable exertional angina with the inclusion of the trimetazidine with a prolonged release at a dose of 80 mg/day (Predductal® OD, Servier, Russia) has a significant positive pharmacodynamic effect in the form of an increase in the antianginal effect, improvement of Holter monitoring indicators and quality of patients life.

About the authors

Yu V Luneva

Kursk State Medical University

Email: mocva@rambler.ru
к.м.н., доц. каф. клинической фармакологии Kursk, Russia

S V Povetkin

Kursk State Medical University

д.м.н., проф., зав. каф. клинической фармакологии Kursk, Russia


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