Автор туралы ақпарат


Шығарылым Бөлім Атауы Файл
№ 4 (2023) Articles Genetic analysis of the 1000 grain weight trait in interlinear hybrids of winter rye (secale cereale l.)
№ 4 (2023) Articles Assessment of the adaptability of spring film oats in terms of yield and grain quality in the conditions of the Kirov region
№ 4 (2023) Articles Improvement of the metod of protein content prediction in wheat kernels
№ 4 (2023) Articles Experimental modeling of the influence of mineral nutrition conditions on the plants of spring double
№ 4 (2023) Articles Biofungicides in the cultivation technology of spring wheat
№ 4 (2023) Articles Modeling the effectiveness of bacillus subtilis strains depending on natural and climatic factors in the soft wheat cultivation
№ 4 (2023) Articles The contribution of factors to the formation of pollution of grain-grass-rowed crops in the north-west of the Russian Federation
№ 4 (2023) Articles Nitrogen regime of soddy-podzolic soil with long-term use of different types and combinations of mineral fertilizers
№ 4 (2023) Articles Dynamics of stand indicators of pine plantations according to the data of long-term observations
№ 4 (2023) Articles Evaluation of allelic frequencies distribution of the BoLA-DRB3 gene polymorphisms within exon 2 using PCR-RFLP
№ 4 (2023) Articles The effect of holstein on the productive longevity of cows’ black-and- white breed in the conditions of the Smolensk region
№ 4 (2023) Articles Informative value of blood l-lactate and integral leukocyte indices for predicting severe course of mycoplasmosis in calves
№ 4 (2023) Articles Prospects of using chemical and physical methods of raw material protection in sugar beet seed-growing
№ 1 (2023) Articles Assessment of combinational ability of inbred lines of winter rye by the topcross method
№ 1 (2023) Articles Panicle formation order influence in rice Oryza sativa L in vitro androgenesis
№ 1 (2023) Articles Genetic stability of lavender (Lavandula angustifolia Mill.) plants obtained during long-term clonal micropropagation
№ 1 (2023) Articles Ecological study of alfalfa varieties of different geographical origin in the south of the Central Russian upland
№ 1 (2023) Articles The influence of meteorological factors on the yield formation of naked oats under conditions of the Kirov region
№ 1 (2023) Articles Dynamics of accumulation of 137CS, botanical composition and productivity of legume-cereal mixtures in the Tula region
№ 1 (2023) Articles Spring wheat yield under application of growth promoting rhizobacterium in soil contaminated with nickel
№ 1 (2023) Articles The optimization of grain crops’ phytosanitary condition with the associative rhizobacteria application
№ 1 (2023) Articles Sequestration of organic carbon in soddy-podzolic sandy soil
№ 1 (2023) Articles Effect of heavy metals on changes in the biochemical profile of pea root exudates
№ 1 (2023) Articles The effectiveness of the complex use of pharmacological agents to preserve the bioresource potential of broiler chickens in conditions of overcompacted planting aggravated by high ambient temperature
№ 1 (2023) Articles Productivity of young animals of a new breed of rabbits being created
№ 2 (2023) Articles Scientific-based regime of irrigation of raspberry with dripping irrigation under the conditions of the Central Non-Black Earth Region
№ 2 (2023) Articles Simulation of degradation of pasture ecosystems of arid zone
№ 2 (2023) Articles Productivity of sugar sorgo in a mix with forage beans in modeling various conditions of mineral nutrition
№ 2 (2023) Articles Corn yield and the content of mobile phosphorus in typical chernozem under different methods of basic tillagewith the use of chemicalization andbiologization means
№ 2 (2023) Articles The effect of pre-sowing electron radiation on the development of barley seedlings and the activity of enzymes and phytohormones
№ 2 (2023) Articles Factors determining the formation of potato yield under conditions of insufficient moisture
№ 2 (2023) Articles Resistance of rice Oryza sativa L.. doubled haploids to lodging for the far eastern breeding
№ 2 (2023) Articles Amino acid content in spring common wheat grain
№ 2 (2023) Articles Fractional composition of protein polymers of corn grain
№ 2 (2023) Articles Content of mineral substances and sugar acid complex of introduced and local breeding varieties of cherries grown in Dagestan
№ 2 (2023) Articles Characterization of Pyrenophora tritici-repentis, Parastagonospora nodorum and Parastagonospora pseudonodorum populations based on the presence of effector genes in the Tambov Oblast territory
№ 2 (2023) Articles On the impact of modern climate change on the increase of grain yields in Russia
№ 2 (2023) Articles Efficiency of organic carbon sequestration in typical slightly eroded chernozem
№ 2 (2023) Articles Fractional composition of nickel compounds in soil and its accumulation in plants in application of growth promoting rhizosphere bacteriaon heavy metal-contaminated soil
№ 3 (2023) Articles Creation of young researchers new generation in scientific institutions
№ 3 (2023) Articles Characteristics of morphologicaland economically valuable features of wild and cultivated soybean forms and varieties of the soybean Research Institute and their identification by microsatellite analysis
№ 3 (2023) Articles Source material for creating spring barley varieties in the forest-steppe zone of the Middle Volga Region
№ 3 (2023) Articles Variety features and methods of increasing the productivity of white mustard
№ 3 (2023) Articles Investigation of the complex of phenolic compounds in fruits of the domestic plum (Prunus domestica L.) in conditions of Tambov Region
№ 3 (2023) Articles Diversity and pathogenicity of the Fusarium fungi occurred in soybean mycobiota
№ 3 (2023) Articles Study of molecular mechanisms of herbicide binding t o target proteins of weeds by in silico methods
№ 3 (2023) Articles Domestic three-component herbicide Arizona for the protection of corn crops in the central zone of the Krasnodar Territory
№ 3 (2023) Articles Consumption of NPK by domestic and foreign sugar beet hybrids with different main fertilizer backgrounds in the Central Black-Earth Region
№ 3 (2023) Articles The effectiveness of applying various doses of nitrogen fertilizer on spring triticale in the conditions of the Moscow region
№ 3 (2023) Articles Association of coenzyme Q9 (COQ9) gene polymorphism with traits of reproductive qualities of holstein cows
№ 3 (2023) Articles Genetic parameters of milk productivity of camels of the kazakh population
№ 3 (2023) Articles Control of sowing seeds of row crops with electrified seeders
№ 5 (2023) Articles Different in cytoskeleton reorganization in tobacco root cells in the original samsun variety and a transgenic line with FeSOD1 overexpression under salinity
№ 5 (2023) Articles Changes in organization of action of photosystem II in oat leaves under osmotic stress
№ 6 (2023) Articles Physiological and biochemical features of drought resistance of potato plants
№ 5 (2023) Articles Evaluation of breeding forms and varieties of hybrid clover of different geographical origin in the conditions of the Central Black Earth Region
№ 6 (2023) Articles Selection of alfalfa variegated on creation of intensive varieties with high fodder productivity: results and prospects
№ 6 (2023) Articles Reaction of barley varieties on the content of polyphenols on stress soil backgrounds
№ 5 (2023) Articles Elemental composition of white lupine grain
№ 6 (2023) Articles Ecological plasticity, yield and grain quality of various soybean varieties under the conditions of Kursk Region
№ 5 (2023) Articles On the issue of adaptive landscape development of useless lands based on the results of barley yield forecasting
№ 6 (2023) Articles Photosynthetic activity - as a factor in the formation of yield and quality of the new grain fodder oat variety Irtysh 33
№ 5 (2023) Articles Optimization of technological operations in the cultivation of field crops in arid conditions of the Volga Region
№ 6 (2023) Articles Amino acid composition of proteins of hulled and naked oats
№ 5 (2023) Articles Efficiency of application of nitrogen fertilizers and biological products on spring wheat
№ 6 (2023) Articles Sensitivity of the causative agent of net blotch of barley (Pyrenophora teres Drechsler) to fungicides
№ 5 (2023) Articles Influence of various fractions of ultrafine humato-saproel suspension on the growth, development and quality of basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) products in comparison with chemical fertilizers
№ 6 (2023) Articles Change of sugar beet technological quality and productivity as a result of vegetating plants treatment with fungicides
№ 5 (2023) Articles Simulation of the modes of appearance of "salt frame" during drip irrigation
№ 6 (2023) Articles Methodology of operational monitoring of crop status based on the internet of things technologies
№ 5 (2023) Articles Influence of perennial grasses usage duration on fertility of irtysk oma meadow-black earth soil
№ 6 (2023) Articles Spring wheat harvest under complex agrotechnological influence in conditions of various humidification of the south of Western Siberia
№ 5 (2023) Articles Association of economicly useful features of herd horses (Equus caballus) of the transbaikal breed
№ 6 (2023) Articles Carrying out an index assessment of the live weight of cattle of the kazakh white-headed and hereford breed
№ 5 (2023) Articles Changes in kinetic parameters and cytological characteristics of rooster spermatozoa under the influence of technological factors
№ 6 (2023) Articles Growth rate dependence on micronutrient provision in replacement heifers during the intrauterine period
№ 5 (2023) Articles The relationship between the indicators of natural antibodies, total immunoglobulins and immunocompetent blood cells of sheep in the process of post-vaccination immune response
№ 6 (2023) Articles Correlation analysis of the PRM1, STK35 and IFT27 level of expression genes with the quality of native and deposited seed of holsting bulls
№ 6 (2023) Articles Improving the process of dosing ultrafine particles with vibration- electromechanical mixing
№ 1 (2024) On the 300th anniversary of the Russian Academy of Sciences The role of russian scientific schools in the formation and development of mechanization and electrification for agriculture in Russia (1920–2023 years)
№ 1 (2024) Agriculture and land reclamation Changes of soil fertility and yield of crops when applying fertilizers in a grain-arable crop rotation of the central black-earth region for a short and long time
№ 1 (2024) Agriculture and land reclamation Evaluation of the effectiveness of the use of humic fertilizers in the cultivation of spring barley in the soil and climatic conditions of the central chernozem region
№ 1 (2024) Crop production, plant protection and biotechnology Sources of winter rye resistance to fungal diseases for phytoimmunity breeding
№ 1 (2024) Crop production, plant protection and biotechnology Powdery midlew is a dangerous disease of spring triticale in the far east
№ 1 (2024) Crop production, plant protection and biotechnology Fodder and seed productivity of the bonfire awnless of the selection of Omsk agrarian scientific center
№ 1 (2024) Agro-soil science and agroecology Features of enzymatic activity of soils in agricultural landscapes of the Vladimir high plains
№ 1 (2024) Agro-soil science and agroecology Influence of grazing intensity on organic carbon deposition in pasture soil
№ 1 (2024) Animal science and veterinary medicine Study of ASIP and MC1R gene polymorphism horses of the kabardian breed
№ 1 (2024) Animal science and veterinary medicine Study of the effect of a combination of biocoordination compounds and a water-based probiotic on the performance of broiler chickens
№ 1 (2024) Mechanization, electrification, automation and digitalization Conceptual model of digital nitrogen management in agricultural crops
№ 1 (2024) Mechanization, electrification, automation and digitalization Ai solutions for digital diagnostics of diseases of grain crops (using the example of Pyrenophora teres of winter barley)
№ 2 (2024) Articles Current research by scientists of the department for agricultural sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences
№ 2 (2024) Agriculture and land reclamation Efficiency of foliar additional fertilizing of corn at different periods of application
№ 2 (2024) Crop production, plant protection and biotechnology Assessment of the combinational ability of inbred winter rye lines in plant height
№ 2 (2024) Crop production, plant protection and biotechnology Distribution of productivity elements in different morphotypes of pea plants
№ 2 (2024) Crop production, plant protection and biotechnology Formation of biochemical parameters of oat grain depending on the genotype and weather conditions
№ 2 (2024) Crop production, plant protection and biotechnology Nutritive value of indian dwarf wheat ears as feed
№ 2 (2024) Crop production, plant protection and biotechnology Secondary metabolites of soybean seeds variety locus and their spatial arrangement, represented by laser microscopy
№ 2 (2024) Crop production, plant protection and biotechnology Genetic diversity of promising accessions of spring soft wheat of russian and kazakh breeding for resistance to leaf and yellow rust
№ 2 (2024) Agro-soil science and agroecology Photosynthetic activity of crops and sequestration of atmospheric carbon by meadow clover and spring wheat in crop rotation
№ 2 (2024) Animal science and veterinary medicine Assessment of the genetic similarity between the novoaltayskaya horse breed and the original breeds by microsatellite DNA loci
№ 2 (2024) Animal science and veterinary medicine Mycotoxins in vegetating corn plants from experimental mono-sowing
№ 2 (2024) Mechanization, electrification, automation and digitalization Development of a new technological scheme of the carousel milking platform based on the principles of magnetic levitation
№ 2 (2024) Storage and processing Influence of parameters of the carbohydrate-amylase complex and protein content in grain on the baking quality of Winter Rye
№ 3 (2024) Articles Achievements of scientific organizations in the field of agriculture in 2023
№ 3 (2024) Agriculture and land reclamation Assessment of the natural resource potential of the agricultural territory of the Omsk region
№ 3 (2024) Agriculture and land reclamation The influence of precursors and technology elements on the efficiency of winter wheat cultivation in the arid conditions of the Volga region
№ 3 (2024) Agriculture and land reclamation Water consumption and drip irrigation regimes of seedlings of fruit and berry crops in the central Non-Chernozem region
№ 3 (2024) Crop production, plant protection and biotechnology Breeding assessment of winter rye population GC-494/15vv with high viscosity of water extract of grain meal
№ 3 (2024) Crop production, plant protection and biotechnology Comparative analysis of biochemical composition of fruits of local selection and introduced cherry varieties grown in conditions of foothill Dagestan
№ 3 (2024) Crop production, plant protection and biotechnology Resistance of sugar beet genotypes to salt stress
№ 3 (2024) Crop production, plant protection and biotechnology Photosynthesis parameters and productivity of crambe abyssinica when using growth regulators
№ 3 (2024) Crop production, plant protection and biotechnology The influence of herbicide systems and methods of basic tillage on grain productivity of peas in the conditions of the steppe zone of Kabardino-Balkaria
№ 3 (2024) Crop production, plant protection and biotechnology Species composition of septoria blotch of cereal crops and identification of effector genes in populations of Parastagonospora spp. on the territory of Krasnodar and Leningrad regions of the Russian Federation
№ 3 (2024) Crop production, plant protection and biotechnology Заражение сои в условиях in vivo грибами Diaporthe eres
№ 3 (2024) Agro-soil science and agroecology Fractional composition of copper compounds in metal–contaminated soil and its accumulation in plants in application of growth promoting rhizosphere bacteria
№ 3 (2024) Storage and processing The influence of moisture content on extrusion modes and physicochemical parameters of extrudates with the addition of chokeberry pomace hydrolysate

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