Source material for creating spring barley varieties in the forest-steppe zone of the Middle Volga Region

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The research aimed to comprehensively assess the spring barley collection material to create new high-yielding varieties resistant to environmental stress factors. The experiments were carried out in 2019-2021 in the Samara region. The soil of the experimental plot was a typical low-humus chernozem, medium- thick, light clayey, slightly acidic. The forecrop was spring wheat. The objects of research were 117 varieties of spring barley from the world collection of N. I. Vavilov All- Russian Institute of Plant Genetic Resources of various ecological and geographical origin. The zoned variety Povolzhsky 65 was chosen as a standard. The meteorological conditions during the years of the research were unstable during the growing season, which made it possible to objectively evaluate the variety samples according to the studied characteristics. As a result of the study of collection varieties of spring barley, sources of high grain productivity (+ 19.3-38.7 % to the standard) and short stature (14.0-27.0 cm below the standard) were identi ed - Kalkul (Germany), Badyoriy (Ukraine), Format (Rostov region), Yula (Rostov region), Leon (Rostov region), Tipple (England), Krasnoyaruzhsky 6 (Belgorod region), Exploer (France), Veles (Belgorod region), Chill (Germany), Fedos (Rostov region). In terms of large grains, the best were Nudum 95 (Chelyabinsk region), Stalker (Ukraine), Ratnik (Rostov region), Hago (Belarus), Miar (Orenburg region), which exceeded the standard by 16.8-21.1 %. Zeus varieties (Belgorod region), Ilek 36 (Kazakhstan), Donetskiy 12 (Ukraine), Evegrin (Denmark), Veles (Belgorod region), Prairie (Ukraine), Fedos (Rostov region), which exceeded the standard by 25.0-40.0 %, were distinguished by productive tillering. In terms of precocity, the varieties Gandvig (Arkhangelsk region), Belogorsky (Leningrad region), Bagan (Novosibirsk region), Krinichny (Belarus), Medicum 11 (Kazakhstan), Vadim (Krasnodar region), Veles (Belgorod region), ripened earlier than the standard for 2-5 days. The distinguished samples of spring barley can be used as genetic sources for crossings and creating valuable breeding material.

About the authors

L. A Kosykh

Samara Federal Research Scientific Center RAS

3a, Studencheskiy pereulok, Samara, 443001


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