Change of sugar beet technological quality and productivity as a result of vegetating plants treatment with fungicides




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Studies were carried out for the purpose of determining of an effective consumption rate and application sequence of Abacus Ultra (suspension emulsion), and Pictor Active (concentrate of suspension) fungicides for sugar beet vegetating plants as well as revealing of changes in morphological and technological indexes and the crop productivity as a result of these chemicals’ combination influence. The work was conducted in a grain--arable crop rotation of Voronezh region in 2020-2021. RMS 127, a domestic sugar beet hybrid, was an object of the investigations. The experiment scheme supposed studying of the following variants including control and four schemes of plant protection from leaf diseases with the help of BASF Limited Liability Company fungicides: I) first treatment with the chemical of Abacus Ultra using the consumption rate of 1.25 l/ha and, in 20 days, second treatment with Pictor Active using the consumption rate of 0.6 l/ha; II) first treatment with Abakus Ultra (1.25 l/ha) and second treatment with Pictor Active (0.8 l/ha); III) first treatment with Pictor Active (0.6 l/ha) and second treatment with Abakus Ultra (1.25 l/ha); and IV) first treatment with Pictor Active (0.8 l/ha) and second treatment with Abakus Ultra (1.25 l/ha). Effectiveness of the sugar beet protection scheme II was ascertained. This agrotechnical method has a positive effect on physiological processes in a plant, and effectively depresses growth of fungi - powdery mildew disease agents that promotes increase of photosynthesis productivity coefficient by 41.2 %, obtaining of 8.3 t/ha yield addition, and 3.2-time reduction of beet roots with pathologies in number. Also, it increases predicted sugar output by 0.84 %, improving its extraction ability during processing at the same time, and refined sugar yield per a hectare of the crop by 24.1 %.


L. Putilina

Mazlumov All- Russian Research Institute of Sugar Beet and Sugar

396030, Voronezhskaya obl., Ramonskii r-n, pos. VNIISS, 86

N. Lazutina

Mazlumov All- Russian Research Institute of Sugar Beet and Sugar

396030, Voronezhskaya obl., Ramonskii r-n, pos. VNIISS, 86


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